The more you fight, the more you will lose.

Interstellar missile ships are also called interstellar arsenal ships or interstellar firepower ships.

Interstellar missiles are the main means of attack, because there are a large number of ammunition depots storing interstellar missiles inside the ship.

It is also like a gunpowder barrel. Once hit by an enemy ship, it is extremely dangerous! Therefore, in fleet combat, it often requires extremely high protection like aircraft carriers and starships!

But at the same time, its short-term firepower output capability is unmatched by almost all types of ships!

Because the interstellar missile is an interstellar weapon with a long range and a very high hit rate, it comes with a guidance and locking function.

Unless it is intercepted and destroyed, or the target starship leaves the maximum firepower range, it will definitely hit!

The most important thing is that its launch interval is extremely short!

Because it does not need to be charged and cooled, theoretically it only takes the time to load an interstellar missile, and it usually takes less than ten seconds to automatically transfer an interstellar missile from the ammunition depot to the launch silo.

Therefore, an interstellar missile ship can launch all its interstellar missiles in the shortest time, causing a saturation fire attack on the enemy fleet in a short period of time!

"This starship is good, but..." Zhao Chen muttered to himself.

This starship has obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages.

It's not that it is easy to fall after being hit.

But! It's too expensive!

The few interstellar missile ships in the T1 series and T2 series starships have long been eliminated.

The number of interstellar missile ships in the T3 series is also very rare!

The reason is that it's too expensive!

Because often an interstellar missile ship fully loaded with interstellar missiles, after three to five saturation fire attacks, the construction cost of the interstellar missiles fired is equivalent to the cost of a standard starship of the same level!

And these three or five rounds of attacks, not counting the time consumed by re-replenishing interstellar missiles, only took less than ten minutes!

Ten minutes to finish the construction resources of a starship!

Even the Imperial Army can hardly afford such high ammunition expenses!

In comparison, ordinary starships may have a higher cost-effectiveness.

Therefore, interstellar missile ships have become very unpopular starships. According to Zhao Chen’s understanding, there is only one type of interstellar missile ship in service in the Xingyao Empire! And the number is very small!

"Let’s take a look at the detailed information first." Zhao Chen began to read the detailed data of this technical drawing in his mind.

[T2 Lion King Class Heavy Interstellar Missile Ship

Ship Type: Interstellar Missile Ship

Technology Level: T2

Hull Armor Strength: 130 Units-150 Units

Cruising Speed: 25 Knots

Warp Engine: Level 4 Warp Engine

Ship Length: 258 meters

Mass: 150,000 tons

Number of Posts: 50 People

Starship Weapons: 50 Units of Interstellar Missile Silos and 500 T2 Lion King Class Interstellar Missiles Fully Loaded]

The various attribute data of this T2 Lion King Class Heavy Interstellar Missile Ship are relatively conventional, but the loading capacity of 500 interstellar missiles, according to Zhao Chen, is more than twice the maximum loading capacity of several T2 interstellar missile ships that have been eliminated!

It can really be said to be a mobile firepower output platform!

The attack power of such a T2 Lion King Class interstellar missile is not inferior to the main gun damage of a T2 interstellar battlecruiser!

Imagine how gorgeous the scene would be if 500 T2 Lion King-class interstellar missiles attacked the enemy fleet in unison.

But when Zhao Chen calculated the cost, a series of numbers with ‘0’ seemed to appear in front of him.

The cost of a T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship is not expensive, only 1.5 million star coins, exactly the same as the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

This cost includes the first batch of 500 T2 Lion King-class interstellar missiles.

And the cost of these 500 T2 Lion King-class interstellar missiles is 1,000 star coins each!

In other words, if a T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship uses up all the interstellar missiles, it is equivalent to using up nearly 500,000 star coins of supplies!

Carrying out three rounds of firepower output is equivalent to destroying a T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship.

Zhao Chen covered his face. What kind of interstellar battleship is this? This is clearly a ‘gold-eating beast’.

He finally understood why the Xingyao Empire couldn't supply this starship in large quantities.

You know, Zhao Chen only calculated the cost!

If we calculate the price

If we calculate it, it will be a number several dozen times!

"But based on the performance, the cost performance of my T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship is several times better than any T2 interstellar missile ship in the records.

And I can't support a large fleet in a short time, but this kind of small and exquisite starship is suitable for me." Zhao Chen showed a thoughtful expression.

If Zhao Chen had even one T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship in the battle just now, it would be easy to deal with a T3 Black Iron-class medium interstellar destroyer!

As for the other T2 mechanical interstellar battleships, they are live targets!

Without counting the interception, an average of ten to twenty T2 Lion King-class interstellar missiles can make a T2 mechanical interstellar battleship lose its combat capability.


Zhao Chen made up his mind, even if it was a gold-eating beast, Zhao Chen would build it!

Because with more and more starship technologies brought out by Zhao Chen, the risk of exposure has been gradually increasing.

For example, in this battle, Zhao Chen showed off the T2 aircraft carrier starship with star shield technology. I believe that this news will definitely reach some interested people in a short time.

Before that, Zhao Chen must have enough self-protection power.

Interstellar missile ships will become a trump card in Zhao Chen's hand!

"Build a few ships first when I go back! And then match them with the T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigate! With shields and spears, it's perfect!" Zhao Chen was very excited. He couldn't wait to pull such a fleet out for actual combat.

Just when Zhao Chen was fantasizing about these good times.

Lilith reported to Zhao Chen that they had received a group of crew members from Shen Bing's T2 Hyena-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer.

"There are a total of thirteen female crew members. They had skin injuries in the previous battle, but they have been properly treated." Lilith reported.

"Ah? Shen Bing's crew members? Why don't I know about this?" Zhao Chen looked at Lilith in surprise.

Lilith looked at the commander in confusion: "I reported to you once just now... You just said 'OK... OK' at that time; I thought you agreed.

Shen Bing's T2 Hyena-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer was seriously damaged, and the starship engine also malfunctioned. It seems that it is difficult to sail back. We can only wait for the interstellar repair ship later, or rely on other starships to ship it back."

Zhao Chen was stunned. It seems that he was concentrating on thinking about the T2 Lion King-class heavy interstellar missile ship just now, and he didn't hear Lilith's words clearly.

"In this case, let's put them on our starship first... By the way, why are there only female crew members? There are no male crew members on Shen Bing's starship?" Zhao Chen asked subconsciously.

Lilith said lightly: "Those male crew members are arranged on Zheng Xiong's starship."

This Zheng Xiong is the smoking uncle.

As for why this arrangement? Lilith hates all men except Zhao Chen!

PS: 1/4

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