With this at the same time, New World Marine headquarters. .

    Smog, a variety of cigarette flavors, floating in the crowded chambers, looking at them, all frowning, or serious and heavy expression.

    Basically, none of the Marines who can sit here are below the Rear Admiral Military Rank.

    "The latest news, Kingdom of God is already preparing for the war, whether it is a war or a retreat, you will discuss it."

    Although Sengoku and the others have been prepared, the madman will not hesitate to launch a war. To be honest, there is really a sense of impact.

    Although Sengoku already has plans, but this meeting, it is still necessary to reach a result through discussion, otherwise, after the big black pot, he alone can not be back.

    If it is the result of the final deliberation of the entire Marine level, then no matter what the consequences afterwards, it will be backed up by everyone, so it can be easier.

    "What is his Heavenly Divine Bird? Really when we are afraid of him? In order to fight, just as Kingdom of God has not recovered, we have won the Kingdom of God in one fell swoop. ”

    There are radicals, patted the table directly, arrogant looks at the audience, only one goal, Marine is fearless.

    Compared with the brainless behavior of the radicals, the left-behind faction has more brains.

    "Heavenly Divine Bird is really not something, we are not afraid of him in Marine, but this war, I think it should not happen, at least not now."

    "Talk about the reasons."On the first, the crane signaled the Vice Admiral to continue.

    "The investigation revealed that this time Kingdom of God only twitched half of Strength to crusade Hundred Beast Kaido, and half of the army used the heavenly guard to guard the Kingdom of God, so strictly speaking, Kingdom of God is not empty."

    "Hey, it’s up to others to use the Marine's Strength to destroy a Kingdom of God."The thick neck was anxious, some people were not happy, and they retorted on the spot.

    "Doing things, using your brain, if we are now fighting with Marine and Kingdom of God, there is only one possibility, that is, both lose, even if the Kingdom of God is destroyed, our Marine will lose a lot, don't forget, New World also There are three Five Emperors."

    "Not to mention, there are a lot of people who want to be the benefit of the fishermen. If one step goes wrong, our Marine may be overwhelmed."

    "As you said, isn't our Marine want to swallow this time."The whole body exudes suffocation and is intolerable by Marine.

    "There are a lot of uncertainties in this incident, we…"

    "Fat, you are left behind to be afraid of death."

    "What's special, I have been holding you for a long time."The left-behind faction being analyzed was directly provoked by fire. On the spot, he took a table and talked to the radicals. "Nima doesn't look at what is happening. If there is a war, I will ask you a sentence, Heavenly Divine Bird treats it. Like the Beasts continent, cast a Sun here, what do you do."

    Throughout the Great Hall, the direct drop can be heard. At this time, some talents have returned to God, and they can't help but get cold.

    "What are you talking about, are you not yelling?"

    A look of disdain, left behind the party at the radical, like watching stupid.

    "War, it can't be done with bravery. The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't."

    difficultIs it that we are so swallowing? ”The sectarians did not dare to swear words, but they threw the questions to the left-behind.

    For a time, the following is very noisy, but the top is calm.

    For example, Admiral, Admiral, Garp and the others did not speak from beginning to end. What should be done, even Kuzan took a nap.

    "The best way is to let the Five Emperors guilty, such as the war between Heavenly Divine Bird and big and Hundred Beast Kaido, which directly led to the two Five Emperors falling into the altar, even though the position of big touched m to the high red But now that Kaido is dead, there are only four remaining Five Emperors."

    "Heavenly Divine Bird, Whitebeard, Akagami, Solitary Red; calculating the time, Whitebeard should not be able to support for a long time, Akagami and Lonely Red also have a grudge with Heavenly Divine Bird, as long as the manipulation is right, maybe we can easily disintegrate Five Emperors status, when our Marine breaks down again…"


    As time went by, the atmosphere of the entire conference hall was getting more and more dignified. Let's not talk about Marine's deliberation. We look at the fuses of all this.

    Commercial Street, located in the left and right side of the Marine headquarters, after all, Marine also needs to eat and drink, it can be said that in addition to the huge size of Marin van Gogh, the rest, everything.

    In the residential area, in a villa, the culprit of Marine's brains at the moment is eating and eating, and there are several Marine women, Rear Admiral.

    Among them, there is a huge potential of Hina, a beautiful woman who had had several faces when she was in Xuanye or Marine's.

    Compared to a few years ago, Hina is now more mature and intellectual, and more beautiful, and the position is mixed with Rear Admiral.

    However, Hina's Strength is still somewhat inadequate compared to the friend Smoker, so she is still Rear Admiral when Smoker has become Vice Admiral's.

    However, Hina, now known as the Marine Army Flower, is very curious about the look at the little girl who is not afraid of this day.

    Because of what? That is because after the emergence of this little guy, there is no fear and uneasiness that other children should have. Instead, they have an excellent appetite, and all kinds of snacks are not enough to eat.

    As for why this little guy appeared in Marine's territory, it was because the day before, a bald blackbird sent it. With the arrival of this little guy, a news spread all over the world.

    At that time, they only knew the identity of the little girl and the identity of the bald blackbird.

    Then, in response to all these unexpected events, Marine convened the generals and is still in the meeting.

    And her Hina, she was sent here.

    Wearing a skirt of Marine skirt, Hina is wearing a red rose with long hair, sitting on the sofa, revealing the long white legs with long white hair, looks at the eyes and smiles into Getsuga, the little guy who keeps the cone, in the eyes, can't help There was a trace of memories.

    "Momousagi, the person you like, even the children are so big."

    Hina, who was in the midst of memories, suddenly felt a sway and returned to God. It turned out that this little guy was carrying innocent big eyes, and some embarrassed to grab her sleeves.

    "This big sister, can you give me another cold ice that is just delicious?"

    Full of eagerness, the little guy is very young, but not afraid.

    "Are not you afraid?"I can't help myself, looks at the big eyes that don't have the slightest impurities, and have been flashing like stars. Hina feels very calm and very warm.

    "The aunt said that if you encounter anything, you must be brave."

    With a small head, the little guy replied naturally.

    "This is another sentence."Taking a shot of forehead, Hina is more and more curious about the aunt who the little guy said.

    This little guy's aunt, Hina knows, that is the Kingdom of God's big Princess, the full name of Tang Xuanxi, but as soon as the problem is encountered, this little guy must be the first sentence: the aunt said these words.

    From the conversation to the present, Hina didn't hear the little guy say something about his father.

    As if in the life of this little guy, only aunt.

    It seems that the rumor is true, Heavenly Divine Bird does not like his daughter.

    It’s really a stone heart! Sighing, Hina couldn't help but sympathize. After all, the child is innocent. It seems that this little guy is not happy at Kingdom of God.

    "This cold and cool thing can't eat too much, otherwise it will get sick."Slightly squatting down, Hina's face is gentle, pointing to the little guy's belly, softly saying, "If you eat too much, you will have a stomachache."

    "Then I will not eat, my aunt said, as long as it is a sick snack, you should eat less."

    The little guy is holding a small mouth, very serious, although he can't understand why eating it will get sick, but as long as the aunt said it is right, listening to the aunt's words is right.

    Because Xingyu has to be a child.

    "It’s really obedient."Look at the expression of the little guy cute, Hina even came up with the idea of ​​stealing the child's own raise.


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