
Chapter 256 - Qh'mros(2)

On Eclat, the Aemos sunk down into the depths of the ocean, all the Aemos on board crying out in fear, leaderless and lost, completely taken over with terror. 

As for their leader, the mighty Xurha, Ascendant of pure physical prowess and violence, he was locked in combat, with the guardian of Eclat, Qh'mros, Ascendant of the wind element and speed.  1

Xurha had just opened a tear within the void itself, ripping open the space to open a gash that lead back to Eclat. Qh'mros, seeing this, was rushing toward him, playing right into the other Ascendant's hands. 

Qh'mros greatest asset in combat, its speed, was about to become its undoing, for Xurha channelled almost all of his domain to his axe, and was striking down exactly where he expected Qh'mros' head to be in the next few moments.

Qh'mros was unprepared, its domain still distributed all over itself, reacting to Xurha's sudden tearing of the void. 

The axe made contact. 

The glowing red domain that surrounded the axe clashed with the green glow that surrounded Qh'mros, and tore through the comparatively thin layer. 

Too late, Qh'mros realized what Xurha had done, and sent its domain toward it's head. 

But by now, Xurha's axe had broken through the layer of green light that had protected its head, and was plunging into the scaled forehead of Qh'mros.

Qh'mros felt an unbelievable amount of pain, to such an extreme that it would paralyze most beings, but Qh'mros was an Ascendant, and as such, continued channelling its domain to its head.

"Crack." Xurha's axe split apart the scales protecting Qh'mros' delicate dark green skin, and tore into the velvety smooth skin that lay below the scales. 

The blow carried all of Xurha's physical prowess, and easily split apart the delicate skin and flesh below, a gout of bright blue blood spouting out into the emptiness of the void. 

Qh'mros jaws were open, and it let out a great tormented scream, as the axe continued onward, plunging into the dense bone of Qh'mros skull.

But Qh'mros was no sluggish giant, the split second amount of time that the axe had been crashing through its defenses had been enough for it wrap its skull in its domain, a bright green glow emanating from within its skull, defending against the razor sharp, chisel like edge of the axe.


"Graaaaaaaah!" Xurha yelled out, both in his mind and into the void, his mouth open below the bars of his helmet in a silent grimace, for not even the slightest murmur would travel within the void. 

All of Xurha's muscles were bulging, and his veins were twisting and writhing under his skin like serpents, as he pushed down onto his axe with both of his enormous arms.

This was his chance, his only chance, to destroy the far older Ascendant.

But Xurha's ace only travelled a few millimeters further, gouging into the bone, an impressive feat for anyone, but it lacked the power and momentum to strike Xurha's true target. Qh'mros' brain.


"Sssssssssss!" Qh'mros  let out a great hiss, pain and humiliation mixed with its rage, not only had Xurha managed to sliced of a section of its horn, but he had managed to truly wound it.

Its tail whipped forward, utilizing its speed to the greatest extent, and wrapped around Xurha's legs, pulling his body toward it.

Qh'mros front and rear legs lifted up, the black claws wrapped in a brilliant green glow, and pulling Xurha's body toward it with its tail, the claws struck out, again and again, against the brutish breastplate that covered his chest.

They easily slipped through the thin amount of red domain that Xurha had left wrapped around his body, striking through to the metal below.

As the claws struck the dark metal, white sparks exploded out into the void, the claws striking out again and again, with impossible speed.

MEanwhile, Xurha's axe was still trapped within the dense bone of Qh'mros' skull, though Xurha had struck decisively, he had also made the mistake of striking Qh'mros' skull where it was thickest, right between its branching horns, where its skull bore the weight of its horns.

Xurha eyes bulged in shock as Qh'mros' claws tired through the metal of his armor, stirling again and again, impossibly fast, the cold touch of Qh'mros' claws on his belly.

Qh'mros' claws tore into Xurha's belly, striking over and over, in a clear attempt to disembowel him.

Now Xurha's face twisted into a silent grimace, though he was used to being harmed in combat, for he was covered in scars, always tip-toeing the line between life and death.

But Qh'mros' domain was wrapped around his claws, and it wrapped his claws in thousands of slicing and swirling blades of wind. So that they all tore through the muscle of his abdomen, making Xurha feel as if his flesh was being chewed from the inside out.,

Qh'mros' claws continued wreaking havoc on Xurha's belly, tearing into the delicate organs beneath, tearing through each and every one of them.

Scarlet blood sprayed out in every direction from Xurha's midsection, the black armor that had protected it now torn and twisted. Due to the nature of Qh'mros' domain, the blood formed a fine mist as the spinning, swirling, slicing tiny blades of wind whipped it out in every direction. 

Xurha, finally dislodging his axe, lurched backward, stumbling and flipping, Qh'mros' tail still wrapped around his legs.

[You'll not escape me! Upstart!] Qh'mros yelled out, whipping his tail abc toward himself, pulling Xurha toward him.

But the Qh'mros had underestimate Xurha's raw physical strength, and Xurha broke free of the tail wrapping around his legs, his axe clutched tightly in one hand, while his other was pressing strongly down on his belly, holding in his organs.

[Come on! ISn't this what you live for! Upstart! Come to your end!] Qh'mros' amber eyes were wide, and it's face was dripping in the blue blood that poured from the gash on its head.

The blood dyed its fangs and its scale in an eerie hue, and combined with the green glow that surrounded it, cast Qh'mros in a terrifying light.

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