The sky is beautiful, like the blue sea, the sky, the black clouds rolling down, a mythical blue bird, burning ice blue and blue, full of beauty.

    Opposite, half-empty stand, Enel whole body around the blue electric light, let this sky roar constantly, extremely violent.


    With a scream, Marco maintains the whole animal form, and the endless Flame is filled with a special Strength, constantly tumbling.


    When the electric light flashed, only the eyes were felt. Enel appeared in front of Marco, one foot, a sensational explosion, and the glaring arc was like a thunder.

    An indigo winged wing, armed with entanglement, slanted past, as if even Space was torn.

    For a time, the blue Flame was plucked, the Thunder was violent, and the weather wave was stunned and radiated, separating the entire dark clouds.

    With a scream, Marco turned into a stream of blue and slammed back.

    Immediately afterwards, a sonic boom, a thunder and a spear, directly penetrated Marco's chest. However, this is a fatal wound for ordinary people. For Marco, it is only a cover of Flame, and in a moment it is heal. It’s up.

    "It’s Phoenix, let me see if you really don’t die!”

    Electro-optic condensation, Enel corner of the mouth cruel, that Zhan blue pupil, all sick.


    A thunderbolt, colliding with a blue claw, the huge Strength, continually destroying, Marco falling sharply, in the Strength competition, it is not Enel's opponent.

    Even if both sides are top-level Experts, on the Strength, Enel is definitely more tyrannical.

    On Attack Power, Enel can say that Marco is a few streets, but on the regeneration of the Ability, Marco has smashed several streets in Enel.

    Destruction and regeneration, two opposites, at this moment, turned into a residual image, not only bombarded.

    The gravel was rolling, the huge smoke spread, and Marco fell on the island of Zoe, and the countless buildings were leveled.

    Immediately afterwards, the glare of the light illuminates, and a whole body of pillars, successively covering the entire territory.

    Visible to the naked eye, in the violent Thunder sea, countless blue Flame Shatter closed again and changed into a beautiful bird, rising to the sky.

    Flashing out of thin air, Enel stood in the air, and the look at Marco did not have any abnormalities at all, and could not help but be more ruined.

    This kind of undead opponent is the most challenging. He does not believe in evil today. This stupid bird can regenerate forever.

    Lifting the foot, the thunder rose, Enel faced Marco, stepped on, and instantly, the entire Space was out of balance, a formidable gravity condensed a point, forced to Marco, causing Marco half body, direct Shatter.

    The momentary regeneration, still intact, Marco flew in front of Enel, a claw, crossed the past.

    Lifting his hand and stopping in front of his face, Enel only felt that a big mountain came, but for him, it was just a partial bias.

    However, at this moment, a winged wing, from the top to the bottom, slipped.

    "God's Heaven!"

    Azure blue hole, a huge electromagnetic force flow, Level 1 transparent protective layer appeared in front of Enel, like a swamp, let Marco's Attack, deep into it, the last huge repulsive force, such as the same handle The giant python blew Marco's head.

    Going back, the blue flame burns, Marco recovers the body, and his face is a bit ugly.

    In front of this man, the Ability is too strong. If it is not Awakening, and the regenerative Ability above the resilience, it is estimated that it has been injured.

    That's right, Marco has been Awakening, got the life of Ability, and recovered.

    If Marco's Ability was restored before, now, it is regeneration, the two sides are completely out of one level. It can be said that Marco is the real Phoenix now. No one can kill him as long as Stamina is not exhausted.

    And the reproduction of this Ability, very well understood, the most obvious is the re-emergence of the broken limb, Jozu's broken arm, that Marco recovered.

    It can be said that this kind of Ability is simply a myth. It can be reborn in other people's bodies. So how strong is the resilience of Marco itself?

    That's why Enel Attack has so much, and Marco is intact.

    On the one hand, Marco is immune to everything and can ignore any Attack and damage.

    Look at the original Marco, Enel clenched his fists, thunder and light, his eyes were dangerous.

    "Phoenix, Laozi kills and sees today!"

    The body turned into an electronic, disappeared, and Enel rushed to Marco again.

    At this same time, unconsciously, the giant elephant has already left the calm waters, appeared in a group of islands, and in the past, all the desert islands and rare places, and most importantly, the weather here. Extremely bad.

    Obviously, the battle on the back makes the giant elephant somewhat uncomfortable. After all, so many people, most of the aftermath is that he is suffering, even if the skin is thick and thick, the pain is still there.

    To this end, the giant elephant is not stupid, directly burying his head and appearing on the edge of this group of endless islands. This is why, when everyone fights, it feels that the giant elephant is deviating.

    When the destination arrives, it seems like the mountain's giant nose, violently deep into the sea, violently sucking, then screaming, directly toward his back, sprayed over.

    For a moment, the meteorite waterdrops of the sky were overwhelming and drowned in the past.

    The giant elephant is forced to carry the group of people, transfer the battle circle, and for a time, the people who fought in the battle, have ran across the sky and escaped.

    I didn’t run for a while, until the second and third time, the two sides of the battle were understood.

    Followed by the two sides, subconsciously, they left the country of Zuo in the fight and appeared in the desert island on the sea.

    As the Experts left, there were only a few weak Mink Tribes on the back of the giant elephant, and even many people were missing.

    However, some people are good at luck, they are directly on the beach of the island, or they are saved.

    In short, now the battle circle has been widened, and everyone except the battle of the sky has penetrated into this island.

    After the giant elephant finished all this, he did not leave, but instead squatted outside the archipelago's waters. Because he escaped, he could not escape. He was so big, even if it was myopia, he could see clearly, let alone the king of humanity. Let the giant elephants have other thoughts.

    On the other side, in the archipelago, over a small island, two figures, constantly bombarded, plummeted.

    The whole ground was shaken, the rocks fell into the sky, and numerous cracks spread, which set off the surface and turned into an impact.

    Deafening, like a diamond collision, suddenly, in the endless dust, a huge Strong came, blowing away the smoke, revealing the scene inside.

    Crystal clear, a human figure Diamond, standing in the deep pit, panting, heavy looks at the opposite of the magic monkey holding a crystal stick.

    Feet on the red fire, whole body white hair, fangs and teeth, exudes a rolling magic, like a wild beast.

    At this moment, the monkey is maintained in the form of Zhu’s disappointment, staring at the gleaming Jozu, and his face is fierce.

    The two sides began to slowly walk, then walked around, and finally ran, and turned into a residual image, like two streaming stars, colliding with the sea.


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