
Chapter 235 - Entuxa

But he couldn't see anything at all, so Kothar channeled mana to his Mana Sensing Lens, hoping to make out the mana signature of any other guards, but what he saw was completely shocking.

The guard in front of him didn't even have the slightest touch of mana within his body, it was as if a humanoid hole had formed in the ambient mana of Eclat. 

[What in the world?] Kothar said, shocked, he didn't think that living organisms could be completely devoid of mana.

[This might be why they're kidnapping the people of Eclat, Kothar. Looking at them, their home plane must be completely devoid of energy, look at the edges of his body.] Silane pointed out, and Kothar looked closer.

The ambient mana of Eclat was slowly diffusing into the body of the guard that stood in front of Kothar, filling his empty vessel with the slightest amount of mana. 

Kothar looked around more, it seemed as though the air within the craft had gained the same ambient levels of mana as Eclat, but everything else was empty, without even the slightest hint of mana within. 

Thanks to this, Kothar could see that another guard stood further along the corridor, only a few meters away from the first.

He looked to the left, where whatever was emanating the spatial fluctuations would be, and was almost blinded by the brilliant glow of Spatial Mana coming from within the ship. 

Through his Mana-Sensing Lens, it shone almost like a sun within the darkness that was the rest of the ship, a brilliant purple.

Kothar just stood there for a moment, taking in the impressive sight of what was before him. He knew that there had to be something powerful enabling the opening of such enormous portals, but he didn't expect something of such magnitude.

Kothar dragged himself away from the impressive sight, and then returned his focus to the guards ahead of him.

Kothar took a deep breath, and then rapidly opened a portal in front of himself, and then another right next to the guard up ahead.

But he wasn't fast enough, the guard immediately stepped back from the portal, and brought his staff in front of him, holding it across his body. 

As he did so, Kothar leapt through the portal, his Plasma Blade blasting into life, slicing down at the guard and his staff.

Kothar could see the pale skin of the guard below his helmet, as well as his black eyes, staring wide at Kothar in surprise, but with a clear hint of resolve.

Kothar swung his Plasma Blade at the guard, who swung his staff to meet it, attempting to block it, but the staff was sliced in two, the plasma shearing though it like a hot knife through butter.

But the guard don't even miss a step, he immediately threw himself to the side, throwing the two halves of his staff, which leaked the viscous red fluid as all the other devices, right at Mother's face.

"Help me, Entuxa!" The guard called out, which Silane instantaneously translated 

Kothar, rather than dodging, manipulated his Plasma Blade to form into a thin, pancake like shape in front of his face, the two halves of the staff incinerating as they touched the plasma.

But these were not the cannon fodder that Kothar had faced earlier, the other guard had already been stepping toward the portal as it opened, and another staff was swinging at Kothar's head.

This time, Kothar couldn't move the plasma blade in time, so leaned back, the end of the staff whistling past his nose, just barely missing him.

[Kothar, be careful. They're fast, about as fast as you are.] Silane warned, and Kothar started channeling his Lightning Mana, casting a full strength Lightning Aura spell, stepping back to open some distance between them. 

The two guards didn't allow Kothar the slightest opportunity to rest, immediately stepping forward, circling to either side of Kothar, trying to trap in him between themselves.

Where the other invaders had looked scared of Kothar, these two guards looking ready to tear into Kothar. Their dark eyes were filled with cold determination, and they stood head and shoulder taller than Kothar, and much wider, their muscles bulging beneath their armor.

But even as they stepped forward, lightning crackled all over Kothar's body, forming a thin field of lightning around him. 

Then he dashed forward, aiming for the guard who still held a weapon, his Plasma Blade swinging through the air, his lightning blade in his other, the edge of it humming as Lightning Element Mana crackled within the complex formations that ran along the spine.

Kothar swung at Entuxa's head with his Plasma Blade, his lightning blade swinging as his leg, aiming for the joint in his armor at his knee.

Entuxa easily ducked the Plasma Blade, charging forward, kicking out at Kothar's curved Skysteel blade, the force of his kick almost knocking it loose from Kothar's grip. 

Kothar was surprised, he hadn't expected the guards to be so strong, they were even stronger than the first soldier he had faced when exploring the passageways through the ship initially.

Entux was now thrusting at Kothar's midsection with his staff, meanwhile, the other guard was charging at Kothar from his right, aiming to tackle him to the ground. 

Kothar spun forward, pulling his Plasma Blade out of its initial swing, and deflecting the staff strike away, slipping between the two guards, now behind the pair of them.

The second guard skidded to a halt, almost falling into Entuxa. While Entux swung his staff back up, narrowly missing his comrade.

But Kothar was now behind the two of them and his Plasma Blade was already swinging at the backs of the two guards, as Kothar sent more energy from the Storage Unit in his shoulder to the Plasma Unit, extending the length of the blade.

There was a brilliant flash of white light as the Plasma Blade exploded forward, swinging across right at Entuxa's midsection.

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