
Chapter 23 - Simon

"You didn't think I was just a scholar all this time, with your parents being a powerful warrior and a mage?" Kothar and Simon sat in a cozy, lamplit room behind the bar. The walls were covered in maps and odd manuscripts, with a massive bookshelf dominating one side of the room. Simon had closed the doors of the tavern right after Kothar had entered, barring the door with a curious spell that left a glowing imprint.

"Alright Uncle, then why don't you tell me what you actually do?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you. All jokes aside, this doesn't leave this room." Simon suddenly took on a very serious tone.

"Of course."

"I do enjoy my research and the travel associated with it, but my real calling is, let's just say I'm a discreet observer." Simon gazed about the room, not meeting Kothar's gaze.

"So you're a spy?"

"Come now, that's an offensive term we don't appreciate. But yes, most would call me a spy, and if I were to be exposed I'd have many angry Kings after my head. Hence the secrecy." Simon finally looked at Kothar, and seeing his nephew's honest face free of judgment, he smiled.

"So what do they really teach at the Institute?"

"Well, you realise it's not only mages that have a school. We thieves also need a place to be educated, of course, many of our students don't even realise that their classmates are sneaking around their dorms practicing their craft at night."

"Why not become a mage like Mother?"

"Not everyone is blessed with an elemental affinity Kothar, of course, we can still practice magic but it is much more difficult for us to have the ridiculous impact on a battlefield that you do. After all, calling upon the force of nature is quite unfair."

"I guess it is, so can we head back to the capital?"

"Of course, let's head out now, all my gear is ready."

[If I was around when you first met Simon I would've told you he was a spy.]

[Sure you would, you have access to all my memories, why didn't you tell me all this time then?]

[Hmmph, it's different.] Silane had been bickering with Kothar more and more, she seemed to enjoy exploring the new found emotions she had. Unlike Kothar, who had only dipped his toe into the murky waters of emotion. Simon had persuaded a farmer to let them ride on the back of his cart on his way to sell his produce in Balin, and they enjoyed the sight of the picturesque farms that dotted the countryside.

[Kothar! There are 5 mana signatures that have been following us, all of them are at least Beginner rank, how would you like to proceed.]

[Continue observation.]

"Uncle, do you know we are being followed?"

"You continue to impress me, where in the world did you learn to notice a tail? I know they didn't teach you that at that ridiculous Academy." Simon sat up from where he was lounging on a sack of potatoes.

[Tell him you have a ghost lady in your head who tells you things.]

[I get it SIlane, you can be funny now. Why don't I also tell him I was the Commander of the Galactic Alliance while I'm at it.]

[Yeah, do it!]

"You know me Uncle, you pick up a thing or two roaming the wilds, otherwise you'll be some lucky creature's dinner."

"Of course." Simon looked at Kothar with a raised eyebrow.

"They're Kultas' men, they would have been posted all around Balin, and they'll have sketches of you."

"I'll take care of them tonight, you just rest your eyes after that long journey of yours." Simon's voice held a tinge of anger.

As night fell, not wanting to endanger the farmer they left him as he continued ahead while they camped in one of the many clearings that were found alongside the roads that crisscrossed Ursten.

One of King Rotan's more popular innovations, they were kept well stocked with firewood and often had a small shelter. Kothar watched curiously as Simon unrolled the innocuous bedroll above his back to reveal a set of dark clothing which were wrapped around a short curved blade, as well as a belt that held a series of smaller blades.

The blades were dull and grimy, but as Simon drew one from its leather pocket, Kothar saw that the edges shone. Simon noticed Kothar watching him and held up a finger to his lips.

[Shouldn't we help him Kothar?]

[I'm sure he knows what he's doing, even an AI didn't peg him as a spy.]

[Hey, I said I would've known if I was around at the time!]

[Sure you would.]

Now garbed in black, Simon padded out of the clearing, heading back towards Nief.

The group of soldiers had poorly disguised themselves by covering Duke Kultas' insignia on their armour with pieces of red cloth.

"If we can grab the kid, then his lordship can get General Tam to support him, and the kingship will be his." The leader of the group spoke in hushed tones to the others.

"We could get a knighthood each, or maybe even a lordship!" Another one of the soldiers piped up.

"Quiet, stop counting your chickens before they've hatched, we actually need to grab the boy before we get any rewards. No more talking till after we've got him in our hands."

Simon rapidly flitted ahead of them, with not even a rustle in the tall grasses to either side of the road betraying his presence.

He pulled a barely visible coil of wire from one of his many pockets, and stretched it across the roadway. A muffled clanking sound indicated the soldiers drew near.

Simon crouched next to the road way and began to yell.

"Arrrgh, help, please, do you know who my father is!" His voice sounded remarkably like that of a teenage boy.

The group of soldiers rushed forward, afraid they would lose their quarry to someone else.

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