When I heard the bigmom's order, whether it was the Baron Baron or other people who were more concerned about the news on the sea, I couldn't help but reveal a dilemma.

    "Mama …Evening Sun Pirate Crew can't be underestimated, this is the latest news, we can't finish it in a month! ”

    Gritted, the baron stood up and took out a message from his arms and handed it to bigmom.

    After receiving the information, Bigmom swept it over and then slammed it directly on the ground. He was angry and said, "It’s just a Marine traitor who has a reward of 2 billion Berries. You told me that I can’t let it fall under my feet for a month. What do you want? !"

    Suddenly ignited, let everyone under the slap in the face, his face turned white.

    "Give you two months, if you can't meet the requirements, then everyone will give me a five-year life."

    "Mama …."

    A mourning, everyone under the roof raised the head, wanting to beg.

    "Shut up, dare to destroy my sweet powder island, I must pay for the cost of Evening Sun Pirate Crew, and you, being bullied to Totto Land, have not responded yet, it is useless."

    Angry, bigmom anger, the face is very Sensual.

    Since she became Four Emperor, in addition to the three guys, even Marine has rarely dared to challenge himself. What does Evening Sun Pirate Crew eat and bear to be provocative?

    After the ultimatum, bigmom stood up and left the throne, but disappeared into the Great Hall in a moment.

    And with the departure of bigmom, Great Hall, everyone stood up and his face was not very good.

    "It seems that Mama is in a bad mood because of the destruction of the sweet powder island, otherwise it will not give us such orders."One of the daughters of Bigmom, some unhappy said.

    "Cracker Big Brother, what do you say!"At this time, everyone looked to the forefront, the tall man with purple hair, and two clusters of hair with sparks and a scar on his right eye.

    Charlotte .The Cracker, the tenth son of big·mom, is the Mister of Biscuit of Totto Land, and one of the Executive Officer Four Generals, Strength is terrible.

    Four Generals is the most formidable four people in big·momPirates, except for Four Emperor big·mom.

    If Four Emperor is equal to the power of Four Emperor.

    Then the Four Generals under big·mom are just like the three disasters under Kaido. They are the most formidable people besides the captain.

    And just right, Charlotte.The Cracker is one of the most formidable people.

    ‘Hum! I think that you have enjoyed it in the past few years. Just an enemy, you will be so vigilant, don't forget, our Mama is Four Emperor! And our family is one of the four most formidable forces in the new World, a evening Sun Pirate Crew, but a pile of rubbish. ”

    Looks extremely disdain, Cracker contempt for the look at the group of weak brothers and sisters, in my heart, could not help but float this idea that is really the same person with me!

    "Katakuri lost this time, maybe it was fun, wait for him to come, I have to ask him a good question, even to play, almost annoyed Mama!"

    "Yes, Cracker is right, our Mama is a Four Emperor, and we are a Mama's child, an Evening Sun Pirate Crew, what counts."

    "Now the Marine is getting more and more useless. Just a Pirate, you will be rewarded with 2 billion Berries and 1.5 billion Berries. Isn't that killing a few Celestial Dragons? Make a fuss! ”

    Cut That is our big·mompirate's Commander is not out, otherwise, Celestial Dragon, what Admiral, all are slag, also claiming Heavenly Divine Bird, ridiculous. ”

    "It seems that we have enjoyed it in the past few years, and we have forgotten the glory of the family. It’s damn it!"

    "many thanks Cracker big brother reminds…Otherwise, we really have no face to see Mama. ”

    All over the mouth, the entire Great Hall, the resounding, all disdain, indeed, as the children of Four Emperor big·mom, they have the qualification to say these things.

    However, delusions and reality, sometimes the gap, is a world apart.

    "It seems that Mama has given us enough time, and I am an Evening Sun Pirate Crew. I can do it alone."

    "Hey, Charlotte.Owen, do you want to take this credit alone? ”Some people are upset.

    "Well, don't make a noise. There are still two months. The time is more. Now we should think about tomorrow's tea party. Just let Mama be happy, it is more important than anything else."

    A sexy Beauty standing and plucking her hair.


    The people were nodded, and then they discussed the arrangement of the tea talks, and they disappeared. For what Evening Sun Pirate Crew, they were completely unconcerned.

    Wind and sand, stone, staggered, ridiculous.

    Grand Line, an unknown sea, a ridged island, is located here.

    “Reporting Mr. Long, you are letting us pay attention to Evening Sun Pirate Crew!”Deep in the island, a space that has been hollowed out, is located here in an orderly manner.

    Among them, in a large Great Hall, a communications soldier, pushing the door open, holding a stack of materials in his hand, respectfully placed in front of the man in the first place.

    You've had a long dayNodded, as a criminal of World's sinful crimes, Monch.d.Dragon, smiling toward the communications soldier nodded.

    “Don't the time, Evening Sun Pirate Crew is not gone? From Dressrosa! ”Next to it, a wide face appeared, Ivankov was very upset!

    "Mr. Ivankov, how disregarding you are, it has been a long time. A few days ago, the man went to see The Strongest Man in the World, and there was a battle that destroyed several times. The island, even Marine, reported it."

    A slightly dissatisfied voice sounded, and only Koala pulled the short hair, and the both hands were in the waist, constantly condemning Ivankov.

    "Sabo, I am right, Ivankov is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army. I am not doing anything, I protest!"

    "Don't talk to me, I am very busy!"On the one hand, Sabo raised the head from a table full of documents, boasting a face.

    ‘Hum! Who told you to run for the Chief of Staff, and now I rarely go out with me to complete Quest. ”More and more dissatisfied, Koala pulled to Sabo, stretched his fingers and muttered a small mouth.

    "Okay, don't make a noise."One hand knocked on the table, and the dragon saw that they had to quarrel again, but had no choice but to stagger the topic.

    "What the guy is doing, first contact with Whitebeard, and now he is in contact with Akagami again."

    "What! Also in contact with Four Emperor Akagami? ”Great Hall, no matter who it is, is serious at this time.

    "What exactly do he want to do! That shitcake.Gritted teeth, Ivankov smashed cursed.

    "What will definitely happen, or the guy will not make this useless work."The dragon raised his left arm because the man led his right hand, a scarlet, although it would not affect Strength, but the skin color different from normal people can make him feel it every time. Crazy.

    "What do you want to do! Heavenly Divine Bird ! ”

    With a squint, the dragon thoughts, and the intuition tells him that as long as he knows his purpose, their Revolutionary Army will definitely have unexpected benefits!

    “Give me a full attention to the movement of Evening Sun Pirate Crew.”Finally, I thought about it, and the dragon made an order.


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