
Chapter 250 - Crash Landing

[Hold on, Kothar. There must be a way to close all the hatches and doors on this ship, when it first arrived on Eclat, they were all closed.] Silane said, remembering how the doors all over the ship had opened to release the stream of Aemos ships. 

[Alright, you try and figure out which one of these buttons or dials does that, and I'll keep taking this ship- out over the ocean.] Kothar said to Silane, while gently spinning the thrust sphere, the scenes of combat all around the ship being left far behind them. 

The ship was slow moving, it could have moved faster, but Kothar wanted to keep the fall out from it being brought down minimal. 

The scenes all around Kothar suddenly fell, if Kothar had been elsewhere in the ship, he would have been sent flying upward, as the ship fell once again, but in the stabilized control center, Kothar only saw the visual effects of the ship falling. 

[Is it just me, Silane, or was that fall further than the others?] Kothar asked Silane, looking at the cube-screens around him. 

[I believe that one was a little further than the ones you experienced within the ship, but I couldn't say for certain, I'm just estimating the distance.] Silane replied, but Kothar felt a sense of anxiety wash over him, to him, Sialne's estimates were as good as fact.

Kothar resisted the temptation to send the ship hurtling forward, he didn't want to prematurely alarm any of those soldiers below, and he knew that he would have to land the ship at an angle, the nose plunging into the water. 

So far, Kothar didn't have a way to lower the ship vertically downward. 

Kothar continued gently spinning the thrust sphere forward, his steady hands keeping the ship travelling forward at a steady speed, the constant thrust counteracting the enormous amount of drag from the size of the ship.

Even as he steered the ship, Kothar could feel the spatial fluctuations growing more and more intense far below him, surely the heart of the ship would be torn apart, he thought.

It was almost a half hour before the Isle was out of sight on the cube-screens, and thankfully, Kothar had yet to see any other landmasses, which made him more confident about bringing the ship down soon. 

[Kothar, see the large button just above the left sphere, if my understanding of their inscriptions is correct, that should close the doors. ] Silane said to Kothar, highlighting it within his vision with a soft blinking blue circle.

[Alright, Silane, I'll wait till I'm ready to bring this ship down before closing the doors. My father and the others might think that the doors closing is a trap by the Aemos, and try and break through. Knowing them, they might even breach the doors. If they can feel the ship descending, and they see the ocean outside, then I hope they'll realize that an an ally is bringing the craft down.] Kotahr said to Silane, his voice was hopeful, but he wasn't all that confident, at this point he was just hoping that his father and the others would survive.

But he would do what he had to, Kothar was not the selfish sort to jeopardize an entire plane for his father, and besides, if the ship came crashing down, Tam and the others would likely be the first fatalities.

[Of course, Kothar. I'll keep trying to decipher the controls, perhaps I'll be able to find something else that might be helpful.] Silane said, falling back on her routines as an AI, not knowing how to comfort Kothar in the tense situation.

All over Eclat, Advanced Rank fighters from all corners of the plane had converged around the massive craft, they had flown to intercept the seemingly endless stream of ships that had spewed out of the countless openings all over it.

All doing their best to protect their home and their people from the pale skinned invaders, who wielded weapons that caused excruciating pain when they touched bare skin.

They had all watched, in fascination, as the craft slowly turned and glided away, flying away to the south, where there was nothing but open ocean.

The enormous wedge shaped craft left great winds in its wake and all around it as it flew, such an enormous amount of air was being displaced by the craft that it affected the weather itself.

But from all those Advanced Rank individuals, and all those watching the ship from the land below, none of them realized that the enormous craft was being steered by a native of Eclat, a young man by the name of Kothar.

In the monotonous flight out over the open ocean, with no land in sight, the featureless and blank cube screens all around him, only a few stray clouds breaking the constant gray, Kothar's mind was thrown back to the days when he had stood on the bridge of enormous battleships.

Very rarely would he be at the wheel, more often than not escorting a higher up of the Alliance, typically someone from the Council.

In those days he had loved to stare out of the vast windows of the bridge, watching as the stars turned to streaks of light, and soon disappeared, as the ships would accelerate faster and faster.

In those moments he would let his mind turn blank, switching off from being constantly alert, ready for combat at every moment, relying on Silane and her access to his countless sensors to warn him off any possible situation.

His hands on the spheres that controlled the enormous ship, Kothar was in a similar state, his instinct guiding his hands as he made miniature adjustments to the spheres, keeping the ship completely steady as it slid through the skies of Eclat.

[This should be far enough..] Kothar said, and spun the steering sphere forward, setting the ship onto a forward angle, the nose slowly tilting forward, pointing down towards the choppy waters underneath.

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