
    The figure disappeared one after another, headed by Demons and Gods, and there was the stone god Wang Fu Tesi, two cpos, which rushed to Shiryu and the others from different directions. .

    "It seems that these people can't help it."

    On the killing number, Shiryu spit out a smog, looks at the four formidable figures that were vacated, pulled out the madness, and showed a bloodthirsty mouth in his mouth.

    "Each one to choose an opponent! Remember, quick fix. ”

    The sky is getting bigger, the monkey is clenched, the golden tail of behind is shaking back and forth, and the pale gold pupil is glittering with suffocation.

    "I heard that in the Three Gods, Demons and Gods King Scott's Strong is the strongest, then I chose him."Shiryu danced a sword flower and directly selected the strongest enemy.

    This time, no one earned with Shiryu, it was very strange.

    "The stone god Wang Fu Tesi."The tyrannical scent began to spread, and the monkeys were a little impatient.

    "The two remaining people will be handed over to me and the little ants."

    Faceless, queen ran over the hair, cold to.

    "Experts have been picked up by you, then we can only play casually."The three generations of Kingdom of God, led by Tesoro, and the newly added Supernova, Kid and Kira, are lacking in interest, and are unwilling to stare at other high-powered men.

    This time, Kingdom of God is headed by Xuanye, only Shiryu, World, Little Gold, Tesoro, Perkus, Bege, Ulysses, Abu, Perona, Queen, Ant, Kid, Kira, strictly speaking, not much, because there is left The next one is guarding the Kingdom of God.

    "Queen, look at you, freeze the waters according to plan, most of our troops are Ability User, land, in order to play all the Strength."

    Perkus made a sound, and the looks at the Battleship on the sea, some helpless.

    For them, whether it is at sea or not, even during the battle may be directly away from, and then appear on the desert islands around, but the bottom battle is not the same, most of them are Ability User, which fights on the sea , no doubt bound too much.

    So, in the beginning, the tactics have been formulated, that is, the queen's Ability is used to turn the sea into land. After all, in terms of the underlying combat power, Kingdom of God has the upper hand.


    Flying and falling, the colorful fluttering, queen flying on the sea, with the toes as the center, a sudden cold, no dead angles spread toward all directions, in the blink of an eye, the whole piece of sea, frozen.

    "…"Not Admiral Kuzan's Ability? ”

    To be honest, Queen's Ability has shocked many people.

    "Idiot, that is one of the three disasters, is the Ability User who ate Zoan Mythical type Zoan, who is free to control the ice…"

    “Whoa! sexy

    "Idiot, that's three disasters, and Ability can compete with Admiral."

    "I just don't know, and Admiral Kuzan's Ability, who is stronger."

    In a sudden scene, everything is frozen, and an ice sheet that cannot be seen on the side covers everything.

    "Kill!"A horse took the lead, and some couldn't wait, and Bege took the army and rushed up.

    Immediately afterwards, countless gods, the invincible imposing manner of the carrier, also jumped off the Battleship.

    Then, several terrifying impering manners were lifted off, only to see Shiryu and the others, and each of them searched for opponents and collided.

    With the collision of the two sides, the whole piece of the frozen sea surface began to fire in the sky, and the blood flew up.

    The solitary red is still not on the side, there are two people, and two women.

    That is the king of dreams, and the Celestial Dragon, who are standing on the bow of the boat. The look at the situation of both sides is different.

    Sheila Sheila is disdainful, because for her, these are the untouchables, far from her noble; and the king of dreams, because of the masks from beginning to end, causes no one to know her appearance and Ability.

    Therefore, the king of dreams evokes the interest of Shi Liya, because from the point of view of the figure, this is a woman, but in the direction of the woman standing, it is actually the same as the three gods, which makes Sheila has to be curious.

    The last time I met, she did not pay much attention to Shiriya, but now, with only two people left, she has to pay attention to Sheila.

    "You should be the fourth god under the Earl of Red!"

    For the inquiry and speculation of the silky Shiria, the dream king just glanced at it and did not put the opposite side in his eyes.

    Undoubtedly, this kind of look, stinging Shi Li, because at the time of Marin Vado, the man treated her like this, which made it impossible for Shi Liya to be full of anger.

    Who is she? The world's pride, World Nobles, is just a small untouchable. You should lie on the ground and call your own master, instead of being equal and even contemptuous.

    "The head is exposed."Innate is higher than the first-class silky Shiria, temper is not easy to get along with, on the spot shot, we must remove the mask of the dream king.

    However, at this moment, the king of dreams turned around, a pair of eyes like dreams, began to exude strange waves, and confronted the eyes of Shi Liya.

    The next moment, she did not have any warning, she fell directly to the king of dreams and fell into a coma.

    If it is not the identity of Shiriya, it is very likely that it is now dead.

    And there is no one in this scene, including the three cpos brought by Shi Li, because they are already in a difficult battle.

    In addition, with the launch of the all-out war here, other forces have begun to act at the same time.

    Around the world, suddenly, the Revolutionary Army launched an attack that subverted a kingdom, and the World Government sent the army and other institutions to begin to fully resist or destroy the Revolutionary Army. The two sides are in a balance.

    These have happened countless times, so it is also a light road, and there is nothing strange.

    If it is a strange place, it is Marine.

    As Xuanye and Red Earl collided, because of the command of Five Elder Stars, Marine had already prepared and acted.

    The mighty, headed by Marine Hero Garp, four Admiral, all set off.

    At the same time, Marine's action, let the Enel and the others who stayed at the Kingdom of God, is also clear.

    Numerous troops have been assembled, and after deliberation, Enel and the others decided that the place to fight should be far from the Kingdom of God, and at least the battle circle should not happen on the Four Seasons Island.

    You know, the Kingdom of God is assembled by countless islands, and Kalifa's idea is to stop Marine on these edged islands, otherwise the battle will take place in the heart of Kingdom of God, then the newly built Four Seasons Island will It has to be turned into ruins.

    So, early in the morning, on an island on the edge of the Kingdom of God, headed by Enel, gathered most of the army to stay here, waiting for Marine to come home.

    "This time, Marine sent four Admiral, and Marine Hero, as well as many Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, etc., but just the Revolutionary Army sent a message that will help us to hold some of the Strength, and let us solve it ourselves."

    "Hey, Marine doesn't believe it, and even openly tears up the agreement, then you can't blame us."

    Foxxy was very angry, looking at the deep blue sea of ​​the corner, that is the direction of the Marine headquarters.

    "Come to die, this time to learn about Marine."

    "咻罗罗…It just happens that these weapons can come in handy. ”A cannon, standing on the sea port, littering the cold in the sunshine.


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