Turning around, no fluctuations, Xuanye's dull look at Caesar, who mourned on the ground, and the three women who were slightly trembling and did not dare to raise the head.

    Just shut up.

    With a cold look, Xuanye frowned, and couldn’t understand Caesar’s fuss.

    Suddenly, Caesar, lying on the ground, licked his mouth and did not dare to speak again.

    "You want to run away?"Eye strabismus, Xuanye faceless look at Caesar.

    No, I didn't.Quickly shook head, Caesar swallowed, and looked extremely frightened.

    "There is no more than three things. Your value is only twice. It is counted once in Punk Hasad. Now it is counted again. If there is another time, then you can die."

    The eyes were cold, Xuanye had no affectionate look at Caesar, causing Caesar to feel tight, involuntarily, scalp numb.

    "Remember, do things for me, I won't deny you anything, I have wealth, fame, freedom, I will give you, but if you betray me, I will let you discover that living in this world is a error."

    "I am very interested in your wisdom, since you dare to be the first scientist in the world.Bega Punk fights, I don't care if you say it is true or not, but I will give you a chance to prove it. However, if this time is passed, there is no answer that makes me satisfied. Similarly, you can die. ”

    "In addition, I am also very interested in the artificial fruit that you said in Punk Hasad. As for other research, the same is true. From now on, you are the scientist of Evening Sun Pirate Crew. Do you have any opinions?"

    Finally, Xuanye walked over to Caesar, bent over and reached out.

    Throughout the body, although Xuanye has been very calm, but in Caesar's view, as much as a beast, and himself, is the dish of this beast; but cold, this beast suddenly reached out and watched In this way, it seems to be pulling yourself up? Is it reaching out? Still not reaching out?

    For a time, Caesar directly smashed, because the devil in front of him is really too moody.

    Why? do you have any opinion? ”Bending, Xuanye stretched out her hand and saw Caesar kept groaning. For a time, her face began to change.

    "Ahhhh…"my pleasure. ”The whole body trembled, and Caesar quickly reached out and tried to point his head desperately, fearing that it was all a dream.

    Pulling up Caesar, Xuanye patted his shoulder and suddenly changed his tone. "But as a member of Evening Sun Pirate Crew, Strong is too weak. After that, in addition to research, he takes five hours a day to practice."

    "Hey…AhWith a face, Caesar stunned again.

    "In the future, those guys will teach you every day, there is no weak on the demise."Xuanye pointed to Foxxy and the others who were smirking in the distance, indicating that Caesar was ready.

    SI am only engaged in research, fighting things, can not turn to me? ”I don’t know if I look at this situation, so Caesar asked with a fantasies.

    "There is no room for negotiation, you go to the side."Waving his hand, Xuanye pushed Caesar directly and looked at Monet, who was standing next to Kalifa.

    "Your value!"Grass green wavy long hair shawl, a pair of golden eyes, there is a different kind of beauty, coupled with the graceful bumpy body, Monet can be said to be a full-length Beauty, the day of the fairy-like appearance, no need for Kalifa The difference with Ain.

    "BOSS, he is Logia.Snow and Snow Fruit Ability User …."

    Raising his hand, Xuanye interrupted Kalifa's commentary and looked at Monet and said, "Let her say it."

    Taking a deep breath, Monet, who has always been silent, finally started to talk, because she knows that the moment to decide her own destiny is here.

    Undoubtedly, in this man's eyes, there is no such thing as pity and cherished jade, and some are just values. Monet has no doubt that if he has no value, then he will definitely die if he greets himself.

    "Research, cooking, fighting, all aspects, I have all involved, if possible, please Heavenly Divine Bird adults let me go, I am willing to swear by life, will never betray Evening Sun Pirate Crew."

    The beautiful face is condensed, and Monet's determined look at Xuanye is the first time she confronts the dark, star-like eyes.

    Deep, crazy, scared, quiet, gentle, in the dark eyes covered by indifference, somehow, Monet understood these.

    "Although there are some values, it is not enough to keep your life."

    However, after waiting for a moment, Xuanye's cold-blooded words directly knocked out Monet's hopes, causing the former, his face to be white on the spot.

    "Enel, solved."

    Looking away, Xuanye directly announced the end of Monet, that is death.

    With Xuanye's order, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe the sight at Xuanye, because this order is too cruel and too ruthless.

    Among them, Jinbe is even more psychological, and can't help but feel a bit fortunate.

    "Yes, BOSS!"Both hands Behind the head, Enel walked slowly to the desperate Monet, and also cold-blooded. "Please, if you match it, I will give you a good time."

    "BOSS is really cruel, but unfortunately such a big beauty."Shiryu has some regrets.

    "Who said no? Still a Logia Ability User! ”World also shrugged.

    "BOSS, she can help me, can you let her go."Can't bear to look up, Kalifa is a little anxious, this time to get along, has already let her recognize Monet.

    Indifferent, Xuanye just frowned at the sights at Kalifa.

    "BOSS, so many people on board, your food, drink, and drink, all rely on me and Ain, even on Sky Island, Ganfor also needs me to confirm through Den Den Mushi, you have not said, if I am too tired Can you find a few helpers? Now, I want Monet to be my assistant. ”

    "Hey…Monet is a good research assistant. If you can, I hope BOSS can leave her. ”Aside, feeling empathy, Caesar also pleaded.

    "If this is the case, then take a look!"

    "Thank you BOSS."Kalifa twitched and smiled. Sure enough, BOSS still cares about what we people feel. ”

    With a lingering grief, Monet breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed his head and walked quietly to the side.

    "As for the three people, they are all killed."After solving Monet, Xuanye looked at Viola, Sugar and baby5.

    This start to talk, directly scared Sugar, and even Viola, his face was pale.

    "Let's ask Heavenly Divine Bird to let us go."The whole body fell weakly on the ground, and Viola pleaded.

    ValueWith a cold-blooded face, Xuanye ignored the three women who were crying.

    "I am the Ability User who has eaten the fruit of the fruit. I can see it far away. I used to be the Princess of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. I will also do some government affairs. I will cook everything, too…."

    "I am baby5, the Ability User who ate the weapon fruit…."

    "I am Sugar, the Ability User who has eaten the childlike fruit ….."

    You don't need Xuanye to ask, and as Viola says his value, baby5 and Sugar also say their value, but compared to the value of Viola, there is no doubt that the two are much less.


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