In the eyes, colorful, a bubble that can't see the sky, surrounded by a continent, floating up and down in the sea.

    Beauty, beautiful, people can't help but indulge in it, this is the first feeling of Xuanye.

    Waving his hand, Xuanye signaled the octopus to leave. The latter revealed the humanized ease. The smoke disappeared into the darkness, making Xuanye speechless.

    Ability started, the boat slowly approached, Xuanye stood on the bow, the eyes reflected the beautiful Fishman Island, the corner of the mouth rose, I hope you have not left, this time, Weevil must die.

    Stop right there

    The special port of the mermaid island, a dozen law enforcement people, Fishman, holding a weapon, his face was gloomy and stopped Xuanye.

    For humans, these Fishmans don't have a good face, let alone Xuanye has only one person.

    Wrinkled, Xuanye dull look at these law enforcers.

    "Inbound, we need 500,000 Berries, and we are not allowed to do it on the island. We will have peer monitoring, so you should be careful."

    High and high, the deep disgust, did not give Xuanye a good face, which fully explained the grievance between Fishman and human beings, humans look down on Fishman, and Fishman does not despise humans.

    Let's not say that Xuanye has no money. The 500,000 Berries alone makes Xuanye's eyebrows pick one, and it takes 500,000 Berries? Are you sure you are not mistaken, not five thousand Berries?

    Moreover, who is the look of the nostrils facing the sky? Who is that disgusting tone to say? Xuanye is not a good-tempered person.

    Therefore, Xuanye's eyes were cold, and even the Spirit to start to talk did not. The eyes eyes directly stunned, and after leaving dozens of comatose bodies, they disappeared directly into the port.

    Down to earth, when it entered the Fishman Island, Xuanye breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, a person was still a little scared in the dark, deep sea.

    First of all, I still have to find a place to eat something. After all, I seem to have a few meals without eating.

    Strolling on the street, surrounded by a variety of creatures, beautiful mermaid, but also a strong or fierce Fishman.

    For Fishman, Xuanye ignored it directly, but looked at the beautiful and sexy mermaid.

    This World is really amazing. Let's not say the perfect face. The slim, sleek and slanted figure makes Xuanye look, not to mention the temptation of this mermaid.

    **, as long as it is a man, of course, in addition to a few abnormal men, and Xuanye, but can suppress this incitement in the heart, after all, his heart, at this time can not accommodate other figures, if only vent, Xuanye won't care, but he won't look for it, so Xuanye is still here…..

    Of course, walking down the street, surrounded by deep hatred and disgust, Xuanye did not care about these eyes, but if you provoke yourself, then the island does not need to exist.

    Unconsciously, Xuanye stood by a coffee shop, because it took a few minutes to wander around, as if it seemed to be a restaurant.

    Pushing the door open, the bells ringing, Xuanye stepped in, into the eyes, very quiet, few guests, obviously not yet lunch time.

    JoyousWelcome. ”At this time, a beautiful mermaid child, with a tail wrapped in air bubbles, about 15 or 6 years old, with light green short hair, looks extremely cute, going forward, some frightened looks at Xuanye.

    "Kemi, be careful, he is human."On the shoulders, a starfish, merciless look at Xuanye.

    "Papagu, not rude."At this time, on the bar in the distance, a cold voice broke some dull atmosphere.

    Looking up, Xuanye looked out to the sound.

    At first glance, some high cold, black short hair, blue bottle eyes, pale skin, purple nails, wearing a hooded top, holding a pipe in the hand, are swallowing clouds.

    This is a very mature mermaid. It is good, it is mature, and the whole body exudes a lazy and seductive atmosphere.

    Obviously, this mature mermaid is the owner of this coffee shop, named Xiali, also a diviner.

    Take a look, Xuanye faceless, casually find a window to sit down, start to talk "can you eat on the spot."

    "Ahhhh…"YesYesThe guy who was previously called Kemi, hurriedly rushed to the background.

    Sitting quietly in the chair, Xuanye looked out of the window. First of all, the island is so big, how can I find Weevil?

    Look at all kinds of mermaid, Xuanye can't help but look at the highest place, because there is Ryugu Palace.

    However, from the beginning to the end, the cold eyes remained on Xuanye's body. Although Xuanye found it, she ignored it, because the opposite side gave him the feeling that he only needed one finger to die.

    At the bar, from Xuanye stepping into the door, Xia Li felt that she had seen this person.

    Wrinkled in the eyes, Xia Li thought about it, but I couldn't think of it for a while. I always felt that if I didn't want to get up, then something would happen.

    A crystal ball appeared on the bar. Obviously, Xia Li used divination, because her heart, from the beginning of that person, has always had an ominous premonition.

    Ambilight, a dazzling ray of light flashed, the entire crystal ball, began to float in the air, gradually, a picture, appeared in the crystal ball.

    The endless Flame, the whole world is burning, the body of the land, the mermaid, Fishman, the corpse of the sea, the blood flowing into the river, the sky, an ice-cold ruthless figure, suspended, like a master, judge the whole World.

    And this hellish World is the mermaid island.

    Black long hair, golden white eyes, mysterious shades of wings, resurrection of the fire, that figure, from beginning to end, are so cruel and ruthless.


    The cracks are staggered, the crystal ball bursts and turns into a gravel.

    "Pu~"A bit of blood, spewing out, I saw Xia Li fell to the ground, full of fear.

    At this time, the table was cracked, and a reward order was reflected in the eyes.

    "A reward of 1 billion, Heavenly Divine Bird.Tang Xuanye. ”In the photo, Sabaody Archipelago, a calm figure in the blood of the corpse, quietly standing, and divination, is so similar.

    Suddenly, Heart jumped, and Charlie looked up, trembled, and looked at the man by the window.

    On the opposite, there is a pair of plain and no waves, as if there are no emotions in the eyes, in which Xiali seems to see the hell, see Devil, see the endless destruction.

    Corner of the mouth, Xuanye with her hand on her chin, facing Xia Li, revealing an indescribable smile. Because of the whole process of Xiali's divination, he saw it. For a time, he was very interested. What was it because of it caused him to destroy the entire Fishman Island.

    But this smile, but let Xia Li whole body cold, placed in the endless abyss, a desperate atmosphere, deeply surrounded her.



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