
Chapter 68 - 67-A New World (2)

Warning: This chapter contains a slightly off-putting scene, just skip past the text between the ***** if you're uncomfortable with the MC doing reckless imaginary scuffed first aid and/or suspicious body modifications.

If one were high above the body of water that Kothar was currently stranded in, they would be able to see a small black dot, barely visible against the gentle waves, crookedly limping across the great expanse.

Higher still, the dot would be miniscule, barely visible, and one would begin to see the edges of the water, forming an oval shaped lake within the dark earth that surrounded it. If one were to look even beyond this, they would start to see the true nature of the world Kothar was in, seeing for the first time something recognizable as life.

An enormous column, rising high up into the heavens, so massive that one would struggle to keep the column in the field of their vision, rose up near the lake. It was a verdant green, and was not circular, rather it was a flattened v-shape.

An insightful observer would realize what this column was, a single blade of grass, and then would shake in terror at the absolute magnitude of the world that they had come to, where even a single blade of grass many thousands of times larger than an individual human.

The small black dot, Kothar, at this time, was struggling through the water, leaving a trail of small leaf shaped corpses as he travelled in a shallow zigzag towards one edge of the lake. He had been swimming for what felt like days, and while it had been some time, his sense of time was drawn out by the intense pain he had been feeling.

Now, he could make a dark blue on the horizon, presumably the edge of what he had believed to be an endless body of water, and as he drew closer, Kothar realized his determination had paid off.

Many hours later, the broken Kothar struggled out of the water, on to the shallow incline of the 'shore', rising onto his undamaged left leg, shaking on his unsteady, fatigued leg. The ground was made up of large rounded lumps that were multicolored, of varying sizes, some were reddish, some were brown and some were even clear. Among the harder, larger lumps were smaller, softer more pliable round clumps, filling in the gaps.

[This is a strange place, isn't it.] Kothar said to Silane, looking around for a place to rest, and trying to keep his mind off of the extreme pain of his arm and leg.

[A lot stranger than you would initially imagine, Kothar. These strange structures we're standing on, looks remarkably similar to a microscopic view of soil. If my guess is correct, we're on a plane where everything is far larger than you'd normally expect.] SIlane said witha hint of excitement in her voice.

[I'm glad you're having fun. Keep in mind that we might not see any 'usual sized' life in this world, all we've seen so far are those damned leaf shaped fish.] Kothar replied dryly. He had quickly found a crevice in the soil and strolled down into it, deciding that for the time being, it would do for shelter.

[Yes, but think about the absolute scale of this world, we wouldn't have even covered the slightest area, there could be absolutely titanic creatures roaming about that we haven't even sen yet!] Silane said, as Kothar gathered flatter crystalline lumps to form a makeshift bed.

[Yes, but how about we focus on fixing this arm and leg, before we go on a wild adventure through this plane that Krieg cast me into to murder me.] Kothar took on a slightly sarcastic tone.

[Okay, okay. But to be fair, I don't think he knew where you would end up, the worlds I observed through the portal were seemingly random. He could have just as easily sent us to a paradise.] Silane projected images shse had recorded of the rift to Kothar.

[Well, alright, I guess he was willing to take his chances then. He didn't do too badly either.] Kothar weakly shook his arm, sending waves of pain radiating through his body.

[What about this?] Silane showed Kothar a schematic, showing him various upgrades that could be made to his body.

[And the materials?] Kothar asked.

[Well, they're everywhere around us, this world is a blessing in disguise. We'll have abundant amounts of any material we need, simplifying laying on the ground, all we need to do is pick them up, and shape them to our specifications.] Silane's prior excited tone returned.


[Alright then, let's get this first step over with.] Kothar sat down heavily on the makeshift, bed, and took a deep breath, before cutting away the material of his trouser leg to reveal his swollen leg. The white of the edge of a bone shone through, and Kothar grimaced as he trapped the knee with his left foot, and prepared to set the bone.

"********, *****, ***********!" A string of curses echoed out from the crevice, as Kothar wrenched the broken bone into place, creating a makeshift splint with the longer sheath of his Skysteel blade.

Thankfully, he didn't need to repeat the process with his arm, since the bones were not displaced, rather he grit his teeth and splinted the arm with his other sheath, tying them securely with the scraps of cloth left from his trouser leg.

[That wasn't so terrible, was it.] Silane joked, she had also experienced the pain he had, and wasn't a fan of this new aspect of consciousness.

[Yeah, but this might not be fun.] Kothar limped over to a stone with a shallow pool of water gathered on top of it, and sent some lightning through the water, heating it up.

Kothar reached into his cloak, drawing out the small box that Utna had given him, he opened it to reveal the intricate small cylinder, about the size of the end of his pinky finger. Utna had done an amazing job of crafting the intricate runic structures as well as the plasma emitter technology.

Kothar clutched the cylinder in his teeth and took a deep breath.


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