The T3 self-destructing beetle and the T3 Corrupted Dragon are both Zerg units cultivated and incubated by the T3 Hive Mothership.

The T3 self-destructing beetle is only the size of an adult human, and its combat effectiveness is not strong, even inferior to the T1 flying insect.

But it has an amazing characteristic.

That is self-destruction!

The power of its self-destruction is enough to blast a big hole in the hull armor of a T2 interstellar battleship, and it is also a great threat to the hull armor of a T3-level interstellar battleship.

At the same time, its self-destruction consumes a lot of energy for the star shield!

It is conceivable what kind of scene it would be if hundreds of self-destructing beetles pounced on an interstellar battleship and successfully exploded at close range.

Fortunately, the number of T3 self-destructing beetles is very small. A T3 hive mothership can only cultivate and maintain a number of self-destructing beetles ranging from one hundred to three hundred at a time.

Most of these self-destructing beetles are in a dormant stage in the hive.

It can even be described as the time when they are awakened, that is, when they are about to perform their mission of death.

The actual survival time of a T3 self-destructing beetle is often no more than half an hour.

I don’t know if it is because of the fear that they will lose control and blow up the mothership by themselves.

The T3 Corrupted Mutalis is a variant evolution of the T2 Hydralisk. Its individual is ten times that of the T2 Hydralisk, with two pairs of wings, and its body size is even equivalent to that of a T1 starship.

It can fly in an interstellar environment and has the ability to quickly assault at a short distance. Its mouthparts can spray high-concentration biological sulfuric acid with a medium range and extremely fast firing rate!

Once the starship armor is penetrated by the T3 Corrupted Mutalisk, it will release an astonishing number of eggs into the cabin inside the ship, and these eggs will hatch a large number of T1 Zerg.

These T1 Zerg will invade all parts of the entire starship in a very short time, and the liquid they spray has strong corrosive and electromagnetic interference characteristics.

At this moment, these terrifying swarms of insects are like the mouth of the abyss that has opened, sweeping from the top, bottom, left and right of the front of the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser, trying to swallow this tiny prey.

"Report, the enemy's air units will be the first to enter the attack range of our ship!" The crew reported.

"The bow gun and main gun continue to stand by.

The secondary guns will carry out precise strikes on the enemy's T3 Zerg units, and the close-in defense guns will fire at full power to intercept the enemy's swarms!

The interstellar drone enters the defensive automatic combat mode." Deputy Captain Charlotte ordered.

Zhao Chen stared at the holographic image, and the picture was like a game.

The model representing the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser has started firing at this moment.

The large number of T1 flying insects that rushed to the front were smashed into pieces.

The 72 medium-sized close-in defense guns of T3 Blizzard were firing all the time, and the bullets fired formed large areas of barrage.

Because of the dense nature of the Zerg swarm, even one bullet could often kill several T1 flying insects.

A medium-sized pulse laser secondary gun turned its direction, aimed at a Zerg swarm, and fired immediately!

A beam of laser shot out, and after piercing dozens of T1 flying insects, it accurately hit the T3 self-destructing beetle hiding in it.

Because the T3 self-destructing beetle itself is weak, it often needs other Zerg units to cooperate in combat and will use other Zerg units to hide its body.

Another laser shot out, this time hitting a T3 Corrupted Dragon, piercing a large hole in its body.

Interstellar drones are also constantly attacking these Zerg swarms.

In just a few dozen seconds, T3 Blizzard killed at least thousands of Zerg units, and this number is still rising.

Despite this, these swarms of insects still swept in without fear of death, getting closer and closer to the T3 Blizzard.

Some T2 Hydralisks even sprayed venom to attack the starship.

But fortunately, they were all blocked by the star shield in front of the T3 Blizzard.

"Report, one enemy T3 Hive Mothership and four T2 Hive Motherships have entered the range of our bow gun and main gun." The crew reported.

Deputy Captain Charlotte gave the order without hesitation: "Fire!"

The Blizzard-class heavy beam laser bow gun that had been charged for a long time fired a huge blue energy beam. Wherever this blue energy beam passed, no matter whether it was a T3 Corrupted Dragon or a T3 Self-Destruct Beetle, not to mention the T2 Hydralisks and T1 Flying Insects, they were all turned into ashes!

Unlike the previous pulse laser

Similarly, the beam laser is a continuous attack.

So from the outside world, we can see that the bow gun of the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser has been outputting energy, and the blue energy beam keeps rushing forward, tearing a hole in the dark swarm of insects, and finally revealing the prey it is looking for.

A T3 Zerg mothership!

Zhao Chen watched the beam laser in the picture directly hit the T3 Zerg mothership's head armor.


Although he didn't actually hear the sound, Zhao Chen seemed to hear this violent collision sound in his mind.

The beam laser did not directly destroy the T3 Zerg mothership when it hit, but continued to impact the heavy armor of the T3 Zerg mothership.

Somewhat similar to interstellar battleships, the interstellar Zerg started from the T3 level unit, and it was the real "militarized" interstellar Zerg.

The T3 Hive Mothership does not have a star shield like the T3 Starship, but it has developed a very terrifying biological armor, and the average strength of each area is dozens of times higher than the armor of the T3 Starship!

At the same time, the individual T3 Hive Mothership is dozens of times that of the T2 Hive Mothership.

In front of it, the T3-level starship is as small as a grape in front of a watermelon.

If Zhao Chen now uses the T3 Blizzard-class light starship cruiser to hit a T3 Hive Mothership, it is not certain who will be the one to be torn apart.

In the hangar cabin of the T3 Blizzard, the originally narrow portholes are now crowded with several professors and tutors, and the people behind can't see anything at all.

"Fuck, they are attacking the T3 hive mothership!"

"Although we can't see the weapon structure on the starship, it looks like the attack is a beam laser."

"This T3 starship belongs to the starship cruiser. The beam laser it is equipped with cannot directly kill a T3 hive mothership. The heavy armor of the T3 hive mothership is a terrifying existence that even the main gun of the T3-level starship can block!"

The professors and tutors were talking.

The teachers and students behind them could only hear their words and could not see the scene outside the porthole at all.

Teacher Qin suddenly asked the professors and tutors in front to move aside, and then operated a few times on her handheld terminal to shoot the picture outside the porthole and project it into the hangar.

In this way, everyone can see the battlefield scene.

In the hangar, all the teachers and students stared at the blue beam, holding their breath...

"What a powerful cannon..." Xue Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, looking stunned.

PS: 2/5

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