Along the path, silently walked for a moment, finally, turned over a small hill, the destination of everyone, arrived.

    "Boss, it's over."Became a little cautious, and Caesar pointed to a large field in front of him, visible to the naked eye, in which some of the buds were thriving.

    Silent, Xuanye stepped forward, kneeling beside a small seedling, reaching out and stroking.

    From the outside, it seems that these young shoots are no different from ordinary saplings, probably because of the reason of the growth, exuding a fragrant and strange smell.


    Suddenly, Xuanye felt a move at the foot, even with moisture.

    ‘Yes!I am sorryI will be careful, please don't hit me. ”Accompanied by the grievances, I saw a little girl with only a slap size, wearing a worn dress, struggling with a small wooden barrel and sitting down at Xuanye's feet.

    Very scared, the little guy shivered, slamming his mouth hard, not letting himself cry, but the tears kept falling.

    Such a small person, Xuanye is the first time to see, can not help but look a little curious.

    Reaching out, gently grabbing the little girl, Xuanye put it in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully.

    In the eyes, it is a pointed nose, a long yellow wave, and a small body, a slightly dirty face. At this time, I am very afraid and afraid, even dare not look at Xuanye.

    What is your name?Xuanye whispered.

    However, now the little girl is terrified, just smeared with tears and curled up.

    "Boss asks you!"

    "Caesar, you shut up."

    Some fierce, Caesar made a sound, Xuanye obviously felt the little girl's whole body trembled, this is afraid of the extreme, therefore, Xuanye looked at Caesar in a dull manner.

    Needless to say, this is definitely a small human race, and Caesar must have used coercion. Otherwise, the opposite side will not be so scared.

    "I …My name is Man Xueli and I am a small person. ”The trembling eyes were full of big eyes, the water was filled with mist, and the little girl was slightly curious about the look at Xuanye, because Caesar's big Devil was shut up by this person.

    You know, this big Devil is here, but the most formidable, no one dares to resist his orders, but now, this person can.

    Therefore, the little guy is both scared and curious, so it seems a little daunting.

    "Small people? Devil fruit Is the sprout you are taking care of? ”Xuanye's tone is very mild.

    Seeing Xuanye is not as terrible as I imagined. The little guy is a little bolder, and he has a small head, um, "Well, this..This is him…Give us the job, if you don't do well, you are not allowed to eat, you are not allowed to rest, and you will be beaten. ”

    Scared and glanced at Caesar, the little guy shrank his head, his legs were swaying, and the whole body shivered.

    "So, at the beginning, did he have a good conversation with you?" For example, if you help take care of devil fruit sprouts, will he pay? ”

    Xuanye pointed at Caesar and smiled at the little guy.

    "I …I don’t knowVery wronged, swearing, the little guy showed a silly expression.

    "It seems that you are stupid. It must be very tired today. Go back and rest!"Xuanye looks at the expression of the little guy, which is similar to the previous Little Xi.

    "Ahhhh…"Do not kill me…Don't kill me, I will work hard. ”As soon as Xuanye asked her to go back, the little guy’s face was white on the spot and he kept pleading.

    "Don't be afraid, he doesn't dare to tell you how to go back to rest, not to kill you, but really wants you to rest."Xuanye stretched out his finger and clicked on the little guy's head.

    Cry sobbing, the little guy raised the head, pears with rain at the sight at Xuanye, crispy channel "Really?"

    ReallySmiling, Xuanye nodded.

    "Thank you, you are a good person."I burst into tears, and the little guy showed a sweet smile. This innocent expression made Xuanye silent.

    After that, the little guy smiled and ran to the other direction with joy.

    Look at the back of the little guy, Xuanye stood up, and the gentle face sank at once, and the cold voice "to summon all the Kingdom of God managers to the hall tomorrow morning, I want to announce something."

    "Yes, boss."Seeing Xuanye did not blame himself, Caesar breathed a sigh of relief and responded.

    "Let's go, there is nothing to look at here."Turning around, Xuanye has lost interest.

    Out of the research room, outside, it has been completely blackened, the sky, the endless shining stars glittering, the magical beautiful starlight, illuminating the entire Kingdom of God.

    The heavy sigh of relief, the birds spread their wings, like Sun, rising up.

    At this time, because of Xuanye's sake, Manshili, who did not work today, returned to his residence. This is a small building jungle. Obviously, the villain is not just one of Manshli.

    "Manshli is back."Panic, scared, in the small jungle, countless small people came out from the balcony of their room, all incredible looks at Manshli.

    "Man Shirley, my daughter, why are you not working tonight?"An old little man, Old Man, with a cane, looked worriedly at Manshly's behind.

    "It’s a gentle big brother who told me to come back to rest."Manshli looked very happy and turned around.

    "Does the adults of Caesar know?"Old Man swallowed and asked with amazement.

    "Know it! It was right next to it. ”Manshli nodded her head.

    "How is it possible that someone can ignore Caesar?"A small inhabitant is full of incredible.

    "Oh, these are not important now. In a few days, the passage to the outside world will be opened by Leo. At that time, we will be free."There was a slightly strong little man who was angry and apparently angry at Caesar's slavery.

    "But now it’s already outside the Kingdom of God. It’s been a while ago, I heard that it has killed another race."There are timid little people, full of fear.

    "Are we just being enslaved like this?"Indignant, and some people are unwilling.

    "We have to resist…."

    "But our Strength is too weak, and King of God of God, but a Devil who kills people."

    For a time, all the little people, desperate, and extremely depressed.

    "Man Shirley, who is the person who called you back? Since even Devil of Caesar does not dare to resist, then we ask him, can you get a turnaround? ”There are small people who are staring at Manshili, full of expectations.

    "Yes, this method may be a try."

    "Even if I escaped, it is the site of Kingdom of God…It is better to ask him! ”

    In a word, two words, slowly, the people around me are attached, and all look at the most central Manshili.

    "I don't know who he is."The smiling face was lost, and Manshili patted her head and looked very regretful.

    When I heard Manshili’s answer, everyone was disappointed.

    "However, Caesar's Devil seems to call the big brother a boss, but what does boss mean? Is it the name of the big brother? ”Very confused, Manshli took a small head.

    "Boss is the leader, chief, captain in the human world…."The little man, Old Man, caressed his beard with one hand and recalled what he had seen in books.




    The entire venue was audible, and everyone opened their mouths and thought of a possibility, is it…

    "He is the emperor of Kingdom of God?"

    “Four Emperor Heavenly Divine Bird?”

    ‘How?’Everyone thought of this possibility, all of them were paralyzed, and they simply subverted their view of World. After all, the Emperor of Kingdom of God is far away from them, but the starry sky will appear here. It is incredible.


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