Chapter 37


The sea breeze is blowing, the candlelight is swaying, and the white gold silk tablecloth on the table is also blowing with the wind.

Gion looked at the thin lips of Saint Louis Vuitton with a small smile, and his low voice seemed to linger in his ears.

Miss Gion, if I say you are right, what will happen to you?


Gion smiled, no longer the kind of polite smile, the peach blossom eyes bend like crescents, and the red lips pick out a nice arc.

this moment.

The candlelight dimmed, and the moonlight stagnated.

It seemed that the stars all over the sky were eclipsed by this smile.

Looking back, Bai Meisheng smiled, maybe it was nothing more than that.

“Master Saint Louis Vuitton has a good reputation. It is an honor for me to be friends with adults.”

Gion stretched out the white catkin and touched the ten fingers of Saint Louis Vuitton lightly.

Touch and leave.

Saint Louis Vuitton retracted his hand, the temperature of Gion still remaining on his fingertips.

She looks really good when she smiles, full of young girls’ immature style, but with a touch of greenness in the mature and charming.

“As for the idea of ​​taking a step closer, I have no plans for the time being. I don’t think my friends will force it?” Gion used a silver knife to fork a piece of sashimi, with an elegant temperament between the brows.

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled slightly: “This is natural.”

He stood up, walked to Gion’s side, unbuttoned the outer suit, and draped over her thin shoulders.

“It’s late at night, and the sea breeze is getting colder.”

Saint Louis Vuitton patted her shoulder through the suit: “Don’t rush to refuse, this is the kindness of friends.”

Gion felt the breath coming from his suit. For a brief moment, he was slightly taken aback, and Gu Pan’s radiant eyes seemed to have microwaves circulating.

Saint Louis Vuitton does not wait for Gion to speak either.

He stood up and snapped his fingers at the maid standing aside:

“I’m a little sleepy, come here today.”

After speaking, Saint Louis Vuitton turned and walked towards the cabin.

Seeing this, Eve, the long and straight black maid who was standing by the table, stepped quickly to follow her, and gently put on a new coat for Saint Louis Vuitton.

“My lord, do you want to get Gion?” She leaned forward, lowered her voice, stood on her toes, and said against the roots of Saint Louis Vuitton’s ears.

“Not bad.” Saint Louis Vuitton nodded slightly.

Gion was right, he really didn’t hate going straight back and forth.

The emperor loves the country and the beauty as well as the truth since ancient times.

Pursue if you like, why bother?

Eve’s voice was soft: “My lord, as long as you give an order, Major General Gion will not disobey you. Everything in this world is at your fingertips, let alone Major General Marine?”


Saint Louis Vuitton smiled and shook his head.

This is a downgrade.

Life needs more fun.

No words for a night.

The early morning has just arrived.

Saint Louis Vuitton abruptly sat up from the bed and opened the quilt.

Seeing that there was no weird unknown liquid on the bed sheet, he let out a long breath, and his hanging heart was relieved.

“Fortunately, it was a dream…”

Saint Louis Vuitton was a little speechless.

He dreamed of the three Hancock sisters last night!

The three light and soft little loli are also chirping and energetic in their dreams.

I don’t know what’s going on, the little guys are going to squeeze into their own bed, and say something to warm their own bed.

The Saint Louis Vuitton in the dream nodded with relief, thinking that his loli development plan was finally on the right track.

In the end, I knew… it was not two minutes since I went to bed.(Read more @

Hancock peeed! !



This directly awakened Saint Louis Vuitton.

“Hancock and the others are 12 years old anyway… They shouldn’t be? But… Time flies so slowly, let’s grow up quickly…” The corners of Saint Louis Vuitton’s mouth twitched.

The fear of being dominated by bedwetting…I hope this day will not really happen!

Saint Louis Vuitton looked out the window.

Outside is the blue sea, with seabirds circling in the sky.

After a night of sailing, it has already left the Calm Belt and is about to reach the East China Sea.

Converge your thoughts.

Saint Louis Vuitton unconsciously appeared in front of Hancock, standing in the conference room that day, asleep.

Speaking of it, I really missed them a little bit, although it was only one day apart.

I don’t know if the little guys have worked hard under Crane’s hands… Saint Louis Vuitton patted his cheeks to make himself sober.

There is still work to be done this morning.

“My lord, I’ll serve you to wash.” Eve walked up with a sweet smile.

“Yeah.” Saint Louis Vuitton looked at her delicate face.

A happy day, from being served by a beautiful maid… Saint Louis Vuitton chuckled in his heart.

Soon, under Eve’s meticulous service.

Saint Louis Vuitton dressed neatly, put on a tie, and walked out of the cabin.

He will hold a meeting regularly.

By the way, call Gion too!

In the room, Eve is carefully sorting out the bedding and the hygiene in the room.

She unconsciously thought of Saint Louis Vuitton’s whisper just now.

Hancock… grow up quickly?

Eve blinked.

She felt as if she understood what the master meant.

When you have time, you should teach Hancock their knowledge in that respect!

Let them prepare early!

Gion got up early in the morning.

Sitting by the bed, looking at the men’s suit on the hanger, I didn’t know how to deal with it.

This is the dress that Saint Louis Vuitton gave her yesterday.

I have to say that Saint Louis Vuitton is a very attractive man, more like aristocrats than all the aristocrats she has seen, with a gentleman’s demeanor in every move.

Leave his clothes? ……Always feel a little strange.

Send it back? …No, Saint Louis Vuitton is Celestial Dragons after all, don’t step on the thunder.

lost? …This is looking for death.

“what to do?!”

Gion was caught in a difficult choice, and her hair was in a mess, and it was rare to reveal a girl’s posture.

Tuk tuk!

Just then, the door of the room was knocked.

No Gion got up to open the door, and a cold voice had already sounded outside the door.

“Master Saint Louis Vuitton will hold a meeting in five minutes. The venue is on the deck. Please attend the meeting on time by Major General Gion.”

CP1 left after sending the news, without much words.

“Meeting?” Gion raised her eyebrows.

I was surprised, but the action didn’t stop.

She dressed quickly and neatly, put on the Marine coat, and walked towards the deck with her long legs.

These two words.

She heard Sister He said!

I vaguely remember the last time I met.

She is sitting in Sister He’s office.

Crane holding a cup of hot tea, sitting on the office chair, looked strange and said:

“You have to pay more attention to that Saint Louis Vuitton, besides… well, he may have some special hobbies, you should also pay attention.”


Crane’s expression became more and more weird, and said: “He might like meetings very much.”

People have several things that must be done every day.

Eat, drink, and sleep.

But Saint Louis Vuitton has more of the same, a meeting!

But Crane was not sure when he said it. After all, he had only met Saint Louis Vuitton for a few days.

“My hobby is meetings too weird, right?” Gion blinked and couldn’t help muttering softly.

When rushed to the deck.

The tables and chairs for the meeting have been set up, and Saint Louis Vuitton is sitting at the chief.

Seeing Gion’s arrival, he pointed to the seat closest to him: “Sit down, Miss Gion.”

Saint Louis Vuitton seemed to see Gion’s doubts and explained with a smile:

“Today’s meeting is mainly to discuss with you the arrangement of the follow-up sailing route.”

A normal meeting?

Gion sat down. In fact, this kind of thing would be discussed every time he went to sea, but it would not be as solemn as Saint Louis Vuitton, to make a meeting.

Does Saint Louis Vuitton really like meetings? … There is a trace of doubt in Gion’s beautiful eyes.

“Next, the first thing we get close to is here.”

Saint Louis Vuitton took out the chart and tapped his finger on it: “There are Tojto Island, Putasi Country, and several other places nearby…”

“Miss Gion, how do you think we are going?”

Saint Louis Vuitton set his sights on Gion.

There is a smile on his face.

4D update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, okay! ! .

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