
    The earth shakes, the entire square, countless rocks stand up, gradually, countless torrents, a huge figure standing on top of the ground, covering the light, rising from the ground, leaning over at everything.

    This is a giant, a giant of stone, up to more than 50 meters, exudes a huge power, very impactful.

    "Om""Om"The air vibrates, a dull sound, like a thunder, a huge terrifying rock giant punching, rubbing the atmosphere, like a shadow, crushing down.

    Looking at it, it is like a mountain, unstoppable.

    The shadows stand upside down and the behind feels. Xuanye steps on Doflamingo's chest. In the latter's sullen eyes, she turns around and looks up at the slightly frowning look at the infinitely tall stone giant, a smirk that begins to appear. On the cheek.

    "Om""Om"The atmosphere is constantly shaking, staring at the rock-like giant punch like a mountain. Xuanye reaches out and the fingertips are constantly reddening. A violent energy is constantly condensing.

    "Doffy, hold on, I'll come and save you right away." ”The sound of the sound, a sharp voice, resounded under the sky.

    A slight glimpse, Xuanye cheeks, because this voice is not in line with the huge body in front of her eyes.

    "Pica."Lying on the ground, Doflamingo squinted and dribbled in his mouth.

    “Very good Ability.”The fingertips of the Flame are constantly encircling, surrounded by Xuanye, a violent air current, constantly erupting.

    Whoosh-A golden red light, blinking in the air, collided with the huge mountain fist.

    Compared to the big fist of the mountain, the light is as thin as a hair, but at the moment of the collision, there is no resistance, directly through the giant boxing, disappearing into the horizon.

    "Hong!"The light disappeared, and a terrifying Flame erupted. For a time, the entire huge rock giant punch was directly wrapped by Flame, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a dark red liquid and flowed on the ground.

    Damn it…The sharp voice sounded, and for a time, the wind and cloud changed color, another mountain stone fist, aligned with Xuanye, and crushed again.

    "The sound is good, but the ants are the ants."Dismissive, Xuanye looked up, his fingertips turned red again, a Flame ray, shot through the stone fist again, the endless Flame burned, and for a time, the huge giant lost his arms.

    "Logia ?"Suddenly frowning, Xuanye stared at the giant hands that the giants were surging. Because of the ground, countless rock formations came out, and they even linked up. Just a few minutes, the huge stone arm was restored.

    "I won't let you damage Doffy."The sharp voice is like too.Supervised, very feminine, but very firm.

    Die.The atmosphere vibrates, and the complete giant fist is restored. Once again, it is pouring down to Xuanye. It has not yet arrived. An endless oppression has suppressed everything.

    "Some annoying."Eyes gold red, Xuanye frowning, Kenbunshoku, full power coverage.

    “Got it!”Without warning, originally stepped on the Doflamingo body of the xuanye, disappeared.

    "Not good, Pica, be careful."Hey, Doflamingo's face changed and he wanted to find the man's figure.

    "Doffy."The stone giant roared and stopped the fist because the target was gone.

    "It turns out that you are here."The sound of the deep cold, the stone giant's thigh, a strange rock, the same face, the direction of the angry look at Doflamingo, but suddenly, a shocking voice, but in the ear.

    The face turns and looks straight ahead. It is a pair of gold eyes with no feelings. In this booth eyes, there is no emotion at all, because there is only a burning Flame inside.

    "Not good."The heart was cold, the face didn't want to, and it was directly integrated into the rock giant body, and then constantly changed position, trying to avoid the breathless eyes.

    "Interesting, is it Logia or Superman?"Standing up, Xuanye looks at the giant in the clouds, Kenbunshoku perceives that a kind of liquid is something that is constantly shifting in the body of more than 50 meters.

    "Escape, can you escape?"The figure disappears, the xuanye appears in front of the giant's head, the right hand reddish, a flame blade, constantly extending, the blink of an turn to grow to more than 10 meters, and exudes the temperature of the terrifying.

    Waving, cross-cutting, no resistance, a huge head, like a meteorite, falling down.

    Shua!Shua!Standing in the air, Xuanye's figure fell as the head fell, and at this same time, the Flame blade extended in the hand, cutting continuously, until finally, leaving a three-meter-high rock.

    The three-meter-high rock gradually became a man, a big man with armor and a cross-faced helmet on his head.

    "Impossible, how did you find me?"The voice completely different from the face, hurriedly rang.

    "This is your true body, it looks very good, but the sound is really ugly."The blade disappeared, and Xuanye was a bit strange, because the light is distinguished from the sound. Who knows, this guy will be a big man?

    Die. Armed.Rock punch. ”Full of anger, as an executive officer of Don Quixote, what he hates most is that someone laughs at his voice.

    "Ridiculous."Coldly snorted, Xuanye disappeared, and when Pica had not reacted, she stretched her feet, surrounded her arms, and mercilessly kicked her back.

    "Pu~"The crack of the bones sounded, the mouth opened, and a stream of blood spouted. In the blink of an eye, Pica turned into a meteor and fell to the ground.

    "Pica."Doflamingo, who has stood up and is constantly healing with Ability, looks anxious because he knows that Pica can't be the opponent of any man at all.

    "Wasting my time, but you should thank him because he has given you time to heal."Turning into a shadow, Xuanye appeared in a large pit, with one hand on Pica's neck, and gradually lifted away, the golden red eyes, disdained looks at Doflamingo.

    CoughCoughDoffy. ”Full of blood, Pica turned hard, looks at the hateful Doflamingo in the distance, shouted, then turned around, angry look at Xuanye, roaring, "Doffy is the man with the king's latent talent, he is destined to be here Sea, he won't lose."

    “So?A slight bias, Xuanye's expressionless look at the big man who can't move.

    "So you will definitely die, and Doffy will definitely be the king of this world."The sharp voice is powerful, and the blind confidence inside is clearly visible.

    "Pity."Inexplicably smiling, Xuanye slammed hard, only to see a bang, a head, unable to stand on the shoulders.

    Lost in one hand, a lifeless body, like garbage, rolled over the ground.

    "Pica …."Roaring, Doflamingo, bore eyes, full of bloodshot.

    "You have a good man. It seems that he is very convinced that you will become the king of this world. So, Doflamingo, do you think?"

    Flashing out of thin air, Xuanye appeared next to Doflamingo, eyes without a trace of affection at him.


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