
Chapter 232 - Within The Aemos(2)

The tunnel that led upwards was just as gloomy as the one below, with only the thinnest tube of glowing yellow fluid lighting Kothar's way.

The rungs made of the same gray material as the rest of the ship, and just like the walls, were warm under Kothar's hands. 

As he climbed, Kothar could feel the spatial fluctuations growing stronger and stronger, the Spatial Necklace almost pulling him towards the source of the fluctuations.

Kothar climbed continuously for almost half an hour, passing by tunnels similar to the one he had entered the vertical shaft from, running horizontally through the vertical tunnel. 

All through these tunnels, the thick pipes ran, connecting with each others and occasionally turning off and disappearing into the walls. 

[Kothar! Up ahead, it's hard to make out because of the dim lighting, but there's someone there.] Silane called out, even though she could see exactly the same visual field as Kothar, she was far more capable in situations where visibility was impaired, thanks to her AI brain allowing her to recognize shapes even in the most difficult settings. 

Kothar slowed his climb, carefully stepping on the rungs, so his boots wouldn't clank against them, he climbed closer and closer to the shadowy figure up ahead. 

As he approached, the figure drew out a glowing tube, enclosed in a cage of the gray material, with a large handle on top, it was what passed for a lamp amongst the Aemos. 

[Looks like it's someone conducting some sort of maintenance.] Silane observed, noticing the large bag that hung from the figures shoulder. 

Kothar climbed a few steps nearer, then paused, he decided to wait until the figure was concentrated on whatever it was doing before he made a move.

Nevertheless, Kothar had a bolt spell ready, in case the maintenance worker up ahead was alerted to his presence before he was ready to strike.

The maintenance worker didn't wear any armor, instead wearing a set of dark brown coveralls, the material similar to the canvas material that the Aemos pilots wore.

Additionally, the worker wore a pair of heavy duty gloves, made of the same orange-brown leather as the tool bag hanging on the worker's shoulder.

With a set of heavy boots and a small helmet made up of the gray material that so many of their devices used.

The worker reached into the bag, pulling out a 'L' shaped tool, which was thickly covered with inscriptions. 

Another tool was removed from the bag, this time a large circular disc, similarly dense with inscriptions. 

There was a dull thunk, as the maintenance worker placed the circular device onto the large pipe in front of it, which made the reason for the gloves clear. Kothar had noticed that the heat from the pipes were enough to burn skin, even with Kothar's strengthened body from his time on Atla.

After placing the circular device onto the pipe, the maintenance worker took the 'L' shaped tool, slotting the short end into a hole on the top of the circular device, and then used the longer end to turn the circular device.

A few complete turns later, there was another dull thunk, and then a gurgling sound like water swirling down a drain. 

Kothar had forgotten all about ambushing the maintenance worker, watching in curiosity as the 'L' shaped tool was turned further, resulting in a loud click.

Then, the worker pulled at the side of the pipe with a gloved hand, and the entire side of the pipe smoothly swung open. 

The worker ducked as the side of the pipe opened, a large cloud of steam hissing as it rushed out of the open side of the pipe, almost scalding the worker's head.

Beads of moisture started to form on Kothar armor and mask, as the steam continued to waft out of the pipe, making the already moist air within the ship more and more moist.

The worker leaned forward, and Kothar could finally see the worker's face, there was the same exceedingly pale skin that all of the Aemos shared, an upturned nose and thin lips, and long white hair that framed that clearly feminine face.

[She doesn't seem to be a fighter, you could even use a Stunning Surge.] Silane commented, since it was clear that the maintenance worker wasn't a combatant, and wouldn't be likely to resist the spell.

[I'm not taking the slightest of risks Silane, not when so much is at risk.] Kothar responded, he knew as well as Silane that the worker up ahead wouldn't be much of a threat, but knocking her unconscious would in no way guarantee that she wouldn't raise an alarm.

Furthermore, he didn't want to waste the time tying her up and gagging her to make sure that she wouldn't call for help. His home was threatened, and he wasn't about to play nice with one of the invaders.

By now the worker had her arm deep within the open pipe, reaching up and feeling around within it. 

Kothar crept forward, the maintenance worker zoned in on her task, and even if she had been looking around, the bright light of the lamp would have stopped her from seeing Kothar in the gloom of the tunnel.

Now only a few meters below, Kothar was about to strike, when the maintenance worker let out a small cry, immediately Kothar was on high alert, looking all around to see if he had alerted the worker somehow, but it wasn't the case.

The worker seemed to have found something within the pipe, and was now struggling to pull it out. 

Kothar gave an internal sigh of relief, and then struck, shooting a bolt spell at the maintenance worker.

A loud crack echoed within the tunnel, and Kothar propelled himself upwards, crossing the few meters that remained between him and the worker in mere moments.

The maintenance worker fell back without a sound and Kothar's arm wrapped around her midsection, the other slicing at her neck.

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