Creak creak! ——Give it to me.The net "a glimpse of golden light flashed, a black boxing, heavy hit on Caesar's head. In an instant, Caesar spit foamed and stopped.

    "Is this your strength? Strength that can compete with Four Emperor. ”Standing on the edge of the boat, Jinbe calmed his face, unable to look at the thin figure of the battle center.

    "This man."The whole body shivered slightly, and Monet’s lonely look at the air’s only straight figure, can he still revenge for the Lord?

    For a time, on the whole ship, except for some fighting madmen, the others were full of thoughts and fell silent.


    The wind and cloud are discolored, the thunder is swept, the whole sky is dark and dark, and the ground is unrecognizable. The area centered on the battle is the deep ditch and the hills stand.

    All of this has been changed.

    In the air, Xuanye is suspended, and the whole body flame burns, as if illuminating a piece of World, bowing, gold white eyes, the death of the naked at the abyss, where is a violent fierce atmosphere, is constantly condensing With.

    Whoosh-Sudden whistling, a wave of wind and waves spread, the whole ground shook, a huge violent body suddenly appeared in the air, the thrilling atmosphere, let Xuanye burst into the air.

    The pupil shrinks, and a thick fist is like a mountain, smashing the atmosphere and coming straight.

    "boom…"When the face changed, Xuanye both hands crossed, only feeling a huge force, squatting, suddenly broke out, and quickly crushed.

    Whoosh-The sky burst, unable to stop, a fire, across the sky, falling down.

    Along with a loud noise, the whole earth moved, a deep pit cracked, countless boulder flying, a hill, and rose.

    Suddenly, a glimmer of light appeared, an invisible light and shadow, direct to the sky.

    "Pu~"Bloody splashes, high in the air, Kaido's side face, a blood mark, showing it.

    The clouds are running through, the sun is falling, the whole venue is silent.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Rime tableThe dust dissipated, and in the deep pit, Xuanye slowly floated up, the boss hands drooped, the mouth sighed slightly, looked up, and the eyes were tight at the sight at the air like a Warcraft figure.

    In the same way, Kaido’s huge body of more than ten meters completely violated the law, and stood in the air, the beast-like giant python, the murderous look at Xuanye, because the little bit on the ground made him feel a touch Kind of excitement.

    Calm and confrontation, a breeze blowing, moment, the ground sensation, Xuanye turned into a flame, rose up.

    At this same time, Kaido exudes the Ferocious Beast-like body and swoops down. At that moment, two eternal figures are connected.

    "Hua~""Hua~"Flame entangled, soaring, Xuanye's right hand, a barb long spear, slamming straight.

    ting!Jin Ge Iron Horse, Kaido's giant fist, slammed down.

    Tears the eardrum, the giant punches are ruined, the barbs long spear smash, and at this moment, the fire flashes, Xuanye flashes next to Kaido, a punch of black ink, condenses the high temperature that makes the atmosphere vibrate, and blasts And out.

    Terrifying collision, huge explosion, Kaido sneer, right fist swell, covered with weird scales, hard out.

    The hurricane plundered, like a diamond, one big and one small two black fists, colliding.

    Overwhelming, the whole sky was chaotic, the two snorted and staggered, and at the same time, two black feet, rotated.

    "boom…boom…"The invisible figure, the entire sky, countless sounds, one after another, carrying a devastating Strength, constantly spreading toward all directions.

    "Hmph!"Suddenly, a breath spurted out, Xuanye's face was white, and the whole body was bent, and the face was full of pain.

    Eyes gold red, all suffocating, no matter what, Xuanye both hands open, two long spear, piercing flesh and blood, running through Kaido's chest.

    Separately, the figure fell rapidly, accompanied by the explosion of the earth moving mountains, in a messy gravel, Xuanye half-squatted in the ground, constantly bleeding in his mouth, his face was very ugly.

    In the same way, the fierce World of Warcraft continually erupted and fell to the ground. Kaido was bloodthirsty and reached out. The two long spears on the chest were pulled out without changing the color. The naked eye was visible to the naked eye. It was actually squirming, but it was only heal in a moment.

    Standing up, looks at this scene, Xuanye original ugly face is more gloomy.

    "brat, Attack is very good. I haven't tasted this pain for a long time. I am really nostalgic."The wound was heal, there was no change, not even asthma. This is the guy who fought a few rounds with Xuanye.

    Pouting, the gloomy face is soothing, Xuanye stands up, reaches out, wipes off the blood of the corner of the mouth, and suddenly laughs. "It’s the strongest creature that can’t kill, the serious injury to others, even in a moment. It’s really terrible to heal it!”

    Why? Want to ask for mercy with Lao Tzu? ”

    "beg for mercy? Just by you? ”Dismissive, Xuanye leaned slightly, Flame plundered, a violent scent, and flashed.


    "Humbling…Bangling…"The ground continued to burst, only to see Xuanye's feet, constantly spraying Flame, and like a firecracker, constantly bursting.


    The dust was splashed, the ground collapsed, and Xuanye's figure disappeared.

    "brat, I decided that there will be no chance for you to ask for mercy."Turning around, Kaido clenched his fists, and the raging Strength condensed, and he didn't look at it and slammed it down.

    "Do I?"The ice-cold sounds well, turning, Kaido's incredible looks at Xuanye on the left, because Kenbunshoku is clearly found on the right, but now, on the left, this speed is faster than before It is.

    "boom…"As his face changed, Kaido bent over and snorted in his mouth, because a black foot was kicking heavily on his stomach.

    "Flame jet."

    "Hua~"Endless Flame eruption, Kaido's huge body, with a flame tail, rolled out, for a time, the ground cracked, a gully, tearing out.

    "Humbling…Bangling…"Invisible sound, a series of explosions, backwards, Xuanye suddenly flashed over Kaido, one foot, falling straight down.

    "Hol…hōng lòng Long…"

    Overwhelming, like moving mountains and reclamation, the whole earth is torn, a blood, spewing out.

    Ice-cold his face, staring at the Kaido, Xuanye both hands in the ground, a triangular golden white light, running through.

    "Run through the rays."

    "Ah…brat …."The earth shakes, the golden rays of the white white run directly through Kaido's chest, and even through the core of Dressrosa, directly into the endless deep sea.

    "Endless arrows."

    Overwhelmingly, the whole sky was golden and red, and numerous swords and swords fell and fell.

    "Flame rays."

    "Destroy the gun."

    "deep.The bloom of the flame. ”

    Standing in the air, leaning over, a beam of light two meters in diameter, followed by, constantly burning all, drowning the entire ground.

    "Om" "Om"The whole scene collapsed. For a time, the ground of tens of thousands of meters was directly melted and turned into a liquid.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Rime tableStopped Attack, standing in the air, Xuanye panting, his chest violently undulating.


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