The sky was dark, and the weather was very good.

Blue Star Region·Water Lotus Galaxy·On a certain planet

At this moment, the whole sky seemed to be dyed blood red. There were interstellar warships that exploded and fell to the ground due to the Zerg attack, and there were also interstellar fighters that were still resisting desperately.

The combat mechas and ground forces in the city were also fighting with the interstellar Zerg ground units that landed on the planet!

In a mountain, a T3 starship was falling between the ridges, and many parts of the ship were severely damaged, and even on fire.

There were also several T2 starship wreckages not far away.

"Warning! Warning! There is a fire in cabin K931, and the automatic fire extinguishing program has been activated."

"Warning! Warning! There is an oxidizer leak in cabin T711, please ask the starship engineer to repair it immediately."

"Warning! Warning! The concentration of dangerous gas in cabin N771 is too high, and there is a possibility of explosion. Please evacuate the surrounding cabins immediately! Evacuate immediately!"

The bridge of this starship has become a mess, with various alarms sounding one after another.

"At 13 o'clock outside the ship, we found ground units of the interstellar Zerg!"

"Put the mecha troops and ground combat troops on full alert!"

"Report, we still can't contact the outside world. We can only get in touch with the defense department of this planet."

"The latest news from the defense department of the planet is that the patrol fleet of the planet has a combat loss rate of more than 50%. Without support, it will be wiped out within 20 hours.

And the ground military facilities of the planet will also fall completely within the next 60 hours!"

A woman with a gauze bandaged forehead is now at the captain's command post. She has a solemn expression and her eyes are full of tension and worry, but she still tries to be calm and calm when issuing various orders.

"Contact several starships that have made emergency landings around to see if there are any survivors.

Carry out emergency repairs inside the starship, and immediately seal off the high-risk cabins that cannot be repaired! The most important thing is to check the starship weapons and how many individual weapons are left, and arm the combat-capable personnel!

And centrally place the wounded!" The woman kept giving orders, and the teachers and students who could move around were also constantly executing these orders. Under such circumstances, the tension in the starship was relieved a lot.

"Report to Teacher Qin, we have currently searched and confirmed that there are 237 survivors, including 17 seriously injured and 57 slightly injured but unable to move.

Found the bodies of the victims... 61 people..." Su Lan ran to Teacher Qin and reported the current situation.

Teacher Qin clenched her fists, her expression guilty and painful.

She is a female teacher at the North Star Starship Military Academy, and is also the leader of the North Star Starship Military Academy who is responsible for this interstellar mission of the two academies.

But who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary interstellar mission of the two academies would actually suffer such a situation.

If she had not evacuated most of her students to the T3 Jazz-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer as the first prize before, she and her students would have been in great danger.

Teacher Qin looked at the students from the two academies who were squatting in the corners and were still in shock. There were only a few students who had strong psychological qualities at this time, and most of them were like frightened birds.

"In the short term, we are not in danger.

But in order to hold on until the arrival of reinforcements, we must restore everyone's confidence as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we hope to survive!

Teacher Cheng, please cooperate with us as well, students of the Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy!" Teacher Qin looked at Teacher Cheng, who had a dazed expression next to him.

This Teacher Cheng was the leader of the Tianyao Noble Starship Military Academy. Perhaps because he was frightened during the forced landing just now, his expression was still a little dazed.

"Okay... okay." Teacher Cheng nodded stupidly and walked towards his students, but his shaking legs had already shown his nervousness and fear.

"Su Lan, you've worked hard. You should also take a rest. We should be safe in the short term..." Teacher Qin looked at Su Lan, but there was still helplessness in her eyes.

How long this "short term" is depends on how long the defense forces of this planet can hold out.

When those interstellar Zergs really land on this planet, it will be the end of the world for them.

"Teacher Qin, you should also take a rest. You are injured. You need to

Take care of yourself. "Su Lan said to Teacher Qin with concern.

Then Su Lan walked out of the bridge and into a cabin where the wounded were placed. She could hear the painful cries of teachers and students.

The students who were once so delicate were now in such a mess that they looked like babies crying in their parents' arms.

Some of them were indeed crying for their parents.

There were several busy figures among them, helping several teachers to take care of the wounded.

"Hold her feet!" Zhao Wan'er said to Xue Xiaoxiao beside her.

Xue Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva and still pressed on the girl's bloody leg.

Zhao Wan'er sprayed a medicine that could quickly coagulate the wound on the wound, which could stop bleeding in a short time and numb the pain caused by the wound.

But in order to completely heal, more complete medical equipment is needed.

After Zhao Wan'er finished the operation, she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Wan'er, the wounded are almost treated. You should also pay attention to rest. "Su Lan came over and said with concern.

Zhao Wan'er shook her head and forced a smile: "I learned a little first aid in college, and now I can help as much as I can."

"Senior Su Lan, do you think... can we still leave alive... those interstellar Zerg are too scary... in groups..." Xue Xiaoxiao recalled the scene when their fleets of the two colleges were attacked by interstellar Zerg in the universe before.

There was even a time when some interstellar Zerg flew into the starship, and some of the teachers and students who were injured here were harmed by those interstellar Zerg!

When she recalled it now, her scalp was numb.

Xue Xiaoxiao muttered softly again: "I haven't touched the giant cannon of the T4 interstellar battleship yet... I don't want to die yet..."

Su Lan hugged her two good girlfriends and comforted them: "Don't worry, the college has received the news of our request for help and will definitely send a fleet to rescue us! ”

“Hehehe…dream on…our group has been completely abandoned…” A self-deprecating voice came from the side.

Su Lan frowned and looked over. It was Zhou Min who had a starship duel with Zhao Waner before.

Zhou Min only had a minor injury on his left arm, wrapped in a layer of gauze.

But in order to avoid the demands of work outside, he hid in this place where the wounded were placed.

“Zhou Min, now everyone must hold on to hope! Only in this way can we all leave here alive!” Zhao Waner stood up and stared at Zhou Min.

Zhou Min laughed crazily: “Hope? Hope? There is no hope here, didn’t you hear it?

The star gate of the Water Lotus Galaxy has been destroyed by the interstellar Zerg. Although we have escaped to this planet, this planet will soon fall.

The star gate cannot be used! The fastest reinforcement fleet can only cross the marginal space of the galaxy to enter the Water Lotus Galaxy!

How long will it take? Three days? Five days? Or a week!

What's more, there are interstellar Zerg everywhere now. No matter whether it is the Imperial Army or the leadership of the two houses, it is impossible for them to risk paying more to save us.

Don't expect any hope... We have been completely abandoned. "

Said, Zhou Min burst into tears with despair on her face.

Hearing Zhou Min's words, Zhao Wan'er showed a look of disgust on her face, and she said firmly: "I... I believe someone will come to save us!"

When Zhao Wan'er said this, for some reason she thought of that figure.

Will he come to save himself?

PS: 1/5

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