
Chapter 86 - A Phantom In The Wind

"Settle down all of you, do you dare to disrupt the Hallowed Circle?" Once again, Vaya was the voice of reason.

"Why would he come to parley if he wanted to conquer the tribes? Let the man finish speaking." He ushered the others to return to their seats, and while disgruntled, they all followed his instructions.

"I am here to propose an alliance. While both Ursten and the Tribes have been far more powerful in the past, I believe that with myself, Anteris and Master Vaya, we will have a good chance at defeating the Empire." Tam continued, looking at all of the chieftains, whose faces were a mix of shock, surprise, fear and even disgust.

"You can't be serious."

"He's mad."

"Hahahahha '' A mix of protests and objections sounded amongst the gathered chieftains, with Bhal rolling about in laughter.

"If you aren't willing to respect the sanctity of this holy ground, then leave the circle. Listen to the man, I for one, would love to go to battle with the Empire." A fire burned in Vaya's eyes. He had only been Vaya when the Empire had driven the tribes north, and had taken up the Crow tribes chieftainship after the death of many of his elders.

"Thank you, Master Vaya. Now, let me pose all of you here a question, for what reason did the Empire drive the tribes north, did they seek to settle the plains, did they attack in revenge, or perhaps, were they in search of a treasure hidden within the depths of the plains?" Tam stood tall, speaking slowly, speaking to each of the gathered chieftains for a moment, his attitude and magnetism had now fully captured their attention, and they sat patiently waiting for his next words.

"No. They feared the warriors of the tribes. They feared your great Masters and Mistresses, and if the stories I have heard are true, attacked in a most cowardly and treacherous fashion." though he hadn't raised his voice, Tam's words resounded clearly across the entire Hallowed Circle. The fire in Vaya's eyes was no longer alone, for once Bhal had a serious look in his eyes, and Ajyha had, in a rare moment, sat up straight rather than sprawling out amongst her plush cushions.

"You may spout pretty words, and stroke the ego of the tribes, but Grand Marshal, only three great warriors will not be enough. Though the Empire lost many Advanced rank individuals in the battle with our tribes, they surely have more than three." The stern-faced man from earlier spoke again, however he seemed to be more receptive to Tam by now, almost hoping to hear a legitimate battle plan against the empire. 

"Of course, we shall not invade immediately, rather I would seek for your younger warriors to join with the nobles or Ursten, to polish themselves on the remnants of Kalun's armies. With this, we shall soon have a powerful force that should be more than a match for the empire." Tam returned to his seat, he knew that nothing beyond what he had said so far would convince the chiefs of the tribes.

"I would like for us to discuss these matters without the outsider, we must discuss amongst ourselves." Master Vaya said slowly, he looked visibly excited. Finally, there was a chance he could avenge the great blood debt he had with the Empire.

"Of course, I will await your response." Tam nodded to each of the chiefs, and left the circle stones, heading back to the enormous army that waited. Unlike when he had first arrived, the chiefs barely gave him a second look as he left, for they were far too wrapped up in animated discussion of what such an alliance might mean for the tribes.

Now back in the saddles of their mounts, Tam, Serena and Boson rode back toward the awaiting army.

"I didn't think that this would be your style, Tam, you really have changed." Serena said quietly, murmuring her words so that Boson had to lean in to hear.

"What do you mean, Serena, making an alliance with the tribes isn't my style? If we can conquer the continent, then we just may have a chance at a true expedition through the Fidour mountains." Tam replied, giving Serena a narrow eyed look.

"You know that I've always talked about creating a true path to the mainland, without having to pay an exorbitant fee to the Academy for transport. And as the legends say, one cannot be sure of their power until they've tested themselves on the mainland." Tam added, his eyes gazing off into the distance, deep in thought.

"I don't mean that. I mean wrapping up these young tribesmen in your revenge against Kalun. I'll be the first to admit that sending all these tiresome little nobles was a bold move, but I don't know about this. Who's to say how many of them survive to even face the Empire?" Serena gave Tam a complicated look, then without even waiting for an answer, she spurred her horse back towards her scouts. Her odd gray cat trotted along behind her, barely visible amongst the tall grasses. 

Tam looked towards Boson, and raised an eyebrow.

"You know me boss. I'd never question your orders, you've always pointed me on the straight and narrow, since the day we went hunting for that giant Shadow Leopard. You saved me then and you've saved me many a time since, my axe is yours." Boson said solemnly, hand over his heart.

"Of course Boson, I've never doubted you in the slightest." Tam nodded to the enormous man, who took his leave and rode back to the army.

"Ophil, Ophil. I'll fix you soon my love, just let me get strong enough." Tam muttered under his breath, looking vacantly into the air beside him." She was just there, he knew it. All he had to do was to become strong enough and he could pierce through to the phantom of his wife who grew clear by the day.

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