
Do you think you guys can still live if you provoke him?

Just two short sentences.

But it was as if in an extremely quiet and icy environment, suddenly, one needle after another dropped, not only Chen Tianxu and the others, but their hearts trembled, the entire nine layers of heaven, everyone up and down, Both eyes widened, and his face changed suddenly.


Deathly silence!

From these two sentences, they heard something!

It seems that Chen Tianxu is not annoyed by the old man, but someone else!


In the entire world of the Lord Heaven and Earth, a powerful man like the Taishang old man can be called with a tone of incomparable awe, and he dare not say the name of that person.

Then there is only one person!

Don't say it's them, those who have a face and a face, know that person, even the most humble mortal in the world, know that there was such a person.

Standing on top of the big world.

All the supreme powerhouses are like ants in front of them, and they don't even have the qualification to look up.

that person!

are you back? !


In an instant.

Everyone reacted. Except for those big sky-level figures in the ninth heaven, who were quasi-superior, who knew in advance, the pupils of all the others shrank as if they had seen a ghost.

Just between two or three seconds.

Everyone's breathing fell into a halt for a while, their eyes were staring straight at the ninth heaven, staring nonstop.

In my mind.

Suddenly, it appeared inexplicably, about all the scenes that happened in the world of the main heaven and earth ten years ago.

"Then... that one is back?"

Chen Tianxu and others, their faces were full of fear and anxiety, and their faces were pale and silent.

His juniors.

It was even more shocking that the whole body was limp on the ground.

Guilty conscience.

At this moment, everyone's face was filled with a guilty conscience, for fear that they would be known what they had done before, and suddenly they didn't even dare to lift their heads.

Will it be that?

Is the person the master said is really the person ten years ago?

But this is impossible?

Big Brother didn't say that that person hadn't reappeared for ten years, and that he should have left the world of the Lord Heaven and Earth long ago.


That kind of character.

Ten years ago, the monks in the whole world of the Lord's Heaven and Earth had no qualifications to look up.

Back then.

Those supreme powerhouses in the big world have only a trace of qualifications and can look at them from a distance.


Even though the great changes in the Lord's Heaven, Earth and the World have given them unimaginable benefits of cultivation, they still feel that if they want to catch up with those characters, I am afraid that even if they pass thousands of years, millions of years are not necessarily .

And it's them.

How could it be possible to look back and see the ant-like world?

"Master... Master, who you are talking about is..."

"Who else do you think? Who else do you think is there in this huge world of heaven and earth?! Kneel to me, that person said, today I will see you die with my own eyes!"

But just when Chen Tianxu's group of juniors was almost on the verge of chaos, Chen Tianxu's trembling, panic voice, and the extremely repulsive cold voice of the old man came from his ears.

It was like a deafening thunder.

Their hair shook immediately, and they all stood up, and they all recovered in an instant.

One by one, they knelt there again, shivering, cold sweat, like rain, flowing down like a horror.

As for Chen Tianxu.

Even the whole person was shocked.

That one!

Really come back?


Is this impossible?

In the eyes of the huge Canglong, how can you still pay attention to them living in the world of ants?

All the time.

Chen Tianxu believed this.


He came out of the more humble ant world.

He himself is an ordinary monk who can no longer be ordinary, because in ten years, he got the same flower, and he never had the opportunity to worship the big sky-class figure, and boarded a monk, a chance that he could not get for several lifetimes. .

From beginning to end.

He never looked back, looking at his previous world.

But now!

What did he hear!

The one of ten years has really come back!

And it seems to be asking for an explanation for those ants in the Institute of Perfect Practice? !

"Why is this, this... why is this?"

Following the entire Nine Layers of Heaven, everyone's eyes trembled, Chen Tianxu's whole body was about to collapse, and he kept chanting the three words why.

The entire nine heavens.

The disciples of those big sky-class figures were all dumbfounded.

That one!

The one ten years ago!

He came back!

But just for an instant, each of them turned like frosted eggplants, and they lowered their heads, not daring to squeak.


They were still praising Chen Tianxu all around, and they believed that the group of people in the Institute of Perfect Cultivation were simply toasting and not eating fine wine, and they also imagined that they would tie the thighs of the heavenly dragon and fly into the sky.

But now.

They found out.

I was completely wrong about it.

If this is to let the person know that they have despised the Institute of Perfect Practice before, what can we do? !

And those who go to heaven, have a head and a face.

I just came back to God.

I saw the entire Nine Heavens Void. Suddenly, a cloud of glow shrouded and a sacred atmosphere. Even the quasi-superior appeared, the scene was not so magnificent.


There was another flower after another, and even figures like the elder Taishang looked at the same flower that couldn't tell the secret, and fell down.

It was just such a short moment.

The entire ninth heaven above the void was already dyed red.

In an instant.

The expressions of the old man too changed.

A heart was raised instantly.

The rest of the legendary monks, too, were shocked not to hide their figure anymore, and walked out of the deep space.




next moment.

Only one after another nine-color sacred light clusters were seen, like meteorites hanging down from the horizon, just like this, falling on the upper seats that were prepared earlier.

Every time one falls.

The sacred light cluster that was shrouded in the surroundings dissipated, and there was an extremely sacred and cold figure walking out of it.


He just sat on it.

There are men and women.

There are young and old ~www.readwn.com~ But everyone's breath is really terrible, and it makes all the quasi-superior of the elderly and the elderly, all goose bumps, can't help but come out.

this is!

The real supreme powerhouse!

And Chen Tianxu, who was kneeling on the other side, was even more shocked, almost falling out.

Only then did he remember one thing!

That day.

Taiyin said that he asked him to prepare more seats, but he didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that Taiyin was playing mystery again.

But now it seems!


That day, the person who appeared beside Lunar was not a follower at all!


That one!

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