
Chapter 40 - Spatial Core

[Shouldn't you consult with Krieg before creating the spell construct?]

[No, you've carried out thousands of simulations Silane, I trust you.]

[But what if my processing capabilities have been altered since we died?]

[I think that's unlikely, but if they have then who knows what else could have happened. Let's not go down that road of questioning our own identities for now.]

[Okay, let's get started then.]

Kothar began to construct the first ring, carefully channeling pure mana into the shape of the complex runes set out in Krieg's book. Though the runes for the Spatial Spell Construct were far more complex than the ones he had used for his Lightning Core, he shaped them with ease. The past year had enabled him to become far more proficient at manipulating mana and holding it stable.

Kothar shaped the first few rings with ease, but the more of the construct he completed the more difficult the runes became and the greater the strain was to hold everything together.

Failure was not an option, Krieg had emphasized that in his book many times. One could afford to fail when dealing with other elements, but the spatial element was extremely unpredictable. A mage could bear small internal increase in heat, or water or even the odd leaf or two, but even a tiny dimensional rift could cause a massive amount of trauma to the aspiring Spatial Mage.

Spatial Magic outshone all other elements in it's sheer destructive capability and utility, but this was outweighed by the danger it posed.

Sweat beaded on Kothar's forehead as he began to form the anchoring runes, which would allow the construct to hold together once he released it, allowing it to coalesce and form his Spatial Mana Core.

With only a few anchoring runes left, Kothar slowed down. These were the most difficult, and he would much rather bear the strain of holding the construct for a few minutes longer rather than failing and sentencing himself and Silane to possible annihilation.

Shaping the last curving, twisting tail of the last rune, Kothar sighed, this was the defining moment.

The Spell Construct hung stationary for a moment within his torso, as if deliberating whether or not to coalesce. Finally, Kothar felt a rush of strange mana flowing out from his chest, twisting and pulling at his insides. Unlike the almost painful tingling of lightning mana, this was more of an extreme discomfort.

A strange warped alien noise sounded out through the room, unlike anything he had ever heard before.

"Kothar! What have you done?" Krieg's voice cracked as he yelled, seeing Kothar slumped against one wall of the meditation room.

"I just formed my core Krieg, there's nothing wrong at all." Kothar quickly came to his feet, reassuring Krieg.

"Oh, I'm sorry lad, when I sensed a fluctuation of spatial mana down here, I feared the worst, but you seem to be completely fine, I have to say I'm impressed." Krieg's drawn face relaxed, and he even smiled a little.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without your book though master, it was impressively thorough." Even though Kothar had Silane to rum simulations, he would have been at a complete loss without Krieg's research, if he had used the information about a Spatial Spell Construct that was commonly available, it would have been virtually impossible for him to have the 100% success rate that Silane had simulated.

"Of course, it is a sad necessity. I intend to publish it once I'm sure of its reliability. It may not mean much in the near future, but I hope that one day Spatial Magic is as risk free as the other elements." Krieg said as he paced the room.

"Alright then young Kothar, you've made me certain of your knowledge of rudimentary magical theory, I shall have some Spatial Magic tomes brought down so you can begin learning some spells. But please, be careful. Ask me if there is anything at all you're uncertain of, even if it may be the slightest deviation in channelling your mana." Krieg shot Kothar a serious glance, before hurriedly leaving the room, it seemed he was always in a rush to return to his research.

[That was quite impressive.]

[It was, I didn't realise that mages on Eclat could even teleport, let alone without some kind of gate at their destination.]

[I imagine that's what makes the practice so dangerous, the mages have no clear reference to open the destination gate, nor do they have the sensors and analysis that the Alliance benefited from.]

[I wonder if we might be able to construct some kind of permanent gate of our own?]

[Judging by that massive rift hovering over Krieg's tower, it's a possibility.]

[We'll have to ask him some more about it.]

"Come closer, please." Simon croaked to his prison guard. After many days of whispering and cajoling the guard, he was confident the man would do him a favor.

"Quiet ratmeat!" The guard kicked at Simon's food tray, and knelt down, pushing his face down into the filthy floor of the cell.

"Tell me what it is, quickly?" The guard hissed into Simon's ear.

"Please, get word to my family, in Ursten, that I'm here." Simon whispered to the guard, wincing with pain as the guard dug his knee into his side.

"What was that scum!" The guard yelled at him, throwing a kick that narrowly missed his head, thudding into Simon's shoulder.

"I'll teach you to respect your betters!" The guard continued yelling, crouching down and grabbing Simon by his hair.

"I'll see what I can do." The guard whispered, his voice barely audible, before spitting in disgust and leaving the cell.

"Give him one from me next time." Another guard called out as the first guard returned to his post.

"I will, spies like him have it coming." The guard spat out.

Simon gathered up the fallen food, he was determined to survive, and to find out who had sold him out to Kalun.

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