
Chapter 7 - Skysteel

The noxious yellow cloud cleared, and Kothar approached the intertwined pair. Now that he could see the beast clearly he was able to identify it, a long snout and long limbs clearly identified if as a wolf. The blue fur meant that it was likely the Fidour Wolf, often found in the high reaches north of Balin.

It had been attracted to the Skysteel for the same reason as Kothar, they both shared a lightning attribute. Kothar veered around the bodies, cautious of the yellow cloud that weakened the wolf.

The man, who appeared to be a Beginner Thief, should not have been able to kill the Fidour Wolf let alone pierce its hide. Kothar approached the lump of Skysteel at the center of the crater, he reached out skin tingling with anticipation, the sparks dancing across the surface mesmerizing him. Feeling a tingle on the back of his neck, he jumped aside. SNAP.

The jaws of the Fidour Wolf closed where his head had been mere moments ago. Blade in hand, Kothar stared down the wolf, on its last legs.

It stared back, its intelligent gaze showing determination even as it rasped and drooled blood. Kothar lunged forward as the wolf did, he slashed at the wolf's eyes, hoping to blind it. Sword play was his only option, a Fidour Wolf would be unfazed from his Basic Bolt, it might even become more energetic.

Kothar rained a flurry of blows onto the wolf's head even as he narrowly evaded its snapping jaws. He narrowly caught it across one eye and the wolf began to yelp, it slumped down, head low and haunches in the air, waiting for Kothar to finish it.

Kothar had lived among rare species his entire youth on Garden, not willing to end the life of this brave beast he sheathed his sword. The Fidour Wolf raised its head, slinking out of the clearing as it side eyed Kothar.

Now free to approach the Skysteel, Kothar went to pick it up. The thrumming in his chest grew in magnitude, and as he touched the ore, a massive bolt of energy shot out from the Skysteel and shot toward his chest, joining the swirling lightning core.

[Energy levels 0.1%. 1% required to restore basic AI functionality]

The residual energy in the Skysteel had greatly increased his elemental lightning reserves, which meant that he would have the company of Silane all the sooner. Wrapping the Skysteel in a large piece of leather, Kothar placed it in his pack, ready to return home.

The journey back had been uneventful, Kothar had come across others searching for the Skysteel but stayed clear of them, most would have some way of detecting the ore, he hoped the energy he had absorbed would prevent the other searchers from descending on him like a swarm of flies, greedy for a juicy morsel.

Luckily for him, he reached Balin without any major incident, making his way to his family's large stone townhouse. Ophil was sitting in one of the tall chairs in the foyer, a book on exotic plants in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

"Welcome back Son." She greeted him with her usual sweet smile.

"Tell me all about it." Ophil patted the chair next to her, signalling he should join her. Kothar greeted her, and began to tell her of his recent adventure in the Janul Forest.

A few hours later, Simon flung the doors of the house open, his curls bouncing wildly as he searched for Kothar.

"I want to see it! Kothar!" His mellow voice echoed through the building.

"Here Uncle." Kothar called out, emerging from his room, the leather wrapped ore in his arms. Simon eagerly unwrapped the ore, yelping and pulling his arm back as a small spark shocked him.

"Amazing, it carries residual Lightning Mana, not to mention it's mana channeling properties, no wonder it's a favorite material to craft staffs and wands." Simon peered at the Skysteel, a telescopic monocle now perched over one eye.

"Hmm, I guess it's time you met Jotun."

Simon escorted Kothar and his prize to massive building near the center of the city, smoke billowed from multiple chimneys that rose from the back of the behemoth, and a red glow emanated from its doors. The pair entered, and Simon immediately approached a young boy wearing the typical gloves and overalls of a blacksmith.

"Please tell Jotun I'm here, it's about the favor I asked of him."

"Of course, sir." The boy nodded, disappearing into the bowels of the massive smithing complex. Kothar gazed about in wonder, the massive structure and bustling workers reminiscent of the weapons factories that he had often visited.

An ox of a man emerged from the depths of the building, his massive build and the thick braids of his hair backlit by the fires of the forges evoking the image of the mythical Minotaur. He stomped towards them, wearing the typical apron of a blacksmith, but he was also adorned with a multitude of intricate tattoos, some of which Kothar could identify as runes.

[Detecting novel energy circuit. Initiating analysis. Estimated processing time: 1000 years]

[Abort task, record visible sections and store record] Kothar couldn't have Silane attempting to analyze every runic complex they came across, rather he had begun to catalog them, hoping they would be of some use in the future.

"This is the rumored nephew aye? I hear there's a fine head on those shoulders lad." Jotun's voice boomed over the clanking of anvil and steel, the roaring of fires and the clamor of many voices.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jotun." Kothar said politely, maintaining the image of a polite young teen.

"Well met lad, no need for that Mr. business, Jotun was good enough for my ma and it'll always be good enough for me!" He clapped Kothar on the shoulder.

"Lets see this Skysteel then Kothar." Kothar unwrapped the Skysteel, placing it on a workbench, Simon laid down the blueprint next to it, smoothing it out. Jotun sighed with the satisfaction of a craftsman who sees something novel.

"This'll craft a fine blade young Kothar."

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