Time, back two days ago.

    Kingdom of God The mainland, the land of the edge, the coastline, the countless floating islands, such as the stars in the sky, are arranged, but now, here is a repressed atmosphere, just because the vast army of Kingdom of God has resisted Here.

    "How long is it."

    Proudly standing upright, a military fort, squatting in the darkness, a variety of artillery, and the discovery of Fangs.

    “It’s already in our waters, and about an hour, Marine will come.”

    Taking off the telescope, the sea was calm, Ain plucked the hair in front of his ear to the ear, and smiled indifferently.

    "咻罗罗 hopes that Marine can resist my baby."

    "Is the two Princess arranged?"

    First, Enel frowned and looked at Ain.

    “Just like Kalifa’s sister, it’s been said that Little Xi and Xingyu have settled in the place where the boss is practicing, and there are Xiao Pu who are accompanying them. There should be no problem, let alone Kalifa.”

    Ain shrugged, responded to Enel, and then looked at all humanity. "Some garbage can't wait, Kalifa let us take the army to solve."

    "Foxxy, Jinbe, you led the army to solve the garbage around the Kingdom of God. I and Lucci will follow the plan to make Marine pay a heavy price, then come back quickly and clean up the Kingdom of God."

    After listening to Ain, Enel looked cold and looked at Lucci, at the same time, showing a trace of cruelty.

    “Fine.Nothing, Foxxy is even a little lost.

    ‘Hello?You can't do this. If you are out, then are these babyes, are you buried again? ”

    Excavating the Luo around him, Caesar blushes and opposes.

    "Go on the side."Lucci chilled his face and warned Caesar to scare the latter.

    "I knew that I would go with the boss. It would be like now, just to destroy some ants who don't know how to be tall."At this time, Luo also whispered a word, not only Luo had this idea, the same was true of others.

    "Who told you to lose?"

    "Stone scissors cloth is not fair!"

    However, everyone did not know that it was because of this stone scissors cloth that caused the Kingdom of God to suffer unbearable losses.

    Yes, this time to go to the crusade of the high, the people still use the old method, is to use stone scissors to decide, but also because of this rash decision, let World several people, gave their lives.

    "Oh, don't make a noise, Lucci, it's time to go."Ener interrupted everyone's noise, and Enel's face was a bit dark.

    "That one, can I not go!"

    Carefully, shrinking his head, Shirahoshi's life at the sight of Enel, as if to cry, full of grievances.

    "You say it!"

    Look at Shirahoshi That timid problem, Enel blinked in disgust.

    "Oh ?"With a low head and a pouting, Shirahoshi feels aggrieved.

    "Shirahoshi, your Ability is very important, maybe it will make Marine completely annihilated, come on."

    Ain was comforted by Enel, and he also shot Shirahoshi's fishtail.

    "Coco is I don't want them to be killed."Tears swirled and Shirahoshi lost her face.

    "This is the boss command, you can not do it, but the consequences, you think about it, and, you don't want this timid expression, it really makes me angry!"

    "Enel, are you threatening Shirahoshi?"Ain turned over Byakugan.

    "Hmph!"Enel both hands shoulders and turned their faces aside. Since Shirahoshi joined Kingdom of God, no matter what they used, they did not change the timid character of Shirahoshi, and now they are giving up.

    "Shirahoshi, you are ready!"

    At this time, Lucci raised his head and looked expressionless at Shirahoshi.

    Got itVery wronged, Shirahoshi nodded.


    "Master, I am here."Very diligent, Zeus appeared in front of everyone.

    "Take her, go."

    Enel was very annoying and pointed to Shirahoshi, then the whole body thunder wraps around and disappears directly into place.

    Then Lucci disappeared.

    "Shirahoshi, hurry, the master is gone."Zeus's body, which instantly became bigger, urged Shirahoshi.

    "Shirahoshi, you are the Princess of Fishman Island and the person of Evening Sun Pirate Crew. Now that Fishman Island is under the protection of Kingdom of God, prosperity and peace, you have to bring courage for Fishman Island; just like your father, mother, brother I believe in you."

    At this time, Jinbe stood up and encouraged the look at Shirahoshi, and his expression was very dignified.

    "Jinbe is an adult."Shirahoshi pouted and the water mist swirled in his eyes.

    "Shirahoshi, you are the most brave."Aside, Ain also encouraged.

    "Shirahoshi, don't lose! We are waiting for your good news. ”Sugar also raised his small head and cheered for Shirahoshi.

    "Everyone, I will work hard!"

    Sucking his nose, Shirahoshi bit his lip, very firm.

    "Shirahoshi Come on"

    The look at Shirahoshi, held by Zeus, gradually moved away from sight, and everyone waved his hand.

    ‘Hello? I have a question, why does the boss say that Shirahoshi is the key to this war? ”

    After a long time, the disc was pulled and Luo asked, and the face asked with sorrow, and Howkins also raised his ears.

    Although there was no contact for a long time, Shirahoshi gave them the impression that they were timid, crying, weak, and stupid. They could not see any strengths.

    But I don't know why, up to the boss, down to everyone, are very caring for this cowardly guy, this feeling is full of abnormality.

    This question has not only been played for a long time, but also for other people, because they can hardly imagine that there is no Shirahoshi, a regular soldier, why is it eligible to join Evening Sun Pirate Crew, and the boss is still holding her There are great expectations.

    You know, you and the others are not yet qualified to be the people of Evening Sun Pirate Crew, and they are still outside members.

    Is it because Shirahoshi is a Fishman Island Princess? But for Kingdom of God, this identity seems a bit broken! After all, Fishman Island is now sheltered by the Kingdom of God.

    Or is it because of the relationship with the big Princess? But I can’t say it!

    Playing discs and the others thought of a lot of possibilities, but I couldn’t think of any advantages of Shirahoshi. For this reason, I couldn’t help but start asking.

    "This question, wait until you become a full member of Evening Sun Pirate Crew!"

    For the curious sound of the disc and the others, Luo just returned with a light flutter.


    Several Supernova looked at each other and saw the doubt from the opposite side.

    "Okay, don't discuss it. Kaku, they came to the information, and now Kingdom of God all directions, they all landed some Pirates who didn't know how to live. You led some troops and went to suppress."

    At this time, Ain puts down Den Den Mushi, and there is no good looking at everyone.

    Got itEveryone is not arrogant.

    "You are all careful, Pirate, who has been living in New World for so long, is not good, I don't want someone to come back."

    Look at everyone's disdainful look, Ain frowned and snorted.

    "Okay, OK, I know."

    The crowd waved and gradually disappeared into the port, leaving only Ain, Bonnie and Caesar guarding.

    Sunlight gaze, sea water undulating, in the distant sea, a huge Battleship, riding the wind and waves, heading toward the Kingdom of God, slowly moving forward.

    “Report, we have entered the Kingdom of God.”

    At the center, an observer's voice sounded on an Admiral-class Battleship.

    This time, Marine can be said to be a bloody one, which is several times stronger than Buster Call.

    On each Battleship, it is not the Venice Admiral or the Rear Admiral, especially the three figures on the most central Battleship. It is very eye-catching and shocking.

    The most amazing thing is that these Battleships, some damage, seem to have experienced a small battle before entering the Kingdom of God.

    "I didn't expect that the madman would have foreign aid, which is a bit like him."On the deck, Kizaru lay in a chair, cocked his legs, drank a drink, and his face was a little surprised.

    By the side, Kuzan and Green Bull have different looks.

    "This time even the Chief of the Revolutionary Army, Monch D. Long, both shot, and we seem to have been aware of this action."

    The green bull frowned and looked at the surface of the sea. Some heavy roads "do not know Vice Admiral Garp and Fujitora, can you win this World's most vicious criminal."

    It turned out that a few hours ago, when they were on the front foot, the rear foot was told that the Revolutionary Army had invaded the Marine headquarters. Therefore, Sengoku had to let Garp and Fujitora back, so that now they are cruising the Kingdom of God. Admiral led the team.


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