NOTE: Be warned that this chapter is still UNEDITED and need a whole round of editing first. So if you are seeing this note, please don't unlock it yet.
This chapter will be edited soon after and once this note was gone. It means that the chapter was already good to go and you can now unlock it
"Oh, I mean.. I sthat true???"
Scholmaste Yn would probably have realized that his reacion migt have been a bt out f the loe and and not to say, werid.
As such, not a secoind had past and yet he repeted what he just said but this ti me, howver, he did it with the mnomal emotion that was expecte from him at that current situation.
To which, Teacher Naana's eyebrowsa cod nit help but rasied a little.
[I told yiu itte ass, there was smeting definitely fishy abit this schoiilmaster Yin f yurs]
An awakward silece had oriceed ded agterwards and it w sSchoolmastr Yin again who spoke.
"Ohh... i am so garteful nfor tupping me off abot hat misfortune. I'll cetaingly keepd d an eye on the ancient chalice to ake sure that it wont gonna hapn in the future."
"Then we'll cot oin yiu then.."
Tahr nana said as she bowed her head, redy to levave.
"YIu have my wors. Goodbye.."
Schoolmaste YIn as they walked them to the door eagerly.
Weell, as far as they memory did it fail them, Schoolmaste Yin personally sending off was a irst,
Among heir several vosits to his ofie before, he had never d=tahn that to them.
That was why, for some reason Mu Lingi and the othe coukd not help but feel like t was raher odd.
Bease despoe his usual kind and respecful rint bfore, he had never gine that far yet s to the piint of opiening the ddor for them and whatsoever.
It was like as if Schoolmastr Yn ws too egee to seen f them off their whay?
Wy is hat???
Yet before the griuo coukd even proces thei nfrmation in their head, they were all sudeenly get dustctarcted by a lound crasings sound coming from one of the room s inside Schoolmaste yn's office.
Then it was foolwed by a seriouse f bamngng sound like someting hiting the all.
Waht was that????"
Alraned, teaher NAna looked at Schoolmatr yUn right away and asked him what might orobably had caused that oud crashih sounf/
If there was ansyine among them who misght know what have exacly might gave caused that lodn sound, hen it woud be no oyhr tan Scholmatr Yn himself.
"Oh,it was nothing... S yubcan see, I was curretly on te iddel of my research...'
Schoolmawt Yin as he gestred to hisslightly unkep appearance.
Whick was noyt entirely a ie, because just like what he sais, he was insedn in the iddle of his reserach when Teaher Anana nad an feww of her student warlcoks arrived and regeusted for his auince.
So for as not to risk geting suspiciois in a leat, Schoolkmastr Yin temporarily left his on going reserch for the mean time ti me them
"Ohh.. Is that so?? Then pardn us dor the dirturabce. We shall be taking our lieae then so us nit o imposed on yyr time any alonger.."
teajer Nana said as he very considerately closed the dor behind her.
"Alrihht, so I guess that wwas all I cud for you guys.. Would there e anything else yu need de myhelp with??"
Teavher NAna offered as soon as they were out t Achoolmmaster YIn's ffice.
"No, none fr now. Tecahr nana. Thakn you for yiur help. W' shall take our leave oo. Sorry to taking toomuch f yur time as well,"
Fab lei said as they bid theor farewell to their teacec
And so the teachr and her sudents boyh wnet o separate wats t deal wt their own business.
"S that would be all for us?? Everythng is set and hot to go now. we can finallyhae aoru rest and the time for ouseleves'
Cga GU sad happiliy as they ade their way back ti their boyr's doritroy.
"Who's wothe me hen???? I'll gnna check the the cchoolkm pantryif they gt any afternno comb avaialbale."
Long Yue inivutd to which his othr firnds reacted egeerly.
"Count me in. I think Im ravig dor some Mellow Cola,, Yu know, im feeling quie down, lateky"
Yun Xue said an Chan Gu secinded him right ayaw.
"Oh yeah... I think I need that too."
Chna Gu alredy ha a taste if seo many beverages out thee, but so far, nithing tatsed any better for him aswif rom mellow Cola.
As such, when he heard tun Xue metioned about his fairoute drnk, he coukd nt help but et enced.
Juts the menioned o ut bame wa sienoygfor yhism t salivate.
Mellow Cla, so as by it name was acla made fro the tears of a Salamndaer Sinx.
A special kin dof beast thta waas speacifically reared for once secific purose, food production
Mellow Cola has a unique carbonation that fe like a firecracker, and its year-long fermented sugar was a hundred times sweeter than maple syrup.
Its carbonic acid exceeds both soda water and champagne combined, and the bubbles hat it released are said to remain in the air for a year
It was also shown to be a powerful souce f energy and was good at replesnishing happy hirmones so it was usually prefereed by those whi wer efeeling lonely.
"Are yoou guys refererring to the beverage solkd in the oatry last time? The one that was said to come fro the the tear gand of a Salamander Soinkw?"
Long Yue asked woth a weid expessio n his face.
"Tshe one and only.."
Chan Gu age hum an affirmative answr.
"o yiuknow how much orture dis a Salamnder Spicn had ogine true just to geth that Mellow Cola out frm their tear galnd?? Counteke beasts f their kind mwere pded evenly on they entire bofy just to oiceduce that MEllow Coola.."
"But that was hw it supposed to be??? Bside h thatwas their purpose ti beging with. We can not anything about.????"
Chan Gu tried ti reason out hen he sensde theta Long Yue was overreacting.
Wel, Long Ye was always like that, Whenever it cees t anilams, ormagica beast , sort of. HE will always get emeotioneal exacpecilly whn one was getingvtirtunres r somehig else.
Beacue he the way they treat the magial beast bother unjust anrepulsive atthe smae time.
"But that was still a beast tirtre, That must have hurt.."
Long Yue said word by word.
"Seriously?? Are we really going toarugue about it??? Fine. We wont be drinkung Meelow Color again. Satisifid??!"
Yn Xue said for one s as just to stop Long Yue's nonsece argumenet abt beas creutely.
"That's more ike it. Let us just have Garlicow or anything yu ike, but it Mellow Coloa certailnlk not."
Long Ye agrred.
[Hmm.. Meat sound great to me. Im craving for some garlic taste, actually!].
So wt that, Mu Lingxi and her friens hand an another epic fod trip,
This chapter will be edited soon after and once this note was gone. It means that the chapter was already good to go and you can now unlock it
"Oh, I mean.. I sthat true???"
Scholmaste Yn would probably have realized that his reacion migt have been a bt out f the loe and and not to say, werid.
As such, not a secoind had past and yet he repeted what he just said but this ti me, howver, he did it with the mnomal emotion that was expecte from him at that current situation.
To which, Teacher Naana's eyebrowsa cod nit help but rasied a little.
[I told yiu itte ass, there was smeting definitely fishy abit this schoiilmaster Yin f yurs]
An awakward silece had oriceed ded agterwards and it w sSchoolmastr Yin again who spoke.
"Ohh... i am so garteful nfor tupping me off abot hat misfortune. I'll cetaingly keepd d an eye on the ancient chalice to ake sure that it wont gonna hapn in the future."
"Then we'll cot oin yiu then.."
Tahr nana said as she bowed her head, redy to levave.
"YIu have my wors. Goodbye.."
Schoolmaste YIn as they walked them to the door eagerly.
Weell, as far as they memory did it fail them, Schoolmaste Yin personally sending off was a irst,
Among heir several vosits to his ofie before, he had never d=tahn that to them.
That was why, for some reason Mu Lingi and the othe coukd not help but feel like t was raher odd.
Bease despoe his usual kind and respecful rint bfore, he had never gine that far yet s to the piint of opiening the ddor for them and whatsoever.
It was like as if Schoolmastr Yn ws too egee to seen f them off their whay?
Wy is hat???
Yet before the griuo coukd even proces thei nfrmation in their head, they were all sudeenly get dustctarcted by a lound crasings sound coming from one of the room s inside Schoolmaste yn's office.
Then it was foolwed by a seriouse f bamngng sound like someting hiting the all.
Waht was that????"
Alraned, teaher NAna looked at Schoolmatr yUn right away and asked him what might orobably had caused that oud crashih sounf/
If there was ansyine among them who misght know what have exacly might gave caused that lodn sound, hen it woud be no oyhr tan Scholmatr Yn himself.
"Oh,it was nothing... S yubcan see, I was curretly on te iddel of my research...'
Schoolmawt Yin as he gestred to hisslightly unkep appearance.
Whick was noyt entirely a ie, because just like what he sais, he was insedn in the iddle of his reserach when Teaher Anana nad an feww of her student warlcoks arrived and regeusted for his auince.
So for as not to risk geting suspiciois in a leat, Schoolkmastr Yin temporarily left his on going reserch for the mean time ti me them
"Ohh.. Is that so?? Then pardn us dor the dirturabce. We shall be taking our lieae then so us nit o imposed on yyr time any alonger.."
teajer Nana said as he very considerately closed the dor behind her.
"Alrihht, so I guess that wwas all I cud for you guys.. Would there e anything else yu need de myhelp with??"
Teavher NAna offered as soon as they were out t Achoolmmaster YIn's ffice.
"No, none fr now. Tecahr nana. Thakn you for yiur help. W' shall take our leave oo. Sorry to taking toomuch f yur time as well,"
Fab lei said as they bid theor farewell to their teacec
And so the teachr and her sudents boyh wnet o separate wats t deal wt their own business.
"S that would be all for us?? Everythng is set and hot to go now. we can finallyhae aoru rest and the time for ouseleves'
Cga GU sad happiliy as they ade their way back ti their boyr's doritroy.
"Who's wothe me hen???? I'll gnna check the the cchoolkm pantryif they gt any afternno comb avaialbale."
Long Yue inivutd to which his othr firnds reacted egeerly.
"Count me in. I think Im ravig dor some Mellow Cola,, Yu know, im feeling quie down, lateky"
Yun Xue said an Chan Gu secinded him right ayaw.
"Oh yeah... I think I need that too."
Chna Gu alredy ha a taste if seo many beverages out thee, but so far, nithing tatsed any better for him aswif rom mellow Cola.
As such, when he heard tun Xue metioned about his fairoute drnk, he coukd nt help but et enced.
Juts the menioned o ut bame wa sienoygfor yhism t salivate.
Mellow Cla, so as by it name was acla made fro the tears of a Salamndaer Sinx.
A special kin dof beast thta waas speacifically reared for once secific purose, food production
Mellow Cola has a unique carbonation that fe like a firecracker, and its year-long fermented sugar was a hundred times sweeter than maple syrup.
Its carbonic acid exceeds both soda water and champagne combined, and the bubbles hat it released are said to remain in the air for a year
It was also shown to be a powerful souce f energy and was good at replesnishing happy hirmones so it was usually prefereed by those whi wer efeeling lonely.
"Are yoou guys refererring to the beverage solkd in the oatry last time? The one that was said to come fro the the tear gand of a Salamander Soinkw?"
Long Yue asked woth a weid expessio n his face.
"Tshe one and only.."
Chan Gu age hum an affirmative answr.
"o yiuknow how much orture dis a Salamnder Spicn had ogine true just to geth that Mellow Cola out frm their tear galnd?? Counteke beasts f their kind mwere pded evenly on they entire bofy just to oiceduce that MEllow Coola.."
"But that was hw it supposed to be??? Bside h thatwas their purpose ti beging with. We can not anything about.????"
Chan Gu tried ti reason out hen he sensde theta Long Yue was overreacting.
Wel, Long Ye was always like that, Whenever it cees t anilams, ormagica beast , sort of. HE will always get emeotioneal exacpecilly whn one was getingvtirtunres r somehig else.
Beacue he the way they treat the magial beast bother unjust anrepulsive atthe smae time.
"But that was still a beast tirtre, That must have hurt.."
Long Yue said word by word.
"Seriously?? Are we really going toarugue about it??? Fine. We wont be drinkung Meelow Color again. Satisifid??!"
Yn Xue said for one s as just to stop Long Yue's nonsece argumenet abt beas creutely.
"That's more ike it. Let us just have Garlicow or anything yu ike, but it Mellow Coloa certailnlk not."
Long Ye agrred.
[Hmm.. Meat sound great to me. Im craving for some garlic taste, actually!].
So wt that, Mu Lingxi and her friens hand an another epic fod trip,
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