Time goes back to the first few months.

    Endless, the raging cross, the endless cloud, dazzling.

    New World, an unknown sea, over the sky, looking down from the universe, will find that a huge island is slowly floating in the air.

    World was shocked. I didn't expect that there would be an island floating in the air, it was incredible, and it was still moving.


    However, this miraculous island is not as beautiful as it seems, at least for the exterior, because of the periphery of the entire island, all directions are filled with a magnetic force, and accompanied by a blue thunder, the situation is extremely terrifying .

    Perhaps it is because of this magnetic force and the Thunder that led to the island, as in the sea, unimpeded.

    "Enel, take a break!"The island of God, the Golden Temple, Binz pushed in and the look at the most central Enel, said one.


    The Thunder went out, the island stopped, Enel panted, and sat down with sweat, grabbed the tea in Binz's hand and slammed it.

    “What a terrible thing, where are we going?”

    Almost on the chair, Enel blinked.

    "It’s already in New World, but it’s still a while away from Kingdom of God."Getting started with a figure is exactly Bege.

    "After such a long time, have you gone so far?"Frowning his eyebrows, Enel was in a bad mood. In a short time, he was like a slave. He was tired every day to live, and the island just entered New World. Although because of this, their own thunder is getting more and more cohesive, but body and Spirit, it is really in a state of exhaustion.

    Enel complained that it was not a day or two, so both Binz and Bege were directly ignored.

    “How are the residents on the island?”Binz looks at Bege, asks.

    "In addition to the initial startle, under the explanation of Ganfor, it has stabilized the state, but this day, shaking it, still brings them a lot of fear."Bege twisted his eyebrows.

    Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

    "Gangfor wants to see."As the manager of Sky Island, Gan Fore has always been meticulous, and Sky Island, under his own leadership, lived peacefully until the return of Enel and the others.

    Upon returning, he said that moving Sky Island to Kingdom of God would have brought Ganfur to the earthquake, but after a moment of contemplation, he returned to God, because of the location of Kingdom of God, he knows.

    Even if he opposed it, it was estimated that it was useless. Therefore, under the coordination of various assistants, the residents of Sky Island were stabilized.

    "Come in."Without image, Enel has been stumbling over the chair, and it has become Boss here, and Binz and Bege have not said anything, who called this Strength stronger than they are forformable.

    “Enel adults, Binz adults, Bege adults, right in front of the island, we found the island.”A start to talk, Gan Fore explained the intention.

    “What's good about the island, New World is everywhere.”Enel looks disdainful.

    "Enel, I am talking about the front of us and discovering the islands that are suspended in the air, and the number is huge."His face is heavy, Ganfor looks at Enel.

    “What?”Binz and the others stood up and it was an accident.

    "In addition to Sky Island, there are other islands in the sky."Holding the chin, Bege was a little surprised.

    “Is it another Sky Island?”Binz sat down and calmed down.

    "Go, go and see, after all, the more sites of Kingdom of God, the better."The eyes glow, exuding full aggression, and Enel suddenly radiant, but the exhaustion in the depths of the eyes, but never seen.

    Binz and Bege are also full of interest, so they went out together.

    After a while, the three men rushed into the air and reflected in the three-eyes. They were all kinds of strange islands of various sizes, ranging from 100 meters to kilometers or even tens of meters. The closer to the center, the smaller the island. The bigger.

    Most importantly, these islands are very amazing. There are all water islands, all rocky islands, and all sorts of things, all suspended in the air, looks beautiful.

    "These islands don't have a white sea, how are they suspended in the air."Looking at these islands, Binz has a bad foreboding.

    “Is there no gravity in the air here?”The release of Geppo and the rapid fall of Bege confirmed that the sky here is the same as elsewhere. That is to say, these islands can be suspended without the White Sea. This is really a big night.

    You know, Sky Island can be suspended in the air, because there is a white sea under the island, like the sea, there is a huge buoyancy cloud.

    But these islands are not.

    "I think we have trouble."Standing in the air, listening to the huge beasts that came from the surrounding islands, and the islands that miraculously suspended in the air, Binz's face changed directly because he thought of a possibility.

    If you say that there are so many islands in the world that can live in the air without relying on the White Sea, there is only one possibility, that is, devil fruit Ability User.

    There is only one person with such a formidable devil fruit ability, that is Pirate · Shiki in Legend.

    It is easy to suspend the island in the air, and it is still so much at one time. There is absolutely no other possibility besides this person.

    For Shiki, Binz knows that even with Xuanye, he has listened to Zephyr, so when he saw this, Binz first came up with this idea.

    Too much hassle Just rely on the beasts on these islands? ”From the contempt in the bones, Enel both hands shoulders, disdain.

    "I am not talking about these, but the people who caused these islands to float in the air."Binz has a heavy tone.

    “Don't these be natural?”Bege looks a little.

    "Cut, let me see and you will know."Closed eyes, Enel released the perception, and for a moment, Kenbunshoku combined with the power grid, like a spider web, spread out overwhelmingly.

    And this formidable fluctuations, Enel did not conceal, but rather generous, direct and strong impact.

    In an instant, countless grotesque islands are all in Enel's mind.

    Until the center of the island, the huge island, because there is a palace, and Enb's Kenbunshoku, just entering the palace, felt a terrifying breath is recovering, like a sleeping lion, which is slow Slowly wake up.

    Ten thousand meters away, in the huge island, when Enb's Kenbunshoku was flooded, an old man, an old man with a slight eye, and a boundless Haki, emerged.

    "桀Hahaha ….Such a strong Kenbunshoku seems to have encountered an Expert, just boring, the move has moved. ”

    The long blonde on the ground, like a lion-like mane, is very mighty, but strangely, this person has a rudder inserted in his head, while the waist is carrying two long swords. It looks very strong. .

    "Hong!"The same overbearing Kenbunshoku, unstoppable, is centered on the palace and is strong.

    "Let's go." We met a fun guy. ”Both eyes are full of excitement, and casually said, Enel turned into lightning and rushed past.


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