If the mouth is overwhelming, Xuanye can't bear it, the whole body exudes the smell of ice-cold, and the death of the sight at Sengoku, who has said that he has tolerated, has already exceeded the limit. .

    Finally, for ten minutes, Xuanye's face was completely smashed.

    "Old things, you can't talk nonsense, I kill you."

    The icy and chilly sound interrupted Sengoku's lingering, and the whole scene was completely solidified.

    And Sengoku, his face is completely black, and some dangerous looks at Xuanye.

    With Xuanye's threat, Sengoku's face can't fall directly, and it seems that some of it can't go up.


    I don't know if it is the time for the crane to make time. At this critical moment, I took a little girl with one hand and jumped from afar.

    With the appearance of this little girl, whether it is Xuanye or Sengoku, they have already cast their eyes on it. The previous embarrassment has disappeared directly.

    For the first time, the whole world, seeing the daughter of Heavenly Divine Bird, can be said to be as noble as the Celestial Dragon.

    It is such a small guy who has everything when he is born, wealth, rights, status, everything, and people are not envious, it is all fake.

    With the status of Kingdom of God, plus the prestige of Heavenly Divine Bird, this little guy can be said to be a favorite of thousands of people, whatever you want, even if others struggle for a lifetime, they are far behind.

    Because birth determines everything, some are born noble, some are born low, and everything is built on the father.

    Therefore, reincarnation is also an art.

    FatherStill not near, the little guys are born at the sight of Xuanye, some dare not on the eyes of Xuanye, because she is small, can clearly feel that Dad is very angry now.

    Although I don't know why, Xuanye's feelings for her in the past are bored. For this reason, the little guys are not happy, some are just grievances and fears.

    Faced with frost, Xuanye looks at the grievances of the little guy, although his face is indifferent, but in his heart, like being torn, let him painfully.


    Xuanye hasn't started to talk, else's Enel and the others, it's just a bit of a move, and the look at that is full of aggrieved face, a suffocating, swaying in the entire sea.

    "Marine, you are too arrogant, even dare to catch the Kingdom of God's Princess, find death."

    The entire sky riots, countless blue thunders, and Enel can't wait to ruin these people right away.

    Not only is Enel ready to move, even Lucci, at this moment is the both hands flowing dazzling light, the dangerous looks at all Marine, exudes a chilling killing intent.

    "Don't be instigated. You should know who is causing it. Are you willing to be used as a pawn?"The crane took the little guy closer, and as soon as the opposite side of the opposite side, she was able to make the quickest preparation.

    "Little Xingyu, have you been wronged here?"

    However, for the problem of cranes, Lucci and the others directly ignored, but the favorite look at Xingyu, asked.

    "Lucci Uncle, no..NoneCarefully glanced at Xuanye and found that Xuanye was looking at her, and the little guy quickly narrowed his neck and grabbed the crane's corner with one hand.

    This scene, the crane frowned and could not help but frown, and then looked at Xuanye's face, and suddenly it was ugly.

    "Xingyu, don't be afraid, Enel Uncle is here, as long as someone is bullying you, you tell Enel Uncle that Enel Uncle will never let them go."

    Very gentle inquiry, Enel looks at Xingyu, and then looked at other Marines one by one, the threats of which are not disguised.

    As long as someone dares to bully their little baby, he must let him regret coming to this World.

    "Enel Uncle, no one bullied me, there is a sister, it’s good for me, and I am cold and cool."

    The little guy didn't notice the current atmosphere. Obviously, he thought of something delicious. He was a little excited on the spot, but when he saw Xuanye's expressionless, stinking stone expression in the pit, the sound became smaller and smaller. In the end, if it is not Enel's hearing, it may not be heard.

    I said the past once and twice, but every time the little guy finished speaking, he took a look at Xuanye. After reading it, the voice was stunned and full of pitiful appearance, which made people feel bad.

    For a time, everyone's weird look at Xuanye, in combination with Heavenly Divine Bird hate his daughter's rumors, all scorned the look at Xuanye, and some spit on the ground spit, a look of spit.

    "Sengoku, I don't want to talk nonsense, either hand over Tang Xingyu or sink the entire Marine headquarters into the sea."

    Looking away from the little guy, Xuanye looked at Sengoku.

    "Three conditions."

    Sengoku is waiting for Xuanye start to talk. Therefore, there is no such thing as nonsense, and three conditions are directly raised.

    After all, just surrender Tang Xingyu, then where does his face go?

    Later, it was passed out. He also said that Sengoku was afraid of Heavenly Divine Bird and that Marine was afraid of Kingdom of God.

    For Sengoku's instinct, Xuanye didn't even think about it, and she went to "You are threatening me?"

    "It is rumored that you Heavenly Divine Bird hates his daughter very much, and it doesn't matter whether it is between two years….Today, I want to see if the rumor is true. ”

    Sengoku showed his smile and his eyes glanced, indicating that the green bull was ready to start.

    I already knew the planned green bull, and I didn’t say anything. I went straight to the little guy who stood up with a small head and lost face.

    As for the little guy, I am still immersed in Sengoku’s words, full of grievances and loss, and I don’t know what happened, just a dull look.

    The green cow, holding Xingyu in one hand, condenses Strength in one hand, and looks like that, it is necessary to shoot Xingyu in one hand.

    "Green Bull, you dare."A roar, the whole sky screams, the endless thunder spreads, Enel whole body is detached, red eyes, and the death at the green bull.

    And Lucci, the same, the surrounding atmosphere, tearing into a track.

    BossAnxious, Ain lost his square, while looking at Xingyu, while looking at Xuanye.

    Others are also nervous, angry anger, panic-stricken panic.

    However, the headed Xuanye, from beginning to end, has ice-cold face, no start to talk.

    FatherLook at Xuanye, who is indifferent, Xingyu, who has already returned to the world, even if she is small, she can feel the emotions of the stock, so she grinned, and she almost cried out, but when she thought of her aunt, she was desperate. Resist the tears.

    "Green Bull, hands-on."

    Get Sengoku's order, Green Bull looked at Xuanye incredibly, and some doubted whether this little guy was the daughter of this madman, but the order can't be violated, so the big hand slammed into the little guy's head.

    At this moment, all of World has raised its heart.

    Xuanye, his face remained the same, but his heart was panicked.

    A well

    Almost from the teeth, Xuanye snorted with a twisted face, no one knows, at the moment Xuanye's clenched fists, the nails have been deeply immersed in flesh and blood.

    Between the electric and the flint, the green cow stopped his palm and looked at Sengoku.

    "You have no right to bargain, two."

    Sengoku can clearly feel the anger of Xuanye, but he must maximize the benefits. Therefore, he is afraid of a complete emergency. Xuanye, retreat a small step, directly reducing the three conditions by one.

    "Sengoku, you are looking for death, no one can threaten me Tang Xuanye."In an instant, Xuanye roared, and a raging anger, accompanied by the endless Flame, burned into space.

    It’s not nonsense at all, Xuanye is completely beastly, a three-legged bird with wings spread, and it’s a naked killer. It’s staring at all the Marines, and it’s awkward. “Notify Shiryu, empty all Kingdom of God. Strength is coming here, today I want all Marine, die."

    There is no such thing as a joke. The god bird spit out words and turned out to be devastated. He intended to abandon the Kingdom of God and ruin the Marine.

    At this moment, Sengoku is paralyzed and the whole world is paralyzed.

    Heavenly Divine Bird This sudden anger is really abnormal.

    Is he not worried about his daughter? Would you rather sacrifice your daughter and sacrifice the Kingdom of God than lose your face?

    This is not a madman, it is a neuropathy.


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