
Chapter 216 - The Imperial Court(2)

In the few days after the conquest of Aznur, the city gradually came back to life. As the news that the Imperial forces had lost the battle spread to all those that had fled, the citizens began to return to the city. 

Tam and Vaya had led their respective forces into the palace, and the loot was divided equally between Tam, Anteris and Vaya. With the promise that it would be used to further outfit their armies.

For the campaign had only begun, taking Aznur was the first step in unifying the entire continent, and once that had happened, Tam would lead the expedition north, crossing the treacherous Fidour Mountain Range, and making their way to the mainland.

This was a task that would take all the military might of the Isle to even consider attempting.

The new command center of the allied Ursten and Tribal forces was the Imperial Court, whilst the troops had taken over the extensive barracks within the city. There was more than enough space, since they typically housed the bulk of the Storm Generals Armies.

Tam had tasked Slate and Shale's Mage Unit to begin to repair the damage that they had caused in haphazardly fortifying the city in anticipation of the arrival of the Imperial Elites.

And the damaged and torn streets were quickly returning to their past beauty and grace,

However, the greatest sight of Aznur, the great wall that surrounded the Inner City, was still broken, a permanent reminder of the battle that had occurred, and that a new power now reigned within the Imperial Palace.

Within the Imperial Court, the sunlight still shone through the great glass wall, but the interior was now vastly different.

The great throne that had stood in front of the glass wall was gone, and the great flocks of courtiers and officials had disappeared.

Instead, the center of the room was dominated by a great wooden table, it did not at all match the exquisite carvings that decorated the walls, nor the beautiful painting of the founders on the roof.

Around the table sat Tam, Anteris, Vaya and Teves. Bhal and Ajyha had left a few days ago, along with Boson and Serena, to lead armies throughout the Empire and to expand the allied forces' influence over the Empire.

"So, Grand Marshal, why have you split our forces so, don't you anticipate a resurgence of the Imperial forces?" Teves asked, no longer wearing his armor, which revealed his hooked nose and serious amber colored eyes. As was the custom of his clan, he wore falcon feathers in his hair, and as the leader of his clan, an impressive cloak made completely from falcon feathers. 

"Now that we hold the capital, those Imperial forces that remain will be wary of engaging with us. Besides, very few will remain loyal in the absence of the Emperor. I think it best for us to expand our sphere of influence as quickly as possible, without giving the nobles too much time to consider their position. At the end of the day, they shall be loyal to whoever has an army knocking at their door." Tam replied, he had also shed his armor, and now wore his silver embroidered cloak again, over a dark, almost black tunic. 

"You imply that the Emperor will not be seen again, did he not flee from Aznur? Sure, he was injured, but not dead. Unless?: Vaya toyed with his thick white braid, the silver trinkets woven through singing as he did so, he gave Tam a smirk, as if he anticipated some secret that Tam had kept concealed.

"All I will say is that I anticipate that the Emperor shall not be able to rally an army anytime soon, if at all." Tam ignored Vaya smirk and continued speaking, looking to Anteris rather than Vaya.

Anteris, had a rare contented smile on his face, he seemed a different man, gone was the abrupt, impulsive and hot headed Duke of Newport. The reason for this was the heavily bandaged, towering man standing at his shoulder.

Graffius had been discharged  from the infirmary only after a shouting match between Anteris and Quercus, and had a nervous smile on his face.

After so many years in the Arena, he was still uncomfortable with standing in the Imperial Court, behind his father, while arguably the most powerful individual on the Isle spoke to them.

"Alright, alright. So you've got some plot bubbling away, as usual. What of the ships sitting idle in the harbor, surely you don't mean for my son and I to sit idly in the capital and grow fat and lazy." Anteris said gruffly, stroking his long silver beard, yet with the irremovable smile on his face that he couldn't hide.

"Once the pair of you are fully recovered, then you can take your ships upriver, and pay some towns a visit. If that's enough for you?' Tam smiled a little as he outlined the assignment, he knew that it would be more of a scenic journey than any kind of battle, but he was glad to see Anteris united with his son, and the presence of the Duke's innumerable ships would surely cause many nobles to surrender anyway.

"Hmm, alright, I guess that sounds like a decent enough job to get done. What do you say, huh, son?' Anteris turned around to Graffius, who was like a deer in headlights, not expecting anyone to address him.

"Uh, yeah, that sounds good, Father." He mumbled, his shy voice completely at odds with his massive frame and scarred and craggy face. His bright-green eyes moved anxiously to and fro as he spoke.

"Wonderful! We shall depart within the week! Let us take one of the healers with us Tam! I'm sure they'll have plenty to do on our journey north!" Anteris bellowed, an excited look on his face as he imagined him and his son leading his many ships north. 

"Of course, Anteris, whatever you need." Tam said with a smile, he was glad to see Anteris so animated, rather than the drunk and scornful man he had been for so long.

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