The sudden appearance of Xuanye, the killing of three, and the arrival of the Red Earl, all this happened too fast.

    Looking up, everyone looked at the violent catastrophe in the sky, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

    Lost three, the scene, only the dream king is left alone, so nand the others regained their eyes, the extremely poor looks at opposite side.

    Everyone has a face full of killings.

    "Beware of her Ability, it should be the Spirit class."See how wide N, remind Perkus and the others, because in front of this woman, very strong.

    "I want to kill her."However, the most varied Tesoro, at the moment, was red-eyed, as if he had lost his sense of reason, regardless of his rush to the king of dreams.

    Once again, Tesoro once again recalled the person, the eyes of the sight at, his beloved woman was taken away, absolutely can not forgive, absolutely


    Perkus wants to stop, but it's too late.

    Turned into a cannonball, Tesoro squinted and launched Attack on the king of dreams.

    However, for Attack of Tesoro, the dream king is just eyes moving, a strange wave of radiation, clearly visible, Tesoro's Attack, actually stopped.


    Completely relieved of the alert, Tesoro both eyes tears, looks at the king of dreams in front of the eyes, revealing the weakest scene in the heart.

    Because at this moment, in the eyes of Tesoro, the most beloved person is opening his arms and revealing a smile.

    Abnormal, too abnormal, Perkus and the others licking their pupils, moving forward, wanting to stop, because in the hands of the king of dreams, there is a blade that points to Tesoro's Heart and Tesoro, but with open arms and tears The face of the god of dreams, like the hug of the most beloved, completely gave up the guard.

    He is lost.

    "叮" electric light flint, a giant sword interspersed, firmly in the chest of Tesoro. With this at the same time, n and Perkus at the same time, they rushed to the king of dreams.

    The wind pressure of formidable, the invisible Strength, formed the impact of Hollow illusion, stinging n and the face of Pacarton.

    "Get out of my way"

    The face is distorted, Perkus both eyes are congested, and the right fist carries the mighty power, roaring, and directly hitting the chest of the dream king.


    The sound of the broken bone, the mask splashed, revealing the inside, the white face.

    At this time, n shot, an ice blade appeared in the hand, facing the king of dreams, stabbed.

    Blood spray, Perkus began to drop blood in the Seven Miles, looks at the perfect face under the mask flying, big pupil, all the colors of the Arabian Nights.

    "n, don't kill her."

    Falling to the ground, Perkus felt his head, exploding, full of swelling. But when I saw the dream of Wang Rongyan, Perkus stopped it anyway.


    Penetrating flesh and blood, n timely transfer of the ice blade, forcibly running through the shoulders of the dream king.

    The amazing coldness spit out from the lips of n, visible to the naked eye, and the king of dreams, except for the head, was directly frozen on the ground and could not move.

    “Why?”n Frosty face, the head does not turn cold, she wants to kill this woman to avenge the little ant, must kill her.

    "Leave her, this is the order."Perkus both hands are supported on the ground, carrying their heads, the forehead spreads, the tingling in the mind, and the invisible look at the king of dreams.

    "I don't care who she is, she will die."

    However, there is one person who is even more crazy than n, that is, Tesoro who has already woken up.

    "Napoleon, stop him."

    Look at Tesoro, Perkus jumped in his heart and wanted to stand up and stop, but he fell to the ground and only had time to call Napoleon.

    Sparks splashed, Napoleon gritted his teeth and stopped in front of Tesoro.

    "Tesoro Boss, you calm down, this is the person you want, if you want to kill, you can wait for the war to end."

    Anxious, desperate to resist Tesoro's fist, Napoleon shouted.

    "N, this woman is very important to me. After the war is over, it is not too late to avenge."

    Perkus swayed and gestured to let Tesoro calm down.

    Cold face, the death of the at the Atkus, the last bite, one-handed wave, cold wrapped, directly controlled Tesoro.

    The whole scene was directly controlled.

    Coughing constantly, Perkus was sitting on the ground weakly, looking at the messy bodies around him, especially the shocking bodies, and couldn't help but breathe.

    The blood in the body has dried up. After the time has eased, Bege has recovered a little Stamina, but the look at the situation in front of her eyes can not help but look sad.

    "World, Ulysses, Abu, small ants"

    Red eyes, a few people put the bodies together, tears, silently overflowing the eyelids.

    "Bege, take it away! We are going to take them home. ”

    Holding a pair of fists, Perkus voice is low and full of powerlessness.

    Not to mention anything, Bege used the Ability to directly collect the bodies of the four World people into the body.

    "What should I do with this woman."n Grasing the king of dreams, who said nothing, said coldly.

    A few people looked at the king of dreams, especially Perkus, looking at that face, and now can't believe it.

    "Why are you why?"

    Asked, Perkus could hardly imagine that the unprecedented anger almost blew his body.

    However, for Perkus' questioning, the dream king is just a feelingless look at.

    Look at the dream king, Perkus gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and directly knocked on the neck of the dream god, let the dream king fall into a coma.

    "Bege, remember, as long as she has signs of waking up," Perkus raised his hand and motioned to Bege to notice that as soon as the opposite side showed signs of waking, he was stunned again.

    Nodded, Bege puts the king of dreams into the body.

    "You can still fight."Gasping, Perkus looks at a few people.

    "You say it!"The unexpected coldness, n directly rises and rises into other circles of war, followed by Tesoro also gone, apparently to vent.

    "Napoleon, Bege, let's grab the Celestial Dragon."

    Gloomy face, Perkus looks at the enemy opposite side, biting his teeth.

    "I can't ask for it."Bege was exposed to killing, and then the two men rushed straight into the distance.

    A few minutes later, Perkus and Napoleon joined forces, in the crowd, like no one, and finally, Perona.

    Because of Perona's special Ability, from the beginning, she led the Gods team, like a sharp knife, forcibly shredded the Earl of Red, even though Stamina was too expensive, but it was not hurt, because from beginning to end. Perona is guarded by the army of Kingdom of God.

    With the arrival of Perkus, Perona breathed a sigh of relief, and on the Kingdom of God side, the morale swelled.

    However, Perona also brought a bad news to Perkus, that is, Supernova, """Massacre Soldier"" Killer" died.

    And it was still killed by the Mirror God of the World, which was overwhelmed by the World of Destruction, so now, Kid is full of anger, is far away, and fights with the Mirror God.

    You know, """Massacre Soldier"" Killer" is Kid's men, and now the King of Mirrors kills Kira, so Kid wants to avenge him and directly picks up the King of Mirror.

    From the beginning, World was assassinated by Hollow, and the King of Mirrors got out, but he didn't go with Hollow, but shifted his target and stared at Perona.

    Because of Perona's Ability, the bottom battles form a one-sided form. To this end, Mirror God wants to kill Perona. You must know that Perona was with Kira and Kid at the beginning, so in the battle, Kira Directly killed by the mirror god, and Kid, also completely angry, and still struggle with the mirror king.


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