Chapter 367 - (unedited)

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" I knew it. We are getting closer t the answer now. and I can ffel it. Tht anacent chalice must be soetng imporatntm if he really tok it.It misgh be an important cle t where he ws hidung our uoug mistress. I must cetaingly get tht ancientchalice."

MAdama XIng eyes glowe with determination. but Tecaher NAna was nt confidednt to he oth party's plan.

"It snot as simple s yuthink it ws. I fthat ancient chalice was realy  important to him, then the more it is hrd fir us to take it away from him."

"Jier Na has a pount. We are already close into exposmg him, but te ore we get near te truet, he more dangrous it was so we shoul eve le our gurss down. We cod not cat rashl. Do the mean tme, we shall jus need to stick in our original plan. Im pretyyr sure that he was alread o the mve."

"how can you be so vertain about i??"

Madami xig ask inc ondusion when she saw athat Yun Tao was so sure to what he was saying.

"Well since, you said that he got the ancient chalice on him, then he might be eager to fid a way to reserect Yu Yan, assuming tgat she ws the same sorceresses that was tarpped inside that chalice in the first pae."

YnTao answed in a mater of fact tone.

"D you think he already fund out the power of Yu Yan's blood was capavel of???"

Tache NAan asked i frint tone t=and Mandam Xing gave her the anwer to her qusto.

"Most likely yes.Unless he was a toat fool, whih we all know that he as not. he ms hae know aboyt Yu Yan 's deity blod in he fist palve tat as why he was bsessed on her. Yu know he ws onserssed bouythe pursioyof power."

"BUt wehre cpud he get anotr sorcer f deity blood of Yu yanhrsef ws tarpedinisde the anceient chalice???"

teawr ANan aske again but this time, it was Yun tOa who asknwerd her.

"Hwere else??? f cuser ti Yu Yan's child... he poriblably alradyhave on eof them."

"Yiu mean Mu Limgxi??!!!!"

Tecaher ANan alresdy made her fair share of reserach and she alredy kbnow that Yn Yan ahd a son and daughter t a non magic man.

She even mrmoried their name, though she havent met any of them inperaonl yet.

"No, it was the son. Mu gaouyan. Now that He got Yn Yan's son, he will juts have to wait for the show."

Yun Tao said, but t only confused the two soceresss even more.

'What do you mean he got Yu Tan's son???? Last time I jeard,it ws her faughter that went missing, right???"

"Yes, but recenkt I also found oyt that Mu Gaoutan also suddenly went missing. Don't you find it very consideienta that he chld went missing as soon as Schoknater Yin had the ancient chalice??"

"YEah, that was inded susoirciious. But it was the daughter that went missing forst, rght?? Did it mean that Scholmatr YI alred git of  Yu Yan's chile??"

AMdm Xing as ekd as dread coulded her face.

Alhogh she was ni nothing but a retired dorcerrse of Slver arrows now whowas libing her life o he own, it was still decatating t know fthat both childernnof the Siover Arrows's suposed tbe next sect leader had beeen captured by a vile man.

"earst assure that the daughter was jus dong ine o her wn. She was somehwere safe.We shoul worry oabot th son beause he was the one the has bee capture. And most likely to bevaom one of the miing scimen  choolnastr yIn's madexperient"

If they only had a way  in mind o how to put an ebd Schookater Yn's madness, ten they isght have ge hrough it alredy.

Buyt unfrtunatey they  did nit thae one.

As ch as they woud like tho exposed him, they knew that they dont ahve enough irrf to oinnd evebtunung o  choomater Yn eyet.

Amd now that tgey learned that he had his hand on te ancient chalice as well as Yn Yan;s son, they bevasme more tight in time,

They were runnig against tme t rive that choomatr Y ws no as good as other thouh him to be.

NOTE: Be warned that this chapter is still UNEDITED and need a whole round of editing first. So if you are seeing this note, please don't unlock it yet.

This chapter will be edited soon after and once this note was one. It means that the chapter was already good to go and you can now unlock it



Hi, if you guys are looking for another taste of romance with a comedic undertone, you can please check out my other book

*Married to the Queen of Darkness (available on both English and Tagalog version)

Also, you can check out for Fallen Blue's work

*Oh My Ghost

* Dear Mr. Fate Changer (available both on English and Tagalog version)

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