
Chapter 4 - Preparation

Upon returning home, Simon excitedly broke the news of Kothar's newly discovered talents to Tam and Ophil.

"Didn't I tell you honey, our boy is something special." Ophil grinned from ear to ear, wrapping Kothar in a warm hug.

"He sure is!" Tam rushed over to the two of them, laughing and picking Kothar up and swinging him about.

"Come now, dear, he's almost a young man, you can't be picking him up like that." Ophil protested.

"Hahahaha, he's still my son, I'll be picking him up and swinging him about for as long as I live." Kothar's heart warmed hearing Tam, he had never been able to experience a family, spending his early years in labs and experimental facilities on the Garden, his only excursions to the micro climates scattered around the planet, to familiarize him with alien biologies.

"Well, son; I guess it's time for you to start having lessons with me. We'll start tomorrow, see you bright and early, right after dawn." Tam set Kothar down, and ruffled his hair. Kothar stepped away awkwardly, confused as how to respond to his family's affection. The closest thing to that he had known in his previous life was Silane's constant companionship, from when he was very young.

The next day Kothar yawned as he made his way down to the courtyard behind their home, where Tam waited for him. Tam was dressed in a loose pair of white cotton clothes. He sat with his legs crossed, under one of the large trees in the courtyard, his eyes closed and his breathing relaxed.

"Have a seat." Tam opened his eyes and gestured for Kothar to join him on the ground.

"Son, I'm sure you're aware from your studies, our world is permeated by a formless energy. The ancients named it mana. Everything, living or non-living, contains mana. Harnessing mana has allowed us light at all hours, to have clean, hot water in our cities, to travel long distances without needing horses and every luxury we take for granted." Kothar nodded, Simon had been very thorough in his education.

"But what does it have to do with training, Father?" Tam smiled and continued.

"We are all beings of mana, and because of this, we can draw mana into ourselves and utilize it to perform what you would call magic. Let me demonstrate." Tam stood and stretched, taking a low stance he thrust out his palm toward the tree, letting out a grunt as he did so.

Thud. To Kothar's surprise, the tree shook and a palm print had appeared in the bark of the tree.

"This is the Basic Warrior Magic: Force Emission. It allows warriors to strike from a distance, allowing us to fight on par with any battle mage. All disciplines have their own magics, but remember all magics stem from mana." Kothar started up, eager to try it out for himself. Tam smiled and pulled him back down, settling down next to him.

"Settle down son, a single basic spell as you are now would leave you comatose for weeks. First, you'll be learning how to gather and retain mana. To start off, I want you to relax completely, like you did during the test for the academy. Now, instead of directing your attention to something, I want you to direct it outwards, without focusing on anything in particular." Kothar followed Tam's instructions, directing his attention out.

"Now it can take some time to get a feel for the mana, it isn't intuitive for everyone." Kothar continued to relax, slowing his breathing and continuing to shift his attention out. He began to feel a strange sensation, like he was being completely submerged in a pool of warm water, but rather than a warmth on his skin, it was as if the warmth was inside him. The warm feeling continued to increase.

"Father, I feel something, what should I do now?" Tam's eyes flicked open in surprise, he gazed proudly at Kothar. Tam continued his instruction.

"Now I want you to shift your attention directly on to the sensation you feel, this will hold the mana there as your body absorbs the mana and it becomes a part of you."

Kothar felt the warmth fade away as he held the mana in place. He felt rejuvenated afterwards, as if he had rested for a full night.

"Continue that process son, and you'll have enough mana to cast a basic spell in a week." Tam headed out of the courtyard, leaving Kothar to continue his training. Kothar diligently continued to gather and hold mana, losing himself in the process, enjoying the cycle of warming and cooling that followed the process.

Kothar opened his eyes to the dim light of dusk, he had been sitting under the tree all day! Kothar stood, to his surprise, he didn't feel cramped or sore from sitting on the ground all day, rather he felt refreshed and renewed.

[Energy levels 0.01%. 1% required to restore basic AI functionality.]

[Silane! You're still there.]

Kothar realized that the mana he had been gathering could passively power Silane, just as the captured star had done in his previous life. He was now even more determined to learn magic, with enough mana he would once again have Silane by his side, and together they would unravel the mysteries of magic.

"I hear you've begun to gather mana, Kothar." Simon had been waiting for him indoors, the empty plate and pile of books by his side indicating he had been sitting for some time.

"Teacher, sorry I-" Kothar began to apologize, but Simon cut him short.

"It's only normal to lose yourself in your first meditation session, your mother made me a delicious sandwich while I waited." Simon lifted one of the books from the pile, a thin book with silver inlay on the navy blue cover.

"This is a little gift for you, it contains everything you need to master the Basic Spell: Bolt. With the theory of magic I've taught you. I trust you'll be more than capable of deciphering the magical constructs required to cast it." Simon explained.

"Thank you Uncle, I won't let you down." Kothar took the book from Simon, marveling at the delicate inlay and the fine leather of the cover.

Meanwhile, Ophil and Tam were in Tam's study, talking in hushed but forceful voices.

"I told you love, we should've left the Kingdom after the last campaign, the King is asking too much of you this time." Ophil implored Tam.

"I know. But you know he doesn't ask lightly. And since when did he become 'the King'?" Tam laid a hand on Ophil's shoulder.

"Since he started acting like damn pr*ck!" Ophil's voice grew heated, a fierce anger in her voice.

"Come now, you know he's always depended on me, on all of us." Tam's spoke in his usual tone, walking around to where she was seated, opposite his large wooden desk.

"You're right husband. But what of Kothar?" Ophil leant back in her chair, and sighed.

"We'll have a talk with Simon tonight.." Tam reassured her, wrapping his arm around her.

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