The second time, at the same time, the clouds were covered, the whole sky was torn, and the two pieces were like black clouds covering the giant hands of the sky, swaying and rolling in the wolf, from the Kingdom of God and the direction of the immortal continent. .

    The two sides do not want the war to happen in the mainland. Therefore, it seems as if they have made an agreement, each with an infinite Strength, and they are heading towards the boundless sea between the two.

    One day later, in the blank waters of the Kingdom of God and the Red Sea, the two sides were arrogant, separating the heavens and the earth and looking at each other.

    The vastness of the vastness, looking at the past, Battleship straight, the two sides of the army, as many as a few "100, that strong depressing atmosphere, causing the sea under the feet of both sides, calmed up.

    The whole body is golden, a figure, standing on the bow of the ship, it seems that there are some weak bodies. At the moment, in the eyes of the whole world, it is so stalwart and out of reach.

    This person, the experience of his life, is accompanied by iron and blood, buried in the body of the person's feet, enough to form an island.

    Kingdom of God Emperor, a bloody madman, his obsessive, his extinction, his demise, everything, just like Devil, pressed a lot of people, breathless.

    So far, this man is to be overtaken and feared. He is like a contradiction. It makes people feel scared and excited. Because if you kill this man, then wealth, rights, and women will Everything is available.

    At this moment, no matter who it is, the whole world has looked heavily at this man.

    On the contrary, the solitary red, also appeared on a Pirate Ship headed, wearing a deep red coat, a blood red trousers, holding a black umbrella in the same place, compared to the time in Marin van Gogh, in Xuanye In the eyes, this guy is getting younger, and the breath is different from the original.

    The two men, across the bank, unconsciously, two unparalleled wills, began to stir the sky, causing the sky to roar, countless dark red thunder, slashing down.

    Slowly began, along with a few footsteps, the behind of the two emperors began to appear a terrifying figure. The appearance of these people, once again, shocked the whole world, because everyone who appeared, in the sea Above, are all terrifying level characters.

    "That is one of the Kingdom of God Five heavenly guardian, World Destroyer World."

    "One of the Five heavenly guardians, the Sword Hero Shiryu of God."

    "One of the Five heavenly guardians, Monkey King Little Gold."

    "Golden Emperor Tesoro."

    "There is also the stone god Wang Fu Tes on the side of the solitary red."

    "Demons and Gods King Scott."

    "Mirror God Angra."

    "Scorpio, these are all Monster…"

    I don't know why, the scene here, once again played to the whole world, so that some prosperous islands, now gathered a myriad of people of various identities, all looking at the pictures on the screen.

    "These are all the right arm of Five Emperors, the presence of Ability 扛Admiral, this is the Strength of Five Emperors …."

    "If I have such a bigidable Strength, just fine…"

    "This war will be more exciting than ever."

    "Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Kingdom of God has launched three battles of the Emperor. Is Heavenly Divine Bird wanting to destroy all Five Emperors and become Pirate King?"

    "Become Pirate King, not to reach the final island, and find the treasure of Gore dRoger? How can I defeat the Five Emperors and become a Pirate King? ”

    Pirate, a new debut, some awkward, this is not the same as the Legend he understands.

    "Idiot, what does Five Emperors exist? If Heavenly Divine Bird really defeats all Five Emperors, who would dare not surrender to Heavenly Divine Bird? At that time, is it important to find the treasure of Pirate King? ”

    There is a senior Pirate, disdain looks at this newbie, and don't even think about it. If Heavenly Divine Bird really defeats all Five Emperors, it means Heavenly Divine Bird has a strength beyond Five Emperors, and then the entire New World site is over. In the hands of the King of God and the arrival of the final island, it will only be a matter of time.

    And where is the record of destroying Five Emperors! Who dares not to accept?

    Strictly speaking, reaching the final island and finding Pirate King's treasures can't be combined with the demise of all Five Emperors, because the first two don't need absolute Strength, maybe luck can be achieved. .

    But the last one, it depends on the absolute Strength; this World has always been morbid, dedicating is the weak meat, and the big is the rule of truth. If Heavenly Divine Bird really destroys all Five Emperors, then who will be? Dare to say?

    The first two roads, can become pirate king, but the deterrent power is not enough, if hard to metaphor, the whole world of pirate may have 60% agree to reach the two roads of pirate King, but if it is absolutely strength to defeat all five EMP Erors and dominate the third path of the new World alone, the odds of identification will be 80%.

    Sixty percent and eighty percent, no doubt the latter, the recognition rate is higher.

    So strictly calculated, or Strength, the most convincing.

    Of course, it depends on the personal understanding of Ability, and perhaps Pirate, that is, Pirate King is the ultimate island, and Pirate believes that it will be Pirate King to find the Roger treasure.

    But for those Pirates of Strength formidable, there is only a third way to convince them.

    So, the three roads to become Pirate King are different, but the most convincing is Strength.

    “Is the Five Emperors so terrible? The light is the imposing manner, and the sky is torn open. ”

    Pirate, looks at the picture, the sky that seems to be torn by God, and the scene full of destruction of the thunder, can not help but the teeth tremble.

    At this moment, xuanye body slowly liftoff, ling eyebrow looks at lonely high red camp, found that there is no redundant strength, sarcastic way "old do not die, you do not work with world government?" Why, World Government did not send a dog to support you? ”

    Eyes low, listening to Xuanye's ironic words, Red Earl coldly snorted "Young people, still not too arrogant, otherwise, will die very badly."

    "After the Yangtze River, the waves are pushed forward, and the waves are dead on the beach. What's more, it's still your dog's old bones. Do you think that with the support of the Celestial Dragon slag, you can live?"

    The words are amazing, and the anomalies are abnormal. Xuanye's words directly let the red count, the blue veins spread, and the fire in the mouth.

    "You are the same as Roger, Shiki, and Whitebeard. In my opinion, you don't have that qualification at all. Since you got me, then I will go on with you and Roger and Shiki."

    The golden red, the will of a landslide, is unscrupulous, like a heavenly tilt, pressed against the whole sea.

    His face changed slightly and was undetectable. The Red Earl stepped back. Even if he tried to inspire Haoshoku with full power, he could not face the will of this guy.

    This man's Haoshoku, has reached this point, so close to the original Roger.

    "I said that young people are too mad and will die very badly."

    The red eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the red count ice-cold's looks at Xuanye was murderous.


    No warning, almost at the same time, a golden red light and a red glow, across the kilometer, suddenly collided together.

    Deafening, a white arc, spread from the two fists, set off an endless storm.

    The sky is loud, like a meteorite explosion, piercing the eardrum; Xuanye eyes golden red, looking at the red count, the whole body instantly burned the burned Flame, the three bodies, and quickly changed.

    The Red Earl, the whole body began to float strangely red, like bloody smog, amazing.


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