
Chapter 37 - Showdown

Both Fred and Kothar had easily flown through their duels, it seemed that the pair would be fighting each other in the final round. Neither had revealed any new spells, continuing to use the same spells they had used from the beginning of the duels.

This meant neither was at an advantage, as knowing the opponents spells and skills would give a Mage a massive advantage.

"Looks like you two will get to face off after all." Rudy piped up, as Fred returned to his seat from another easy victory.

"Give him one from me Kothar." Janus joked, shooting a mock glare at Fred.

"Come now Janus, what happened to no hard feelings?" Fred feigned sadness, wiping his dry eyes.

"You pushed me too far I guess. Jokes aside, I'm eager to see who wins between the two of you." Janus said, the other boys nodding in agreement.

As the final rounds drew to a close, Fred and Kothar prepared to face each other.

[What do you think he's holding back, Silane?]

[Hmmm, I think he's managed to break through to Beginner Mage, but why concern yourself about it? Just use your Mana-Sensing Eye and you'll know what he's casting before he casts it.]

[I couldn't do that, he deserves a fair fight, and surely it counts as a kind of magical equipment.]

[Well, well, well. Look at this, the mighty Captain Kothar is concerned with fighting fair. Who would've thought?]

[It's not like there are lives on the line Silane, the least I could do is have a fair fight with Fred.]

[Alright, but I do think he's managed to break through.]

[I guess we'll see.]

"Kothar vs Fred." The announcer called out, the pair already heading down toward the arena, since it was obvious who they'd be facing in the final round.

"How about you take it easy on me? On account of us being such good pals?" Fred said, his cheerful demeanor unchanged.

"Hahaha, no way. I know you're holding a lot back, I'm not looking to get demolished like Rickard." Kothar returned Fred's grin, as they backed up to opposite sides of the battlefield.

"Begin!" Kothar anticipated that Fred would attempt to cast Magma Field, to slow him down, so immediately shot a quick Bolt at Fred, hoping to catch him off guard.

He had no such luck, realising the overwhelming advantage that Kothar had in terms of his physical speed and the speed of his spells, he started by casting Magma Shell, easily defending against Kothar's surprise attack.

"That was a bit cheap!" Fred's muffled voice sounded out from inside his Magma Shell.

"A battle is a battle right!" Kothar yelled back, casting his Lighting Aura and beginning to dash around the battlefield, to make it more difficult for Fred to land some of his more destructive attacks.

A field of magma spread around Fred, evidently, he didn't want to end up like Newman, with Kothar drawing in close and hitting him with a quick Bolt spell. The pair watched each other like hawks, each attempting to deduce what the other was holding back.

"Go on then." Fred muttered, his usual grin missing from his face, his eyes narrow as he stood in the center of the glowing magma.

"You first." Kothar continued his occasional shots of Bolt spells, keeping Fred occupied with casting Magma Shell.

Kothar decided to weave in a Ball Lightning amongst the Bolt spells, intending to hold it floating outside the shell until it dissipated, sending it to strike Fred by surprise.

He sent a Bolt spell out, beginning to channel mana for Ball Lightning directly afterwards, ready to send it towards Fred.

The ball of lightning hung in the air outside the Magma Shell, many of the Professors rising from their seats, as one of the stronger Novices had finally displayed Beginner Mage evel mana control.

"He's mine!" One of the professors, a burly old man, with bushy white hair yelled.

"We get few enough Lightning Mages anyway!"

Meanwhile, a smile crossed Krieg's face, from where he was seated, in a secluded corner of the massive stadium.

"Well done Kid." Krieg murmured.

Kothar watched apprehensively, scanning the arena for Fred, surely he hadn't missed Fred slipping out from the Magma Shell, but why hadn't he emerged.

Crash! The Magma Shell exploded, the Ball Lightning fizzling out as the torrent of magma slammed into it, flowing onwards towards Kothar. The magma formed the shape of a massive serpent, jaws wide open and it snaked through the air.

A small cheer resounded from the Professors, Fred had cast Magma Serpent, which was a difficult Beginner level spell. Fred had become well known among the faculty, his jovial attitude, combined with his talent for battlesense and relentless efforts to breakthrough meant all of the Magma Element professors were eager to see him progress.

Kothar leapt away but the Magma Serpent turned to follow him, its jaws snapping behind Kothar.

Kothar sent Bolt spells at Fred, but Fred had the foresight to ensure the Magma Serpent was between him and Kothar at all times, revealing one of the weaknesses of Lightning Mages, their linear attacks.

Of course, Kothar's bolts flew quickly, but once he had fired one off its path wouldn't deviate from where it was originally. While Kothar could cast Ball Lightning, its speed was much slower and its cast time was long enough that the risk was not worth it.

Fred's mana control was exceptional, keeping the Magma Serpent together even as Kothar rained attack after attack towards it, sending streams of magma flying through the air.

"Come on Kothar, why don't you forfeit and save yourself the trouble." Fred yelled at Kothar, as he slammed the jaws of the Magma Serpent open and shut threateningly.

"I could say the same to you! How long can you keep that massive spell structure going?" Kothar wiped the sweat from his forehead, the massive amounts of magma meant the arena had become swelteringly hot.

"Don't underestimate the mana reserves of someone who's been stuck at Novice for years, you'd be surprised." Fred sent the Serpent diving at Kothar.

[Our own mana reserves are looking a little dire Kothar, what's the plan?]

[Alright Silane, here's what we're going to do.]

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