??The fastest update Pirate: the latest chapter of the World of the World!

    "Don't make a noise, this man is my goal. Yawen romance.org"

    With a slight frown, Xuanye broke the argument of several people.

    "BOSS, you are not kind! The opponents have been stolen by you, then what are we doing? ”Shiryu complained about smoking a cigar.

    “Shiryu is right, everyone is handed over to BOSS, what do we want to do?”World licked his mouth.

    "So, this opponent is still handed over to me!"Suitably, Lucci inserted a sentence.

    "Fuck off!"Standing on the same front, Shiryu and the others despise the look at Lucci.

    ‘Enough!The sound was a bit cold, and Xuanye looked directly at the crowd, disregarding "I need an island of surrender, this thing, after I solved the guy, I didn't want to see a chaotic island."

    CutShiryu and the others are unwilling, but seeing BOSS is a bit angry, or dispelling this idea.

    "In the future, New World has a fight. You better get stronger. Now, Strength is a little weak."The clouds broke through, and finally, the last one was broken, and the birds stood above the clouds.

    To be honest, in this team, only Shiryu and World's Strength have gone. Strictly speaking, Shiryu and the strength of the monkey and the others are too weak, let alone Foxxy and the newly added Bege.

    "Remember, what I want is a surrendered Sky Island. I don't care if you kill or persuade, you have to do it for me."Both eyes Jinhong, ice-cold looked at everyone, Xuanye looked up and directly rushed to the air, he was going to find the man who claimed to be God.

    The heavy pressure dissipated, and the transformation of the gods into Flame disappeared, leaving a few people standing quietly above the clouds.

    "BOSS's temper is stinking."With a complaint, World spit out.

    And how was it? Or kill the people on the entire Sky Island. ”With a bloodthirsty face, Shiryu licked his mouth.

    "Can't do this, Boss should be using this as the new Marine's Base, so we still converge."At this time, Perkus start to talk.

    "I said, how could he find this waste? It was for this reason."At this time, Shiryu glanced at Capone Bege after the team.

    "In this case, things are a bit difficult."

    "It’s hard to do it, BOSS can’t be a fire."

    "Let's go, solve the Quest that BOSS explained."Helpless, everyone can only accept the fate.

    At this same time, rushing to the sky, endless high altitude, Xuanye suspended, opposite, a huge ark rumor, surrounded by thunder, shuttled through the clouds.

    On the Ark, a tall young man, like a thunder, whole body glittering with a blue thunder, behind, there are four drums, like a god ring, very impactful.

    Half-empty, and the long hair of the waist boast, the whole body loops with Flame, eyes golden, and Xuanye looks directly at the opposite side.

    "Blue Sea people."Visually everything, high above, gradually, Thunder, a pair of blue pupils, proud of the sight at Xuanye.

    Corner of the mouth, feeling the power of the formidable thunder in the air, Xuanye's heart began to jump, the whole body, began to get excited.

    "Stupid Blue Sea people, this god is the master of the entire sky, are you coming here to worship me?"It’s a god stick. It’s just this hot-speaking style that makes Xuanye more and more interested in conquering this guy.

    GodsA touch of exports, gold red eyes, there is no slightest emotion.

    "Yes, it is me."Enthusiastic, Enel held his head up, and suddenly an idea floated in his heart. The Blue Sea was quite interesting.

    "Who are you?"Enthusiastically, Enel frowned, and looked at Xuanye. Because of the formidable heart, I couldn't hear any sound from the opposite side. I knew that my heart net covered the entire island and could hear the conversation of the civilians.

    However, this person in front of him was completely integrated, and there was no interest at all. Therefore, this made Enel somewhat uncomfortable.

    "I am a man who wants to be a king, so you god does not need to exist."Both hands droop, Xuanye looks directly at Enel, whole body, rotating with a glowing Flame.

    WangFirst, a glimpse, followed by endless anger, gloomy face, Enel deep cold to "I don't care if you are king or what, dare to offend the majesty of God, then I will give you a death."

    Reaching out, fingertips blue and white, smashing, constantly slamming, a thunder, blink of an eye.

    Whoosh-The air trembled, and suddenly, Enel both eyes shrink, because in front of him, a devilish man, is looking at him without feelings.

    "Om""Om"The air was smashed, and a dark whip leg, like the pillar of the sky, crossed.

    "Useless, I am God, your Attack is useless…."


    "Pu~"Just finished, the bolt eyes were violent, Enel bent, and spit out a large mouthful of blood in his mouth. The whole body turned into an electric light and flew out.

    UselessStretched out, the whole body quickly changed, and Xuanye's lightloos at the sea of ​​clouds, the face of Enel.

    BloodBloodIn the sea of ​​clouds, I felt the cramps on my stomach. Looking at the liquid that dyed the sea of ​​clouds, Enel was full of face, then, the whole sky, the thunder of lightning, like the end of the world, covered everything.

    Below, the aborigines, looks at the sky, the blue white sky that covers everything, all attached to the ground, gimmicks.

    "God is angry."

    At this same time, Shiryu and the others also fought with the aborigines, all looking at the sky.

    "It seems that BOSS is working."

    Perhaps it is the words of Shiryu, suddenly, the whole sky, a piece of gold.

    Suddenly burning, out of the air, the endless sky, one and two half, one side of gold red, one side of blue and white, fire and thunder, delivered together.

    "The people, how did you get to the god of Attack."The sky is thundering, and Enel wipes the blood of the corner of the mouth and thinks about how long he has not bleed.

    PariahFaceless, Xuanye looks down at Enel, the golden eyes, which is the real thing at the sights at the people, the charm, like a king, looking down on his people.

    "Very interesting, your character, I like it very much."Illness, madness, if it is a normal person, I will never say this. From this point, it can be seen that Xuanye is not a normal person at all.

    "If you want to know, let's feel it!"Reaching out and provoking, Xuanye ignored everything.

    Bad Ass

    The terrifying thunder glittering, radiant, illuminates the entire World.

    KA-CHING!Thunder and light, the waves are blowing, Xuanye clothes are flying, hair is blowing, and the eyes are staring, turning, and looking at the left side.

    Die.The atmosphere was torn, Enel squinted and the right fist came out.

    "Pa!"Flame is entangled, dark, with no waves in his eyes, reaching out, and Xuanye directly grasps the blink of the eye.

    "Hey…Fighting…"Golden white's Flame is burned.

    KA-CHING!KA-CHING!Zhan blue's Thunder hovered.

    ‘How?’Faced with a big face, Enel groaned, couldn't believe, the opposite side, actually caught him.

    "There is nothing impossible, you are the frog at the bottom of the well."

    Sideways, the right foot is dark, and it kicks out directly.

    "boom…"Flame accompanied by lightning, Scatter down, two different feet, collided together.


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