The old man was very tired, but he was very tired.

"Everyone knows that in this era, stargate technology is the top priority for interstellar navigation.

But stargates can only be built in galaxies with two stars, so so far one-third of galaxies cannot build stargates..."

Zhao Chen opened his eyes dazedly, feeling dizzy.

If he remembered correctly, he stayed up late playing games last night, and felt sleepy as soon as he went to class today.

But what's strange is that the always strict Nun Miejue didn't wake him up today.

Suddenly, Zhao Chen's expression froze.

Because he found that the whole classroom was wrong.

The table is no longer a wooden table, but a pure white table made of a special material. There is also a holographic projection screen in front of each student, and the school uniforms they wear have become the uniforms in some sci-fi Star Wars movies.

Zhao Chen reached out to touch the seemingly transparent display screen in front of him. At the first moment, he felt that he had touched something. If he pressed harder, his whole hand would pass through it.

"Fuck..." Zhao Chen widened his eyes and looked around.

He saw a huge floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the classroom where the "wall" was originally located. Outside the floor-to-ceiling window was a picture of a brilliant galaxy; that was originally only seen in science and education programs.

On the wall of this special classroom, there are also several electronic scrolls, some of which are some kind of fighter planes, and some are some kind of battleships... They are not naval battleships, but like interstellar battleships in games!

Looking at the teacher standing on the podium and teaching at this moment... Zhao Chen was almost scared to death.

It was a humanoid creature, wearing clothes, but there was no hair on his head, instead there was some kind of vine-like texture, and there were butterfly-wing-like ears on both sides of his head.

This was definitely not the appearance of a human!

Just when Zhao Chen was wondering if he was dreaming, a series of memories began to flood into his mind.

Interstellar Era... Star Empire... Galaxy Calendar 3030... North Star Fleet Military Academy...

Zhao Chen... Captain Department... Third Year... Student...

Zhao Chen looked painful and covered his head.

"Old Zhao, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" A concerned voice came from the side.

Zhao Chen looked over and saw that it was a boy.

His information immediately appeared in Zhao Chen's mind.

Li Wei... his good friend and classmate.

"I'm fine, maybe I stayed up late last night." Zhao Chen waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

He pretended to be calm and continued to attend class, but his mind began to sort out the current situation and circumstances.

He traveled through time!

Traveled to an interstellar era.

This is a starship military academy in the Xingyao Empire. He is a student here, studying the captain major, and has the hope of becoming the captain of an interstellar battleship in the future.

Zhao Chen touched his pocket, where there was a small medicine bottle.

If I remember correctly, the owner of this body chose to commit suicide by taking poison because of his frustration in love. Unexpectedly, he actually traveled through time and became the new owner of this body with the same name and surname.

[Ding... Super Star Fleet System Binding... Binding Completed... Host Zhao Chen...]

At this moment, a mechanical female voice suddenly emerged in my mind.

[Newcomer Gift Pack Opened...]

[Congratulations on getting 100 system points]

[Congratulations on getting the 'Top Starship Engineer' profession]

[Congratulations on getting a copy of the 'T3 Blizzard-class Light Interstellar Battle Cruiser' technical drawings]

[Congratulations on getting a random special attribute extraction opportunity]

After a brief moment of daze, Zhao Chen realized that this was his golden finger for the traveler!

Zhao Chen's mind moved, and then a virtual page appeared in front of Zhao Chen

[Host: Zhao Chen

Occupation: Top Starship Engineer

Special Attribute: Empty

Points: 100

Number of Starships: 0

Mission: Quarterly Mission (Not Received)

Warehouse: Technical Drawings of T3 Blizzard-Class Light Interstellar Battlecruiser]

Zhao Chen glanced at it and saw the two rewards he had just received.

Top Starship Engineer?

Zhao Chen raised his hand and used the holographic computer on the desktop to check some content about starship manufacturing. He found that when he saw this knowledge, he understood it in an instant, and could even draw inferences from it.

"So, I can build a starship myself?" Zhao Chen thought to himself in surprise.

Read on.



[Points: System points are provided daily by the number of starships owned by the host (starships must be built from system drawings), and points can also be obtained by completing system tasks; points can be exchanged for ‘goods’ in the system mall]

Zhao Chen took a look at the so-called system mall, which contained technical drawings of starships and a variety of other goods, but all of them belonged to the T1 technology level.

In this world, technological products are divided into T1, T2, T3 and so on, and the same is true for starships; the higher the level, the stronger the combat power and the more advanced the technology.

So the ‘T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battle cruiser’ that Zhao Chen obtained can be said to be a very precious starship technology!

You should know that a T3-level starship technical drawing is worth billions or even tens of billions of star coins in the Star Empire.

At present, there are no more than ten types of T3 starships in service in the Star Empire!

It is enough to see the preciousness of T3 starships.

If others knew that Zhao Chen had such a technical blueprint of a T3 starship, the whole empire would probably be in an uproar.

But Zhao Chen knew that a man was innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure, so this thing could not be leaked before he had enough strength.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chen did not have the ability to build a T3 starship now.

According to Zhao Chen's memory, it should be known that the cost of building a T3 starship is at least 10 million star coins of raw materials and related construction costs.

Zhao Chen still has a long way to go to own this starship.

As for the quarterly task displayed on the system interface.

It is a task that will be automatically formed every three months, and there will be rewards after completion.

And Zhao Chen's first quarterly task.

Zhao Chen will receive it first.

[Quarterly Task: Own a Starship (System Product)]

This is not easy.

In addition, there is another special thing.

That is the 'special attribute'.

Zhao Chen clicked to select the 'attribute' option, and then a box popped out.

[The host will randomly select an attribute and execution condition from the following]

[Option 1: The host's fleet can only recruit male soldiers, and can obtain fleet combat power bonus and encouraging voice]

[Option 2: The host's fleet can only recruit female soldiers, and can obtain fleet luck bonus and insight eye]

[Option 3: The host's fleet can only recruit non-humanoid soldiers, and can obtain fleet loyalty bonus and universal words]

Zhao Chen's face darkened. Is this system making trouble?

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