
Chapter 209 - After The Battle

"You young bloods are all far too hot headed. Only a few months ago, we could not have dreamed of standing in the Imperial Capital, while the Imperials fled the city. And yet here you are, complaining that you could not shed your own blood in capturing this city.

You should be celebrating the fact that so many lives were spared, not acting like toddlers who couldn't join in on playtime." Vaya stepped out of the shadows on one side of the room, his silver hair ornaments clinking together, his heavy brows were drawn close together in anger, and his thin lips were held tightly together, in a clear sign of disapproval.

The other Masters grumbled a little under their breaths, but Vaya was the most senior of all of them.

"Enough of this bickering and complaining! Come now! Let us celebrate! We have conquered this greatest city on the Isle, and I have been reunited with my son!" Anteris yelled after he entered the command center, multiple flasks of liquor in his arms, allowing them to fall onto the table, knocking the tiny figurines that dotted the map of Aznur on the table over.

Tam raised an eyebrow at the Admiral's antics, but then a smile crossed his face, as he stared into the empty space next to him, his head tilted to one side as if listening carefully to someone speaking to him.

"Hahahaa, alright Vaya! I'll make the most of this, this is turning out to be more of a vacation than an invasion!" Bhal swept up a flask of liquor and took an enormous gulp from it, after which he began coughing violently, thanks to the harsh nature of Anteris preferred drinks.

Anteris started to laugh, slamming Bhal on the back with enough force to send the chief of the Bear Tribe stumbling forward. The other chiefs watched in surprise, it wasn't often that Bhal was knocked around by anyone, and they waited for his inevitable outburst.

Instead, once Bhal regained his footing, he roared with laughter, giving Anteris a slap to the back that left him choking on a mouthful of his Dragon's Breath, tears coming to his eyes.

By the time the Tam's commanders as well as the commanders of the recently arrived forces from the second fleet arrived, the entire auction hall was filled with raucous laughter, yelling and good natured arguing. 

Tam and Vaya stood at one end of the room, staring at a map that Tam was pointing to locations on as he explained his plans for the rest of the invasion to Vaya, who nodded as he stroked his chin.

Teves stood a little behind Vaya's shoulder, obviously eager to join their discussion, but still too nervous to say anything. As the youngest of the chiefs, he had a lot to prove.

Bhal and Anteris had started a drinking contest, the pair of them trading battle stories and trying to outdo each other constantly, each of them telling a more and more outlandish story as time went on.

Ajyha had lit her pipe up, sending clouds of smoke wafting through the air, as usual, a sinister smile on her face as she looked over the commanders as they filtered into the room, giving those that made eye contact with her a lazy wink.

Outside the command center, similar scenes were popping up all over Aznur, some of the Tribes People in Tam's initial army celebrating a reunion with their older tribesmen as the second fleet arrived.

Boson, Serena, Shale and Slate were celebrating within the Inner City, wandering through the streets with their respective units in tow, taking in the sights of the Inner City and marvelling at the Imperial Palace.

Tam had decided to leave the officials that were hiding out in the Palace and throughout the Inner City alone for the time being, they posed no threat at all and leaving them alone would men fewer rebellious citizens.

But celebration and joy wasn't the only thing that was on the minds of the victorious Ursten forces, many mourned dead comrades, most soldiers celebrating their memory of their fallen comrades with stories that left them laughing even as tears filled their eyes.

On the docks, while some of the Tribes People joyfully reunited with their sons and daughters, others waited, the cold reality sinking in as their own children failed to arrive. 

As was the case across battlefields, no matter the time, place or people, there was always a price for victory, and it was, more often than not, paid in the blood of the young and hopeful, who still believed in ideals like glory and honor.

In one corner of the Outer City, far from the celebration and ruckus that filled Aznur, a large mansion stood. It had probably belonged to a wealthy merchant, who had fled as soon as the fleet had been sighted.

The outside was crafted beautifully, of fine timber and hand shaped stones, that were fitted together seamlessly.

Inside, just as one entered the front door, was an enormous dining hall, with a grand table that would seat almost a hundred people. The table had been set for a banquet, but before those who the banquet had been set for even had a chance to taste the food, the warning had sounded through the city.

Now, another set of individuals enjoyed the banquet, all of them wearing masks and helmets that they had raised just enough to eat and drink from the vast spread on the table.

They all conversed quietly, a somber mood, since they were a small unit, and the absences were that much more obvious. 

The Nighthawks were dotted around the grand table, Docara, Pony and Kothar, all three of whom had become recognized as the leaders of the Nighthawks, seated at the head of the table.

"So, Rufus. Why don't you tell us about that glowing sword of yours, that was quite the sight. You were chopping down Imperials like a man taking a scythe to his harvest." Pony said loudly to Kothar, his eyes narrowed.

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