
Chapter 78 - Interrogation?

Had Simon not trained for years at the Institute, he would have broken down at that point and either fled from the room or begged for his life.

Even though Tam was not consciously exerting any pressure, Simon knew just how powerful his old friend had become, and if he had truly taken offense, Simon was well and truly f*****.

"Well, how about abandoning me to rot in Kalun! If it hadn't been for Kothar coming to rescue me, I'd have died in that city! Rotan's never liked me, and so why would he even diplomatically try to get me back?" Simon decided to go full throttle, if Tam was going to retaliate for what he had said, he might as well get out everything he had to say.

"I think you've made your point quite clear." Tam's hand left his sword, no longer deep in thought. He looked Simon right in the eye.

"You're right. As much as it hurts for me to admit it, I'm sorry,I let you and Ophil down in failing to rescue you from Kalun." Tam paused for a moment and stroked the stubble that was growing in on his chin.

"Kultas' rebellion really got me to think about the future of Ursten, and when Ophil fell on the outskirts of Janul, that really drove things home." Tam choked up a little, his words catching in his throat.

"For the longest time, the only real threat to us were the warriors of the Southern Tribes, and even then, they mostly kept to themselves. But when the Empire drove them north, and after we brokered peace with them, I think we became lax. Kalun should have never posed any kind of threat to us, and to think that they thought that they'd take Ursten together with Phintus. Over my grave!" Tam's eyes glowed with a ferocity that Simon hadn't seen for many years, and he remembered meeting the fierce Ursten warrior for the first time, in the cramped alleyways of Newport.

"I know. I don't hold any of that against you. I did get out of Kalun, and indirectly or directly the burning of Ranuth was-" A forlorn look came across Simon's face as he remembered the night that he and Kothar had fled Ranuth, the glow of the burning cities following them for miles. But Tam interrupted him.

"No. The burning and the war had nothing to do with the two of you. If not Ranuth, then Kalun would have found any other excuse to wage war, and finding none they would pull one out of thin air." Tam's face warped into a grimace of disgust.

"And as for that beast. From what you told me, it would be hard pressed for anyone to match him on the Isle. I hope we never see him within Ursten's borders." Tam sighed and Simon noticed for the first time the new gray hairs sprinkled around his temples.

"Agreed." Simon said quietly, internally elated as he realized his friend had not called him here to rebuke him or to retaliate against him for his words, rather, this had been Tam apologizing. Not only as his friend, but in his official capacity as a General and as Grand Marshal of Ursten.

There was a short silence, as the pair of them both sat together in the study, alone with their thoughts.

"What about all the Grand Marshall stuff? You have to agree, it does make you seem like a tyrant." Simon finally broke the silence, now that he had the chance to really talk to Tam. He wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"About that, I'm not doing anything I wasn't before. I'm still counseling Rotan, and I'm still marshalling the armies of Ursten. It is true, though, that my authority is now cemented, and I could wield a lot more power politically, and rightfully so, but it's mostly so that I can keep all the nobles in line. The way things were going, I wouldn't have been surprised if Ursten split up into all the little baronies, duchies and princedoms it was eons ago." Tam spoke slowly, and his hand fell to his sword as he did so, as he did while deep in thought, but to Simon the effect was still quite disconcerting.

"Regardless of your intentions, Tam. You have got to admit, this all makes it seem as if you're setting yourself up to usurp the throne and to become a tyrant? After the most recent war, the people would be all for it, they're singing your praises from Fisher's point all the way to Janul. Even the people of Phintus are praising your foresight." Simon watched for Tam's reaction carefully. In all his years of spy craft, he knew that even the most open and honest man had hidden depths, and try as one might, they would never truly know the heart of another.

"Yes, but I don't want to be a tyrant, all I wanted for most of my life was to serve my kingdom and to enjoy life with my family. Now, without Ophil and Kothar away at the Academy, Ursten is what remains for me." Tam's eyes gazed off into the distance, misting over slightly.

"But surely, Tam. You would make a far better king than Rotan, and you would have the support of the entire Kingdom at your back. The nobles, the common people, the soldiers and even Rotan would have no complaint. Perhaps only the merchants would begrudge you." Once again, Simon did his utmost to gauge Tam's response, looking for even the slightest twitch of a muscle in his face, or a sideways glance.

"No. Ursten must return to peace, and Rotan will be King then, as he will so long as I safeguard the Kingdom. For all his failures and weaknesses, he truly does wish the best for the people." Simon watched as Tam delivered his words clearly, without even the slightest change in his expression. Simon was convinced, either Tam truly was not seeking the throne and working for Ursten, or he was so utterly mad that Simon would never be able to tell if he was lying. Only time would tell.

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