The fastest update Pirate: the latest chapter of the World of the World!

    Noisy, with Xuanye picking up this mysterious devil fruit, others started everything in disorder to pick their own eyes. .org

    To be honest, these things have no appeal to the people on the demise, for them, there may be some interest in some small jewelry.

    Ignore the noise of everyone, Xuanye went directly to her room, but stayed in front of the door for a moment, turned and said to everyone, "It’s time to start tomorrow. It’s time to start."

    "Hmph!"Compared to several war elements, the others are absent-minded.

    "bored."Sitting on the boat, Lucci looks at a few women who chose to pick up the little ornaments, and looked at the boundless sea.


    Suddenly, Lucci frowned, even unbelievable, hesitated for a moment, and pulled out a small Den Den Mushi from his chest.

    ‘Hello?Turning on Den Den Mushi, Lucci's face changed a bit, because he knew that this was a group of friends who were not friends but were friends.

    "Lucci …"

    "boom! boom….Damn it…

    The sound of gunfire and shouting sounds, from Den Den Mushi, there was a chaotic sound, and it was obvious that there was a fight on the opposite side.

    "Kaku."Lucci's look condensed when he heard some voice but familiar voice.

    "Lucci brother, I and Bruno, they have been arrested by the Golden Emperor and Marine's on World's largest entertainment boat. We can't hold it anymore…Damn it…Owl careful….."

    The sound came to an abrupt end, and Den Den Mushi in Lucci's hand closed up in an instant.

    After a full moment of condensing, Lucci's face began to ice-cold.

    Jumping down the boat, without hesitation, Lucci began to walk towards Xuanye's room.

    "Is it Kaku?"Not far from the side, Kalifa stepped forward and asked.

    ‘En?’Lucci is not stopping, nodded.

    "They are in danger?"Kalifa is in a tight heart.

    "And I went to the BOSS room."

    "Boom…Boom…"Lucci and Kalifa stood at the door of Xuanye and knocked on the door.

    "Come in."The plain voice sounded, Lucci and Kalifa pushed in and looked up, only to see the Xuanye sitting on the bed, looking at them.

    "You two come in together, what?"Start to talk, Xuanye pointed to the seat next to it, indicating that the two sat down and said.

    "BOSS, I have to leave for a while."Sitting in a chair, the first, Lucci start to talk.

    "The reason, you have to know, we are going to New World soon, your strength is indispensable."Xuanye frowned slightly.

    "BOSS, Kaku they are in danger, and I and Lucci have to save them."Aside, Kalifa both hands grabbed the chair.

    "Kaku? WHO?Xuanye has some doubts.

    "BOSS, CP9, you should have seen them."

    When I heard Kalifa's explanation, Xuanye thought back, and there were a few vague figures in my mind. Indeed, I had almost killed them.

    Seeing Xuanye's somewhat savvy look, Lucci heavy start to talk "BOSS. After I and Kalifa retired World Government, they were arrested, but they finally escaped, but they have been chased by the World Government. Killing."

    “So?Xuanye is very dull.

    "BOSS, from an early age, we trained together, they can have today, and I and Lucci betrayed World Government, so no matter what, I and Lucci want to save them."Kalifa carries a pretty face, a determined look at Xuanye.

    Lucci, also a face of indifference, did not refute what Kalifa said.

    InterestingThe brow stretched and Xuanye was not talking.

    Finally, after waiting for a while, in the mood of Lucci and Kalifa getting more and more bottomless, Xuanye started to talk "Is both of you?"

    "It is enough."Lucci's eyes are moving, then there is endless arrogance.

    "Exactly, I have one more thing to do, then give you half a month, go!"Finally, Xuanye promised.

    "many thanks BOSS."Standing up, Lucci and Kalifa walked out of the door.

    Looks at the two disappeared, Xuanye looks at table on the strange devil fruit, showing a smile "for a long time did not see you, this once, you will always follow me!" ”

    After the self-speaking, Xuanye picked up the devil fruit and walked out of the door.

    But as soon as I walked out of the door, a few figures were surrounded.

    “What are the conditions for BOSS, Lucci and Kalifa? They drove off the cruise ship. ”Binz stretched his fingers and disappeared into the horizon, leaving only a black spot.

    "They have a bit of a thing, so you have to stay here for a while."Looking at the horizon, Xuanye waved and said to Bege, "Bege, come over, take this fruit well, wait for me to go to a place."

    "BOSS, are you leaving?"

    "Well, I want to go to East Blue this time."Smile, Xuanye nodded.

    Come on!! I have to stay here, I knew that I followed Lucci and they went out. ”A mourning, Foxxy is very lost.

    Creak creak! ——I don't care, I am going out this time, aren't you going to East Blue? I also need to go. ”Very impatient, the monkey can not refuse to set the target.

    That’s up to you.For this lazy goods, Xuanye never disputes.

    "BOSS, I have to go."Seeing both monkeys and Bege, the first thing, Foxxy jumped off.

    "No, I am going to East Blue, just picking up one person, why are you going to so many people?"Directly rebutting, Xuanye thought about it and said, "If you really don't want to stay here, then go out!" I believe that with your Strength, very few people can hurt you. ”

    Originally, everyone with a stunned face immediately revealed the light, and no one spoke.

    "That BOSS, you are good. When you gather, just hit Den Den Mushi."Shiryu has been unable to withstand it.

    "Don't be crazy, there are people in New World formidable. I don't want to ask me to save you."With a glance at the crowd, Xuanye sighed.

    "Know, BOSS, are you not in a hurry? "Walk quickly."Rows of nods, I want Xuanye to go quickly, and then they are so happy.

    Not talking, Xuanye can imagine what it is like to wait for himself to go.

    "唳…."Flame changes, a miraculous bird, with Flame wings, overlooking the sky.

    Look at the disappearance of the BOSS three people, the whole boat suddenly boiled up.

    "Hey…Hey…"blue Thunder is free, a horse first, Enel laughed. "I am leaving, something to call, bye! ”

    The blink of an eye disappeared, the sky, leaving only a blue tail feather.

    "Enel is a bastard."World smashed cursed.

    "I have also left, but fortunately, the World War I prepared a lot of yachts."When she got out of the air, Shiryu didn't say anything, driving a small boat directly and directly using the Calm Belt.

    ‘Hello? you guys…."Viola a few women squinted, and the look at the one by one disappeared, all stunned, to know that BOSS's forefoot just left.

    "Don't worry about them, these guys are crazy."Ain shrugged.

    "If that's the case, then I will go out and see it, and the demise will be handed over to you."World waved and disappeared.

    "What do we do then?"Meet each other, everyone looks at me, I look at you.

    "Whoever wants to go out, go out!"Finally, Perkus looks at everyone.

    "Hey…This genius can not play so much time, Monet, go to the research room with me, we still have a lot of research! ”

    Office of Research how is it like? Can I go in? ”Both eyes are staring, bsb5 and Sugar are full of interest.

    "Hey….Just you. ”

    "Old Man wants to go back to Fishman Island, Perkus, please let me know when I gather."Solemn, Jinbe is pleased with Perkus.

    “No problem!”Perkus nodded.

    "Jinbe Big Brother, I also want to go to Fishman Island to see Little Shirahoshi. I don't know if I can."Ain's eyes brightened and smiled.

    "Of course, but is there a foam cover on the boat?"

    "Of course."

    "Then let's go!"

    For a time, walking, staying, and for a moment, the demise was slightly deserted.


    Otaku welfare, you know!!!Watch online:!!

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