The two sides of the river are still in a state of panic.

Zhao Chen frowned and looked at Brigadier General Song: "What is going on?"

"This escort mission is indeed not as simple as it seems." Brigadier General Song confessed right away.

Zhao Chen stared at Brigadier General Song: "You arranged all this."

Brigadier General Song nodded, and he said: "We are carrying out a military operation to seize several galaxies occupied and controlled by the mechanical race.

For this purpose, we deliberately forged thirty interstellar transport fleets as bait to attract some mechanical race garrisons in these galaxies.

In order to make this bait look real, we specially issued an escort mission and asked the combat fleet to escort it.

If each of the thirty interstellar transport fleets sends an interstellar fleet to intercept the attack, it means that at least 900 interstellar battleships will be mobilized, which is equivalent to three standard corps-level interstellar fleets.

Deliberately lure these mechanical starships to take the initiative to attack, causing several galaxies behind them to be short of troops, and then our main fleet will launch an attack on them."

Speaking of this, Brigadier General Song looked at the time: "It should still be in the battle now."

"Are you sure that the mechanical race will definitely take the bait?" Zhao Chen asked with a frown.

"Because we released a message.

Our imperial army will transport a batch of special weapons to the military fortress on the front line to prepare for the next large-scale combat operation.

After learning this news, the mechanical race will definitely try to intercept our interstellar transport fleet!" Brigadier General Song took a sip of tea.

Zhao Chen suddenly realized: "So, our escort mission this time is actually a bait mission!"

"Yes. Although this is very unfair to you who are carrying out the mission, from the perspective of war.

Sacrifice almost 1,000 of your non-Imperial Army civilian combat starships and 10,000 T1 interstellar transport ships that are about to be eliminated.

In exchange for the control of several important strategic galaxies of the enemy.

And there is also a chance to destroy several legion-level interstellar fleets of the Mechanical Clan.

In addition, those Mechanical Clan interstellar fleets that attacked our "bait" also had special Imperial Army fleets to intercept them, and they all came back without return."

Brigadier General Song looked at Zhao Chen: "Emotionally, I am deeply sorry for the sacrifice of your fleet and other escort fleets.

But as an Imperial officer, this is a decision I must make.

I'm sorry."

Hearing Brigadier General Song's explanation, Zhao Chen basically understood it thoroughly.

They are just pawns played by the Imperial Army.

Sacrificing some unnecessary small pawns in exchange for advantages in local battlefields is a normal arrangement for leaders.

"Of course, for your surviving escort fleet, we will give you three times the remuneration as compensation, and we can also repair your damaged starships. If any starships are damaged or destroyed in the battle, we can also arrange corresponding starships for you as compensation." Brigadier General Song directly offered a sugar-coated bullet at this time.

Zhao Chen shook his head slightly: "My friend's fleet lost three starships and sacrificed hundreds of brothers..."

Zhao Chen leaned forward, put his hands on the table, and stared at Brigadier General Song: "It has to be more money!"

Brigadier General Song smiled and nodded: "Then you make an offer."

"Ten times the remuneration and three times the bonus for destroying the mechanical starship, the damaged starship will be repaired, and the fallen starship will be compensated with the same starship. Those who died in this battle will be given the sacrifice treatment of the Imperial Army martyrs.

In addition, I and another person named Shen Bing are from the North Star Starship Military Academy. Part of the reason for this escort mission is to earn assessment credits. I hope Brigadier General Song can arrange it." Zhao Chen offered his own conditions.

"Ten times the reward and three times the kill bonus are a bit high, but you and the young lady are friends, so I can agree to this condition. There is no problem with the compensation for damaged starships and fallen starships.

But the level of the Imperial Army martyrs who died..." Brigadier General Song said, catching the fluctuation in Zhao Chen's eyes.

He smiled and said: "I took a look, and the casualties are not many.

I think there will be some casualties in this battle of the Imperial Army's attack on the mechanical race's controlled galaxy. I will find a way to arrange these people.

As for the assessment credits of the North Star Starship Military Academy, there are none at all."

Zhao Chen picked up the teacup and drank it all. He looked at Brigadier General Song: "You

Maybe he is an excellent commander, but I prefer soldiers like Miss Chu Xuan. "

After saying that, Zhao Chen turned around and prepared to leave the box.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhao Chen. I just said that there are two things." Brigadier General Song called Zhao Chen with a smile.

Zhao Chen stopped.

"Don't worry about your T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship. I have used my means to block all intelligence information.

Although it cannot be said to be airtight, there will be no problem in a short time.

I think Marshal Chu He will be very interested in you." Brigadier General Song said.

"Finished?" Zhao Chen asked without looking back.


Zhao Chen pushed the door and went out.

Brigadier General Song stayed alone in the room. He opened the communication page with a handheld terminal. The information he sent out before has now been replied.

Just two words.

"Received. "

Zhao Chen walked out of the small box and followed the path he had just taken to the box where Shen Bing and the others were.

Although the first thing that Brigadier General Song said just now made him very unhappy, he was also properly dealt with.

The second thing, Zhao Chen had expected, the other party had caught his "handle", but it seemed that he did not intend to directly harm him.

Although this made Zhao Chen a little passive, the current situation was already the best.

Even Zhao Chen had already thought of several worst-case plans in his mind.

The T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship and T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigate anchored in the star port have been in the second-level combat readiness state!

"This is the result of insufficient strength, Marshal Chu He? Chu family?" Zhao Chen looked up, hoping that this family would not touch his bottom line.

Pushing open the door of the box.

What came into view was Uncle Zheng Xiong wolfing down a table of delicious dishes.

"Little brother... hurry... hurry up and sit down to eat, this... this is too rich... all natural food! "Uncle Zheng Xiong shouted.

Shen Bing, who was sitting opposite, was very calm, because these foods were not as good as the restaurant dishes on Zhao Chen's starship.

"It's pretty good." Zhao Chen sat down.

Zheng Xiong swallowed the food in his mouth, glanced at the closed door, and then asked: "How is the negotiation going? What kind of conditions are there?"

Zhao Chen told Uncle Zheng Xiong and Shen Bing about the conditions he had just discussed with Brigadier General Song.

Suddenly, Uncle Zheng Xiong stood up and hurriedly wiped the grease on his hands on his clothes.

Then he bowed deeply to Zhao Chen with a solemn expression.

"Brother, on behalf of the brothers who sacrificed in my fleet, thank you!"

PS: 2/5

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