Time, back to Marine's. .

    The wolverine returned, and the Kingdom Battle of the Battle Battleship led by Kizaru, Kuzan, and Green Admiral. The result was just that they had just entered the waters and had not yet reached the Kingdom of God.

    Tens of thousands of Marine Elites were buried in the bottom of the sea, and even the bodies were not brought back.

    Undoubtedly, this makes Kizaru and the others' faces look dark like the bottom of the pot, because they are now behind the Marine, not even the double ten, alive, there are some Strong's strong Vice Admiral, and a few good luck, Rear Admiral .

    The loss is so heavy that it is hard to imagine Kizaru’s grievances and anger at the moment.

    Because this is not a heavy loss, but it is nothing to do with the whole army. The most important thing is that the opposite side only sent two people, and a fish, and a black cloud with a strong sense of existence!

    In this lineup, they let the three Admiral, as well as dozens of Vice Admiral, and tens of thousands of Marine Elite become losers, turned into a seabed bone.

    Wrong, angry, almost blow up the heart of Kizaru and the green bull and the others.

    However, the loss of Kizaru and the others is not unique, because the headquarters of Marine is now full of fire and broken.

    What happened?

    Kizaru and the others, who are returning from the wolverine, are at the Marine headquarters where the smoke is smashing and ruined. If it is not the eye-catching sign, they doubt whether they and the others are wrong.

    Standing on the cracked coast, ghost spiders blinked and couldn't believe it.

    An hour later, in the temporary conference room, the smog, atmosphere, and pressure were breathless at the moment, and every Marine's face was heavy.

    First, Sengoku's body was still wrapped in bandages, more or less, and the entire Great Hall was actually injured.

    Sitting in the first place, Sengoku took a deep breath and tried to suppress the instigation of his heart, but the more he wanted to press, the more intense the anger.

    Singoku is red-eyed, and it is full of bloodshot eyes. One palm is on the desk. Looks down below, and there is no Garp in the past. It’s cursed. “Garp, you bastard, it’s Your son dragon."

    If you follow the past, Garp must raise the head, hard neck, top Sengoku, but now, as usual, full of embarrassment do not know what to say.

    "Revolutionary Army, the damn Revolutionary Army, has grown to this point and must be destroyed."

    Panting, the anger in Sengoku's heart almost passed through his head.

    Things, going back a few days ago, when Marine was preparing to attack the Kingdom of God, the Marine headquarters welcomed several uninvited guests.

    Garp just led four Admiral out of the Marine field, and the storm appeared.

    There was no end to it, and the sky was clear in the previous second. In the blink of an eye, the clouds were covered, and the thunder and lightning flashed.

    On the distant sea level, one after another, a water dragon roll with numerous sea water, thunder, and hurricane, a black pressure, engulfing everything along the way, like a natural disaster, swept toward the Marine headquarters.

    The visual impact, like the wrath of nature, caused the entire Marine headquarters to drift in the air.

    In front of the heaven and earth, the Marine headquarters, like an ant, trembled.

    This is also the reason why Sengoku recalled Garp and Fujitora. However, when Garp rushed back, the storm that had turned over the river was like a bad man, forcing the Marine to rub on the ground.

    In the face of natural disasters, it is far from being able to resist.

    The storm was only a prelude, because the final crisis, followed by the storm, almost killed Marine.

    Headed by the Revolutionary Army Chief, Sabo, Ivankov, Bear, and Imazuna, as if they were unmanned, forced the entire Marine headquarters.

    Even Sengoku was injured by the dragon. If it weren't for the rapid return of Garp and Fujitora, Sengoku might not be sitting here now.

    There is no doubt that this time Marine suffered a lot of damage, even Sengoku is unbearable.

    "Damn dragon."

    Sengoku has never been so ruined, so that now it is like a gunpowder barrel, full of explosions.

    As long as I think of the Dragon's Ability, Sengoku is like an aunt who is dead, ugly to die; if Xuanye is Sun's incarnation, can burn everything; then the dragon is the embodiment of the weather, it can also destroy everything.

    Because the hurricane that swept through the headquarters of Marine was caused by the dragon.

    It can also be seen from this that Mythical type Zoan is terrible, even if it is not Logia, it can also have the Ability to subvert World.

    That's why, the dragon set up the Revolutionary Army, and under the covet of the World Government, there is still the reason for this.

    It is well known that Ancient Times has Three Great weapons to destroy World; in some ways, Dragon, Xuanye, Whitebeard and the others are the living Dark King, Sea King and Uranus.

    However, things have already happened. The primary purpose is to solve the difficulties instead of getting angry.

    As Fleet Admiral, Sengoku knows this, so he just retired and calmed down.

    And to restore calm Sengoku, I looked at Kizaru and the others, exactly Kuzan.

    "Kuzan, do you have anything to explain?"Holding a pair of fists, Sengoku's face is calm, but the arms under the bandage are now protruding from the blood vessels.

    Speaking to Kizaru and the others' report half an hour ago, Sengoku couldn't believe it. Two of the messages, like the hammer, almost suffocated Sengoku.

    Can control the Sea King class, except for the Ancient Times weapon Sea King in Legend, Sengoku really can't think of other possibilities, and the most worrying thing for Sengoku is that Sea King is suspected to be in the hands of the madman.

    The second one is undoubtedly the most sad for Sengoku, because Marine's pillar, an Admiral, lost loyalty, even said that he has betrayed Marine and betrayed justice.

    "Why is Kingdom of God suspected of having Sea King's news? You didn't report it, causing the loss of Marine's entire army. You know what you are doing!"

    Standing up fiercely, Sengoku was furious and stared at the knife, staring at Kuzan.

    That's tens of thousands of Marine Elites, almost all supported by Marine's, but now because of Kuzan's negligence, the entire Marine is almost collapsed.

    This responsibility cannot be afforded by everyone.

    Raised the head, Kuzan can clearly feel the anger in Sengoku's eyes, and the suspicions of her colleagues. At this moment, Kuzan feels that he has nothing to say.

    "Kuzan Admiral, will not have betrayed Marine! After all, it was a friend with Heavenly Divine Bird. Some time ago, I came back from the Kingdom of God safely. Is it because of this moment that Jean has suffered a lot? ”

    There is Marine, gloomy face, hate of the sight at Kuzan.

    Distrust, suspicion, vigilance, all at this moment flocked to Kuzan, even Garp, is a brow wrinkled, open mouth wants to help, but the words to the mouth, but how can not say.

    "Kuzan Admiral, do you have anything to say?"

    Iron-faced, Sengoku ice-cold's looks at Kuzan.

    Zhang Zhang opened his mouth, Kuzan looked complicated, and looked at the hateful eyes around him. After a sigh of relief, he said with no expression, "I have nothing to say."

    "You don't even have an explanation!"Look at Kuzan, who is calm, Sengoku feels very sad.

    However, Kuzan is silent.

    "Okay, okay, you are really a just Marine."The anger smirked, Sengoku both eyes smoldering, roaring, "Give me the take, turn into Impel Down Eternal Hell, no one will let him out without my order."

    For Sengoku's order, Kuzan didn't resist, but for a moment, he was put on Kairoseki by Marine, pressed down the prison, and maybe a few days later, he was pressed to Impel Down.


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