On this day, the entire island was completely destroyed.

    In order to better understand the weaknesses and improvements of the move, Xuanye disregarded the consumption and completely let go, liberating all the Strengths and smashing the bombs.

    On the boat, the Lucci with a bandage around the whole body has been black with a face, as if someone owed him eight thousand and eight million, making Kalifa unusually speechless.

    "Oh, how can that guy be so strong."The more you think about it, the more you don't understand it. The more you don't want to, the more you think about it, the more you practiced it, but why is it so simple?

    Is it not working hard? No. Is it enough for Talent? No

    But why, why is the gap so big? I can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out.

    A look of resentment, Lucci's gnashing teeth, feeling the pain of the body upload, I do not know why, Lucci is particularly uncomfortable, but also particularly angry.

    "In the database, the Sky Bird Vice Admiral was once the first in Marine, and the current Admiral, the current headquarters, did not dare to treat adults as ordinary Vice Admiral, according to the data, although the Birds are just a Vice Admiral, but in Marine. In Headquarter, there is exactly the Strength of Admiral."

    With a delicate face and long hair fluttering, Kalifa said, because she remembered the bird's file in the database.

    “Marine Headquarter Admiral is so powerful?”Lucci is gloomy.

    "Of course, Admiral is the highest strength of Marine, that is, you have been fighting Admiral with Lucci."Kalifa swept the hair and said affirmatively.

    "Oh, is it worse than others?"Lucci gnashed his teeth.

    "Maybe, we should eat a devil fruit."Beautiful big eyes, exudes a burst of intoxicating light, Kalifa is full of smiles.

    Eyes lit up, Lucci finally remembered a devil fruit that the guy said to pay attention to more than a year ago.

    Yes, the Marine Headquarter Admiral can be devil fruit Ability User, but I can't eat it. When I think of it, Lucci is interested in the door fruit that Xuanye said.

    Perhaps as Kalifa said, it is time to taste the taste of devil fruit.

    "I will go back to apply this time, I think, in our capacity, it should not be difficult."Frowning, Lucci pondered.

    Kalifa didn't speak, but the look on her face completely exposed her thoughts. Speaking of it, Kalifa is also arrogant. Let's not say the fascinating face. The sinful figure is just a whimsical one.

    When doing Quest, Kalifa is more dangerous than other CP9s. You know, Kalifa is a woman. As long as it is a woman, it does not fall off from the beginning, unless it is forced.

    Therefore, Kalifa also hopes to be able to get stronger, because doing their own business, deeply understand the darkness of the Government, and the blood of World, if there is no Strength, he and the others will be abandoned sooner or later.

    For a time, both of them were meditating. At this time, the entire island, a golden red, the sky of smoke, instantly covered the entire sky.

    Seeing the ruin of Strength, for a time, the two men were even more determined to eat devil fruit.

    As long as it is a smart creature, no one will be willing to fall into the bottom, water will flow to the lower part, and people will go higher. This is one of the unchanging rules of the jungle.

    So if you want to be a person, you have to fight for it.

    Time is long, time is always disappearing so fast, just 眨eyes, one and a half months have passed.

    During this time, the entire island was not calm. Compared to the past, the island's creatures now hate the three humans. If they are given a knife, they will not hesitate to hack the three people. Class, then in a slap: roll the dice.

    The island, the most center, a giant peak that rushed to the sky, towering into the sky.

    White mist, like being in a fairyland, is fascinating.

    If it happens, on a boulder, a figure sitting on the plate, breathing evenly, the whole body is wrapped around a thin gold white Flame, the temperature is normal.

    The cold face, the two cheeks spread two gold white traces, like a fire; forehead, a flying gold Wu, like a real, roaring the world; the entire exposed scar on the upper body, at this time a strip of flame like a snake The cockroach circling; the arms and feet are now covered with the real feathers of the golden white, very violent.

    Deification, at this time Xuanye has developed an kind of Ability, which belongs to the second stage of the whole animal form, is a form of formidable, but the consumption is equally terrible.

    Before coming to the island, he could only maintain this state for three to four hours, but now it has increased to half a day, which is enough to show how much Xuanye gets stronger in this one and a half months.

    Because during this time, Xuanye oppressed himself again and again, as long as there is a trace of Stamina, he will maintain this state, despite the pressure, but he still clenched his teeth.

    At the same time, he also constantly cultivates the body, push-ups, leapfrogs….previous life can think of the action, he has to do tens of thousands a day.

    Without hesitation, the sweat he left during this time, if loaded with a large water tank, is full of seven or eight.

    With this at the same time, the whole animal form Xuanye has also developed a lot, regardless of the body strength, strength, resilience, etc. are not comparable in the past, the most important, Xuanye completely put the human body and the whole animal form together .

    In the past, there was a half-beast form, because Xuanye had to do this. Any Strength had an adaptation phase, and this devil fruit was extremely weird. Therefore, Xuanye had to work together, but now, these are not problems. .

    That is to say, Xuanye now has four states, the first one is the normal state, the second one is the whole animal form in which the human body and the animal body are one, the third is the deification, and the fourth is the advanced of the deification. It takes a little something to maintain the magic.

    Some people say that there is a difference between a person and a beast? Can't you just switch? Wrong, completely wrong, there are some obstacles in the middle, for example, if you are used to the hand, but suddenly one day, the hand becomes a wing, this ….How do people adapt?

    Therefore, no matter what state, you need to adapt, and then be proficient, because only in this way, the strength of Strength will not be wasted.

    Of course, in addition to the body's exercise, Xuanye also added some cards.

    First of all, it is to strengthen some of the past moves, at least not to be slick, but to concentrate on the strength, so that speed, destructive power, etc. have been upgraded to a level.

    On the other hand, Xuanye racked his brains and combined with previous life, which was not very reliable knowledge. He developed countless times and almost disabled, and developed some life-saving tricks.

    And finally, it is the indispensable Haki of this World.

    First of all, Busoshoku, this point, Xuanye developed in depth, more than before, and most importantly, he found that Haki can be used as a fuel, although Stamina to accelerate consumption, but in exchange for the same can not be underestimated.

    Then there is Kenbunshoku, although there is no such thing as listening to everything in Legend, but Mythical type Zoan plus the enhancement of the five senses, as well as their own cultivation, at least some of the sneak attacks in the battle, can be better avoided.

    In the end, it is Haoshoku. Speaking of it, thanks to Pirate King.Gordo.Roger, if it wasn't for his original persecution, Xuanye couldn't Awakening this kind of Ability.

    Most of all, with the development of the fruit Ability, Xuanye's Haoshoku, seems to have something more.

    One and a half months, Xuanye initially touched some thresholds of cultivation at this time, and the next time, is to be proficient, strengthen, and master, so Xuanye's time is very tight.

    Although Xuanye was very bitter and tired during this time, sometimes even Lucci and Kalifa were somewhat afraid of Xuanye's cultivation status. It was completely not to regard themselves as living people, but completely in the direction of the dead.

    However, Lucci did not know that every time they were going to keep going, Xuanye would look at the two photos that were carefully kept.

    One of them is Makino that Xuanye misses day and night, and the other is the photo that Berga Punk gave him.

    Every time I see these two photos, any pain, Xuanye has the Ability to bear, because this is his only goal to survive.


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