
Chapter 223 - Qh'mros

Those watching the mountain shake itself to pieces clutched each other like scared children, the earth shaking beneath them, and the skies dark, a behemoth in front of the sun. 

The mountain crumbled, enormous chunks of rock falling away, triggering avalanche after avalanche on the neighboring mountains, enormous swatches of snow and rock barreling down the side of the mountains.

An enormous cloud of dust and rock exploded into the sky, filling the air above the mountains, all watched in suspense, waiting for the dust to settle.

A pair of glowing orange lights blinked into existence within the great cloud of dust, growing brighter and brighter, until it emerged. 

Those near enough to see the Fidour mountains watched, frozen, as the enormous beast flew out from the dust. 

A pair of emerald wings, covered in shining feathers, that spread out so wide they seemed to cover the sky itself, beating so slowly that it seemed that the beast they bore should not be able to remain aloft. 

As the beast grew closer it became clear that the feathers were not all they seemed, more modified scales than actual feathers, as the shining green scales that covered every inch of the beast's body became visible, bright even in the shadow that the enormous ship above cast.

A long tail extended behind the beats, held completely straight as it flew, it's powerful clawed limbs held tight against its muscled body, slipping through the air more gracefully than any beard could.

As bizarre and as strange as the sight was, it seemed so natural that this beast should be flying through the skies of Eclat, that nobody even gasped in surprise, all those who saw it just watched in pure admiration as it flew by.

The head of the beast was narrow, appearing almost like a beak, with a pair of enormous orange eyes, with deep black oval pupils within. 

Its gaze swept over the people who pointed and called out as it flew by, and each person that its gaze swept over felt a warm embrace.

Atop its head, were a set of golden antlers, adoring its head like a crown. 

Flying past the many glowing individuals who were gathering themselves in the skies, the beast would send a gust of warm wind towards each of them, which swept them up and guided them back to the ground, unharmed and rejuvenated. 

Few recognized the creature that flew by, only the scraps of old legends that were passed down mentioned it. 

"Qh'mros." was the whisper on the lips of the scarce few that remembered. The great being that had held Eclat together in the aftermath of the Sundering. It had watched over Eclat ever since. 

It flewup, higher and higher, sending gusts of wind at all those flying in the sky, sending them safely back to the ground.

In mere seconds since the mountain had crumbled apart, it rose up over the steep edge of the Aemos, rising up above Xurha, who stood at the edge of the craft, his glowing red eyes staring malevolent at Qh'mros.

[It appears I have slumbered too long, it seems that even little brats think they can come and stomp around in my home. Turn around, little whelp, and go back to whatever hole you crawled out from.] Qh'mros rumbled, speaking directly into the mind of Xurha, all those below only seeing it hovering at the edge of the enormous ship. 

[Your empty threats mean nothing to me, you overgrown lizard. I shall rip the hide from your flesh, and bathe in your blood.] Xurha replied, speaking to Qh'mros' mind also, his hands eagerly tightening around his axe.

[Fine, I'll not pass up on a chance to teach a little whippersnapper a lesson.] Qh'mros growled into Xurha's mind, it's lip curling up, revealing shining white fangs lining its mouth. 

[All of you, don't gawk at the sky. Go take cover.] Qh'mros' voice sounded out in the minds of all those below, carrying with it a warm feeling of security that reassured all those that heard it. 

All of a sudden, all those that had been frozen, gazing at the sky and then at the collapsing mountain, were stirred into action, running to take cover in their castles, keeps or basements.

However, a few didn't take cover, most of those at the Advanced Rank, confident their aura would protect them from the worst of the fall out, and a few who wanted to watch the monumental battle that would surely occur above.

Kothar was among them, standing tall in the palace tower, his eyes fixed on the winged silhouette high above.

[Aemos, attack.] Xurha's command rang out in the minds of the countless troops within the enormous flagship, and all over, countless Aemos were stirred into action.

"Grrraaaaaaagh." Xurha gave a wordless roar, filled with unfiltered rage, and leapt off of the edge of the Aemos, swinging his axe at the triangular head of Qh'mros, the red light that glowed deep within his eyes now extending all around him, covering his brutish axe as he swung at Qh'mros' head.

Its head snapped out of the way, and Xurha flew by, completely missing, sailing out into the open sky.

But even as the battle between the two mighty Ascendants began, all over the Aemos, enormous doors opened, the smooth surface of the ship now a patchwork of dark gaping doors. 

Out of the ship poured a horde of aggressive looking ships, though these also had the same cuboid structure as the others, these were smaller, darker in color, and many had armored men and women hanging off the sides, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

Qh'mros head turned below, its eyes filling with concern for the people of Eclat, but a violent yell echoed out from behind it. 

[Can you really afford to look away, lizard!] came Xurha's voice, dripping with malice, an enormous glowing red axe, a projection of the one he held in his hands, swinging at Qh'mros.

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