The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Day 2

The third starship duel area under the jurisdiction of the North Star Starship Academy has been arranged in advance.

This is a star area located outside the North Star Starship Academy, consisting of dozens of abandoned uninhabited and desolate asteroids.

It is specially used for starship simulation battles or starship duels of the North Star Starship Academy.

At this moment, the duel was also broadcasted in the academy's intranet, which is a common practice for starship duels.

Class 8 classroom

Someone specially tuned in the broadcast channel, and the holographic projection was in the center of the classroom.

"When will the duel between Zhao Chen and Zhang Haoran begin?"

"I read the announcement. The date is 10 o'clock. It's already 10 o'clock. According to the duel rules, both starships must arrive at the battle area within half an hour of the stipulated time."

"Look, that's Zhang Haoran's starship! It's actually a T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser!"

"That's the most outstanding T2-class interstellar cruiser in our Xingyao Empire. Its speed is second only to the T2 interstellar frigate of the same level!"

"I heard that this T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser is now priced at at least 7 million star coins, and it's currently out of stock! You may not be able to buy it even if you want to!"

"It's over. Zhao Chen is finished this time."

The students in Class 8 are all pessimistic about Zhao Chen. His starship is there. How can he fight?

Can you, Zhao Chen, come up with a starship that's better than this one?

Class monitor Shen Bing stared at the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, but she did not have the envious expression of other students, because she had studied this starship and it was a "flashy" product.

Its only advantage is speed. Other configurations can only be regarded as a "magic modified version" of the interstellar destroyer.

Because it is a light starship, the hull armor is not too high, and the firepower equipment does not reach the level of the standard T2 interstellar cruiser.

But if it is a duel between a single starship, as long as the captain of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser is sufficiently detailed, he can completely use the kite-flying combat method and rely on high speed to defeat most starships.

But in the real interstellar battlefield, facing that kind of fleet-level battle, it basically has little effect.

"Class monitor, you say. Does Zhao Chen still have a chance of winning?" Shen Bing's best friend came to her side and asked curiously.

Shen Bing's class monitor was not obtained because of her class beauty; but because she is the best student in Class 8.

If it weren't for her ordinary background, she could have entered the top classes.

Despite this, in the previous three years of theoretical exams, Shen Bing was in the top ten of her grade.

Known as a civilian academic master.

"Very low." Shen Bing said lightly.

"Then he was so arrogant yesterday, isn't this slapping himself in the face? If I were him, I would have run back to my territory by now and become a useless baron." The bestie mocked without hesitation.

There were also many cold words in the class at this moment.

Because Class 8 is a civilian class, most of the students here are from civilian backgrounds or from interstellar trade families.

Only Zhao Chen was an exception.

Zhao Chen's identity was ridiculed and despised among those nobles.

Among these civilian students, he was an annoying existence. Naturally, everyone rejected this baron student.

Shen Bing didn't say anything. She recalled Zhao Chen's expression yesterday. He was really confident at that time.

Is it just his "arrogance"?

"Why hasn't Zhao Chen's starship appeared yet? There are less than fifteen minutes left before the half-hour deadline. Could this grandson really run away?"

"Fuck him, I don't care whether he loses or not, but this is a disgrace to our class eight."

"Forget it, forget it. Anyway, he lost, and we don't have to see this guy's ugly face next semester."

The students of class eight laughed and sneered.


A loud noise came, it was Li Wei.

He slammed his fist on the wall and glanced coldly at everyone in the classroom.

Everyone who looked at Li Wei avoided his eyes.

Li Wei's identity is the ceiling in class eight, after all, he has a rich businessman father.

"No matter what, Zhao Chen is still a student of our class eight. It's okay for you not to cheer for your classmates, but you are still sneering here!

Where is the comradeship you learned in the military literacy class!" Li Wei scolded.


The students inside did not answer Li Wei directly, but some of them whispered to each other, and most of what they said was not good.

"Ahem... cough..."

At this time, a voice came from Li Wei, it was the teacher of this class.

"Okay, it's time for class. You all go back to your seats." The teacher glanced at Li Wei, walked into the classroom and stood on the podium, preparing for the class that would start later.

Li Wei clenched his fists and sat in his seat silently.

He was very concerned about Zhao Chen, but he couldn't contact Zhao Chen since this morning.

"Look! That strange starship, it can't be Zhao Chen's starship." Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the holographic broadcast window. In the universe where there was only the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, another starship slowly came.

The ship's hull was painted in the most common iron color, and compared to Zhang Haoran's T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, this starship's appearance was tattered, and some parts were even clearly "patched".

"What kind of starship is this? Why don't I recognize it?"

"It looks like an interstellar battleship... but the weapon... is not the caliber of an interstellar battleship."

"This tattered starship, I guess Zhang Haoran's T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser will be torn to pieces after a shot."

Seeing this strange starship, the students in Class 8 regarded it as garbage.

"Shen Bing, you are a good student. Do you recognize what kind of starship this is?" The best friend asked Shen Bing again.

Shen Bing looked at it carefully, and she frowned: "This starship... has the structural characteristics of three starships.

T2 Hyena-class medium star destroyer, T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium star battleship and T2 Gray Wolf-class light star cruiser...

Is this an assembled starship?"

"Assembled starship? Zhao Chen wants to defeat a T2 Bald Eagle with an assembled starship? He is not dreaming." The bestie said sarcastically.

Shen Bing stared at this old assembled starship and said nothing.

"It's time for class. Turn off irrelevant things. The most important thing for you now is to study, not to do unimportant things. Be a decent person and be down-to-earth." The teacher announced the start of class at this time.

But there always seemed to be something hidden in his words.

Li Wei clenched his fists, feeling indignant.

The holographic video screen in the classroom was also turned off.

Li Wei really wanted to know the next battle between Zhao Chen and Zhang Haoran, but his grades were different from Zhao Chen's. He would not be held back for missing a month, but he had to attend every class.

The only thing Zhao Chen had said to him before was not to worry, to attend class at ease, and to wait for good news from him.

But who could attend class at ease in this situation?

Not only him, but many people in Class 8 were curious. They were not curious about the result, but how Zhao Chen would lose.

It was probably going to be a very ugly loss.

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