
Chapter 82 - Freeman

"Welcome to the Pebble Network." Kothar felt a cool stream of mana flow into his hands from the Pebble, flowing around his body before returning to the Pebble.

A numbered list of options appeared, reminiscent of the home menus that Alliance tech had often used.​​


1. Marketplace

2. Encyclopedia

3. Register as a Freeman


[I wonder what a Freeman is?] Kothar asked Silane.

[Let's try the Encyclopedia.] Silane replied, a hint of excitement in her voice, this was the most complex technology they had seen being reborn on Eclat.

Kothar tapped on the Encyclopedia option, and was immediately shown a welcome message.


Welcome to the Encyclopedia.

Thank you for contributing your genetic and energy profile to the Pebble Network.

500 Credits have been deposited to your unique user signature.

For more Credits, you may utilize the Marketplace, or you may contribute to the Encyclopedia.

Note: Topics may vary in Credit price.

Enjoy your research!


A simple pictogram of a book appeared on the Pebble. And Kothar looked at it in confusion.

[How the **** do I input information into this thing?} He complained. For such an advanced piece of technology/magic, it had neglected to tell him about how to input information.

[Try talking to it. Genius] Silane scoffed at Kothar, obviously such an advanced device would not resort to archaic input methods like typing or writing something.

"Freeman." Kothar lifted the Pebble up to his face and spoke directly into it.

Almost instantaneously, a block of text appeared, blurred except for the larger title, which read 'Freemen'. A short message overlaid the blurred text.

"This document is 0 credits. Discounted as part of the essential Pebble Network reading."

Kothar immediately tapped on the blurred section, the Pebble projected the short document into the air above the Pebble, the writing easily legible.

"Freemen are independent contractors available for hire through the Pebble Network. Since the Pebble Network is the most comprehensive interplanar method of communication, (barring some *unique* exceptions) the Freemen are often the first port of call for anyone looking to source a rare material, find information or secure interplanar fugitives. Of course, there are *conditions* that apply to Freemen missions.

Note: Freemen are afforded special privileges on the Pebble Network, with access to new features, unique information and even the locations of trading planes.

Become a Freeman *today*!"

[I guess that clown who came after us was a Freeman, I guess it's likely Krieg has put out a mission to find me.] Kothar sighed, his problems were far worse than he had expected.

It was possible his pursuers could be communicating across planes, even now, hundreds of Freeman could be converging on his location. Immediately, he mounted the Hoverbike and sped back towards his hideout.

For better or for worse, he would much rather be in familiar territory and away from the giants, who knew how they would respond to a mass of tiny people fighting on the outskirts of the forest.

[I didn't see him utilise the Pebble before you defeated him, Kothar. There must be some reason that they aren't all cooperating to find you.] Silane sensed Kothar's worry and consoled him.

Kothar didn't respond, his mind was filled with anguish and rage towards Krieg. Even though he had been so filled with expectation towards the mysterious mage, he was sick of Krieg at this point, the man had betrayed him, thrown him into a spatial rift and left him for dead, and now he had sent an army of interplanar mercenaries after Kothar.

To add insult to injury, the artifact that had triggered Krieg's betrayal had only been a nuisance to Kothar, sending him to the insect ruled plane of Idwa, and leaving him imprisoned with an odd man who had tried to bait him into a portal to who knew where.

Kothar took out the artifact that had caused him so much trouble and looked at it, even now, it called to the Spatial Mana within Kothar, urging him to send it his energy and in return send him to unknown planes.

If worse came to worst, Kothar could utilize the artifact to send him to a random plane, but he didn't know when or if it would send him right back to where he came from, and he also didn't want to leave this resource rich plane which he could so quickly increase his mana capacity as well develop his technology.

If the Freemen arrived enmasse however, Kothar would have no choice but to leap blindly into yet another unfamiliar plane.

As he neared his hideout, Kothar detected no electric field or mana disturbances that would indicate Freemen arriving to Atla.

However, he still felt on edge, the odd small man had shocked him enough, with his uncanny ability to find Kothar, his odd weapon and reviving from the dead to form some kind of abomination.

[What if the Pebble gives up our location to those Freemen tracking us?] Silane suddenly blurted out, Kothar's anxiety rubbing off on her. She didn't fully trust the device, it seemed too good to be true.

[Well, if that happens, then we're f*****. I don't think so, I'm beginning to think that the Freeman we killed didn't contact anyone, and if the Pebble had done something too then they would've found us by now.] Kothar's innate sense for strategy cut through the tumult of emotions he was experiencing after the avalanche of events that had just occurred.

[Why not register as a Freeman, I'm sure we'll be able to learn more about the kind of people pursuing us.] Silane commented, frustrated by the non answer they had gleaned from the document.

[I don't know if I trust this Pebble Silane, it seems to be forcing me to become a Freeman. And what kind of name even is that, 'Freeman'? It all seems a little off to me.] Kothar looked at the odd oval sitting in one of the dips in the Hoverbike.

[But really, what choice do we have?]

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