
Chapter 271 - Return To Balin(2)

What Kothar didn't know was that these sorts of impromptu duels had become common all over Ursten, but very rarely, and typically only by accident, would someone die in one of them.

Timothy let his blades fall to his side, now standing a few feet from Greg, and he turned back to the lanky young man, who had a confused look in his eyes.

"It seems to me that you've got a lot more power than you have experience. Next time, do a little more training before you decide to challenge someone you've never seen before." Timothy gave Greg a toothy smile, before leaping back on to the back of the wagon he had been sitting in.

As for Greg, the confused expression on his face was soon replaced by a sequence of shifting emotions.

First, was pain, as he registered the slight cut that Timothy had made to his neck, then was shock, as he realized that he had been cut without even noticing.

Finally, was embarrassment, as TImothy spoke, and Greg raised a hand from his neck, which was now wet with blood. He had been so outclassed, that his opponent had been able to just nick his neck, without him even noticing, and being unable to counterattack at all.

"Come here, kid. I'll bandage you up." A friendly voice called out, from an elderly man who wore a tattered robe. Greg walked over to him, his head hanging low, as they were chuckles, and mutters from all those who had watched the battle.

[That was strange, to say the least.] Kothar commented to Silane, as the mass of people started moving again, now that the duel was over.

Kothar had only landed a few kilometers from Balin, but thanks to how crowded the roads were, and a series of similar duels that blossomed on the way, the sun was low in the sky by the time he reached the gates.

The guards looked him over as he waited, one long nerve wracking moment, and then they waved him forward, looking at the next traveler who awaited entry into the capital.

Though it hadn't been long since the invasion, Kothar walked around in fascination, the capital, his home, was completely repaired, without even the slightest sign of damage.

Even more surprising, was the fact hat he could tell that many of the inns, and hotels that he walked by had built extra floors, and from every single one he passed, came the sounds of laughter, raucous conversation and music.

The capital had never before been more alive, Kothar walked on with a smile, there was no way that a capital that had been occupied by invaders would be this peaceful and alive.

Besides, there wasn't even a single glimpse of the pale skinned Aemos, the only sign that they had been a street hawker selling scraps of material that had clearly been salvaged from one of their ships.

Kothar found his steps retracing a familiar path, as he walked toward his home, passing by familiar stone houses and storefronts.

Kothar dipped down an alleyway that led right to his home, and was surprised to find that it had been blocked off, by a building that was clearly new, the top half of it still unpainted.

He shook his head and doubled back, his pace growing quicker and quicker as he grew closer to his home.

Kothar looked up at the stone building that was sandwiched between two other similar buildings  with a sinking feeling in his chest.

Not one of the windows had a light within, and when he walked up to the door and knocked, there was no sign of anyone stirring within.

There weren't even guards posted at the door. Dark thoughts rose in his mind, perhaps Tam had never returned, perhaps he had never escaped the enormous ship of the Aemos, perhaps there was no one waiting for him Balin.

But then Kothar shook his head, dismissing those thoughts, and turned toward the center of the city.

If his father was not at home, then he would surely learn about where he might be at the keep, or maybe, he might even find him there.

Kothar's resisted the urge to run toward the keep,. Or even take to the skies and fly directly there, a knot of anxiety was brewing in his chest, and he wanted to quickly find out the whereabouts of his father.

But he held those urges back, and walked at a moderate pace. The last thing he wanted to do was to raise the alarm and have all the guards in the city coming down on him.

As the streets grew wider, the towering black granite walls of the keep became visible, shimmering with the silvery glow of Magemetal and of the countless runes that covered the surface.

Before long, Kothar was in the enormous square that ringed that deep crevasse that surrounded the keep, and without missing a beat, walked confidently toward the guards at who stood at the bridge.

"Halt! State your name, and your purpose!" The guards called out as Kothar neared them, both of them lowering their spears as he drew closer. Their faces seemed familiar to Kothar, but he couldn't be sure, but then, Silane piped up.

[Yes, you've seen them before. We came across them on the Multas Islands, but didn't see them in the battle for Aznur, or anytime afterwards. They may have returned to the capital with Leynish when he was dispatched by your father.]

[Thanks, for that tidbit Silane.] Kothr said a little sarcastically, right now, he wanted to find out whether or not his Father was in Balin, and more importantly, alive.

"My name is Rufus, I'm from the Nighthawk Unit. My business is strictly confidential." Kothar said, not wanting to appear ignorant or unfamiliar to the situation in Balin to the men.

CIf he had asked for his father, and he had fallen, then he might find himself at the bottom of a dungeon, rather than being welcomed into the castle.

The first guard looked to the other, a knowing look on his face. 

"Wait here. Alright.." The guard said, before trotting down the bridge toward the keep.

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