
Chapter 45 - Ranuth

Kothar noticed an alarming change as he made his way up the tiers, where the roads in the lower tiers were numerous and there was a whole network of alleyways to duck into, the roads on the upper tiers were wide, well paved and well trodden by alert soldiers.

This was wonderful for those who lived and worked there, but not so great for Kothar, who was looking to sneak up into the palace. His hooded cloak and the blades at his hip also gained him cautious glances from many soldiers, with a patrol following him when he attempted to head up to the third highest tier, only managing to shake them off by hiding in a nearby garden.

Kothar paced the streets of Ranuth, trying to think up a solution. Asking too many questions about Simon would only make the situation worse, alerting the Premier that someone was looking for him.

Neither could he hire someone to break into the palace, or gather information. He didn't have the contacts or the sense for who could be bribed that Simon had.

[Hey, hey! Look down there.] Silane's voice interrupted Kothar's melancholy stroll through a street filled with covered stalls and a faint smell of rotting fruit, the hawkers and greengrocers having gone home for the day.

Kothar looked down, and saw a glowing mass of mana slowly moving forward beneath his feet. He stopped, and the mana continued onward.

[Silane, I think you just found us our ticket into the palace.]

[We need to find a way into these tunnels first, Kothar.]

[I hate to break it to you Silane, but these 'tunnels' are probably just sewers, all we need to do is follow the stench.]

[You're going to be the one wading through it, not me.] Silane chuckled, as she began projecting possible locations for sewer grates into Kothar's vision.

Soon enough, Kothar had found a rusty sewer grate, in an alley just off the street he had been strolling down earlier.

The grate was caked with rust, and it appeared as if no one had disturbed it in years, but when Kothar gave it the slightest tug, the grate swung up cleanly, without the slightest squeak or groan.

Someone, or some people had done a very good job at making the grates look neglected but keeping them quiet and easy to open.

[Looks like Ranuth has very industrious thieves.] Silane chimed in, as Kothar held his breath and climbed down the shaft, closing the grate above him.

Thankfully, Kothar didn't have to wade directly through the flowing sewage, as there were ledges on either side of the spacious tunnels beneath the streets.

The smell was atrocious but as Kothar's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed the tunnels were lit with a dim light. They were hooded lanterns placed on hooks hammered high on the side of the tunnels, giving off just enough light to navigate the narrow ledges.

The tunnels were made of the same sandstone as the rest of the city, and the bottom half had been polished smooth by years of sewage, and rainwater flowing through.

[You'll have to map it out, and could you give me a compass to lock out, so I can keep my bearings.] Kothar asked Silane, setting out into the tangle of tunnels.

[Look for anything sloping upwards, ladders and any gates or grilles, the palace is bound to have some sort of security.] Silane directed Kothar.

[Sure thing Silane.]

[It's times like this I'm glad I'm a disembodied AI who can filter out your sensory inputs. That smell is atrocious.]

[No need to rub it in Silane.]

Kothar continued onward, carefully navigating the depths beneath Ranuth, a few times, he spotted masses of mana which indicated people in the distance, and waited for them to pass before continuing on his way.

Soon he found a set of tunnels that sloped upwards, the wall next to them was marked with a set of bright red crosses that glowed dimly in the twilight of the tunnels.

[Look, they've even given us some signposts to find the palace.]

Kothar chuckled at Silane's wit, heading upwards. Like the streets above, there were fewer tunnels as Kothar drew closer to the palace. Fortunately for Kothar, the military presence of the streets above was not reflected in the tunnels.

Kothar spotted a skull symbol that had been painted in the same red paint next to a shaft that led upwards.

[Another signpost!] Silane piped up.

Kothar gave a grim smile, and climbed up the iron rungs that had been hammered into the side of the shaft.

[We're at the right height to be heading up into the palace, keep an eye out for guards Kothar.]

The hatch above was heavy, unlike the one that Kothar had used to enter the tunnels, Kothar heaved wedged himself against the rungs and pushed up with both arms, and the hatch inched open, a slow creaking ringing out. This hatch was not well maintained.

[Let's hope no-one hears that.]

Kothar emerged from the tunnels to find himself deep in the bowels of the palace. He was in a dingy room, filled with clutter. Old weapons leaning against the wall, dusty vases and tarnished silverware, there was even a moth eaten tapestry draped over the massive cupboard in one corner.

[We shouldn't be too far from their dungeons, we might even be able to break Simon out!] Kothar told Silane as he peeked out of the door, noticing the lack of windows and realizing where they were.

[Yes, but no unnecessary risks Kothar, he'll be safer locked up then running through the said with a whole platoon on our tail.]

[Sure thing!] Kothar replied, as he crept down the corridor. He continued exploring, until he heard the murmur of voices, and made his way towards them, straining to make out what they were saying.

"Come on, you take my shift tomorrow night, and I'll cover you the next you need it!" Kothar heard a gruff voice say.

"Look here, you're coming to me, who never deviates from his shift schedule, and asking me to cover you. I'm going to need something more than that." A thin reedy voice replied to the first.

Kothar crept closer, spotting a pair of guards, the larger of the pair had a ring of keys at his belt, and they both stood slouched on their halberds, guarding a heavy wooden door, glowing with runes.

[Looks like we found their dungeons.]

Kothar only nodded in reply, creeping as close as he dared to the guards, hiding in a small alcove with a neglected stature.. He took a deep breath, and began channeling mana to cast a spell.

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