
Chapter 48 - Midnight Sunrise

Kothar had made his way back to the Golden Monkey without any trouble, the streets were as empty as they had been earlier that night, without a soul in sight. A chill hung in the air, and the city was still.

It seemed as if the Palace Guard had yet to realize what was happening beneath their feet.

Kothar climbed up the side of the Golden Monkey, prying open his window with a short blade. He picked up his gear from the small room, he had packed it all in case he had to leave the city quickly.

Slinging the worn leather straps across his back, Kothar hopped back out the window, deftly hopping down to the ground and made a beeline for the east gate.

Unlike most cities, the perimeter was poorly guarded, the Premier liked to keep his men nearby, he was a famously paranoid man. Kothar found a lone guard standing to attention, a tall spear planted firmly in the ground. As Kothar drew closer, he heard the loud snores echoing from the guard, who was leaning, asleep, against the tall spear.

Kothar sighed with relief and strolled out of the city, eager to get away from Ranuth.

Dong. Dong. Dong. Kothar looked back to Ranuth, the massive bells up in the palace were tolling. Kothar watched from up the road, as the sleeping guard awoke with a start, looked around in confusion, then realizing where the bells were ringing from, raced up towards the palace.

Bells around the city began to toll in response, all ringing out the same three tolls, then a pause, and repeating it over and over again. Kothar couldn't draw himself away, he knew that he should find Simon so they could flee from Kalun, but the sight of the city coming alive so rapidly was astounding.

Lights shone all around the city, and he watched as they all congregated towards the palace, streaming up the tiers of the city.

[Kothar! Come on, we need to leave!] Silane interrupted Kothar's musings.

[Yes… Sorry, I couldn't look away.] Kothar shook his head, the strange melancholy he felt confused him.

Kothar turned his back to Ranuth, and sped away from the clamoring city, the bells had woken the beasts of the jungle, and stirred them into a frenzy. The air was now filled with an absolute racket, monkeys howling, strange screams penetrating through the air, and howls al clashed with the constant tolling of bells coming from the city.

Kothar arrived at the fork in the road that led to Ursten, and looked all around for Simon, as usual, he had concealed himself, but the snuffling of horses gave him away. Kothar turned toward the noise, and saw Simon emerging from the gloom of the jungle, leading two horses by the reins.

He seemed to have outfitted himself during his escape from the city, and was wearing the dark clothing Kothar had seen him wear before, as well as the set of small knives and his curved blade.

"I had time to stop by one of my caches. Got myself a horse too. Let's get a move on Kothar, that Berge fellow has stirred up quite the hornets nest." Simon answered Kothar's curious look, and handed them the reins to his horse.

"Yes, I have to say I didn't expect that much of a mess when I freed him, I know we planned to free all the prisoners, but I wish we had left that creature in his cell." Kothar sighed, talking as he secured his belongings over the rear of his horse. The pair mounted and rode into the pitch black path that led through the jungle and back to Balin.

They rode hard through the forest, and soon the noise from Ranuth faded off into the distance. The surrounding jungle was now quiet, the silence only disturbed by the occasional crack of a twig, or the whimper of a small night creature that had become dinner for the fierce beasts that lurked in the depths of the jungle.

"Let's slow down!" Simon called out to Kothar.

"You think we're far enough?" Kothar reined his horse into a trot, and fell in next to Simon.

"Whatever is happening in that palace, they'll likely have their hands full, hopefully they don't notice I'm missing until I'm back in Balin, enjoying a beer." Simon ran his hand through his grimy hair, his gaunt face proof of the time he had spent in the dungeons.

"Let's stop for a moment here, I'm starving. Hope you've got some rations in that pack of yours." Simon said to Kothar, as they came to a small clearing, on a small hill within the jungle. The clearing was often used as a rest stop, Kothar had stopped there a while with Drummond and the caravan himself.

Kothar dug some rations out of his bag, and handed them to Simon, surprisingly, he only took small bites, pausing to take small sips of water.

"Don't want to give myself a stomach ache." He gave Kothar a sad smile.

Kothar took a seat on one of the many flat rocks in the clearing, waiting for Simon to finish his meal. An odd glow diverted his attention from the schematic he was working on with Silane.

Kothar looked east, to see the horizon glowing red, it was a beautiful sight, as the clouds were lit up in oranges and red, it looked like a beautiful painting.

Then, Kothar's brow furrowed, realizing something was wrong.

[Silane, how long has it been since we left Ranuth?]

[Only about an hour, I'm sorry Kothar, that's no sunrise.]

Kothar's face fell, the reality of what was happening dawned upon him.

"Simon." Kothar's voice croaked out, he felt as if his throat was contracting.

"What is it, Kothar?" Simon walked over, confused. He followed Kothar gaze, and immediately realizing what had happened.

"Heavens forgive us. The city is burning." Simon joined Kothar at the crest of the hill, staring out over the jungle to the glow in the east. A heaviness hung in the air about them.

"You think-?" Kothar muttered, not saying his entire thought out loud.

"Yes, I think it was Berge. What have we done? All that for a distraction, I hope the people of Ranuth are safe." Simon answered Kothar in hushed tones, the enormity of what had happened weighing down on the pair of them.

They left the clearlring in a hurry, in silence. Neither looked back at the burning city, afraid of what else they might see.

Simon and Kothar rode on through the jungle, they exchanged no words, only looking around occasionally out of habit to ensure their safety, but otherwise staring in the distance, in deep thought.

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