After enjoying the food, Zhao Waner took Su Lan and others out of the hangar.

Originally, Teacher Qin refused.

But I heard that they were going to take a shower.

Teacher Qin sniffed the smell on her body, and after a period of dry retching, she chose to leave the hangar with Zhao Waner.

Watching Zhao Waner leave the hangar with some people.

The teachers and students of the two colleges present were no longer surprised.

This is the commander's sister, isn't it like being at home here?

"What a beautiful and spacious starship." Teacher Qin looked at the starship corridor and her eyes lit up.

She had also seen the interior design of other T3 starships, which often compromised comfort in order to improve combat performance.

It was incomparable to the starship in front of her.

"The worst of the crew rooms in the dormitory area are four-person rooms? And they have their own bathrooms!" Teacher Qin was brought into the dormitory area by Zhao Wan'er and saw the layout inside the dormitory area.

He was even more amazed at the "luxury" design of this starship.

You know, if these spaces are used to equip weapons and ammunition, I wonder how much they can hold!

"This is the starship's bathhouse. I put your clothes here, and you can take a shower over there, take a bath over here, and there are automatic massage chairs and sunbathing over there." A crew member who led the way introduced Zhao Wan'er and others.

"This is more complete than the T2 Queen Bee!" Zhao Wan'er said in surprise.

Behind her, everyone, including Chu Xuan, was dumbfounded.

Su Lan pinched Xue Xiaoxiao's face.

"Oh... Sister Su Lan, why are you pinching me!" Xue Xiaoxiao covered her face and said aggrievedly.

Su Lan explained: "I just want to see if I am dazzled. Is this really an interstellar battleship? Not a luxury interstellar cruise ship?"

Xue Xiaoxiao stomped her feet in grievance: "Then pinch your face."

"It hurts."

Xue Xiaoxiao...

"I didn't expect the treatment on Zhao Chen's starship to be so good. I want to serve on his starship." Chu Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After that, the beauties began to enjoy their favorite moments.

They didn't take a shower for three days, and the smell of insect juice on their bodies, they could not care when their lives were in danger before.

But now that they realized this, they felt goose bumps all over their bodies and felt uncomfortable all over!

It took more than an hour to completely cover up the smell on their bodies.

Zhao Wan'er suggested that they could go to the temporary dormitory room to rest.

But being rejected by Teacher Qin and Su Lan, Xue Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed, but Chu Xuan didn't care.

So, everyone returned to the hangar.

When the teachers and students of the two colleges saw Zhao Wan'er and others coming back in a clean and fresh outfit, they were so envious. They knew what they were doing by looking at their fresh and new appearance.

Especially the women of the two colleges, they were so jealous!

They also wanted to take a shower!

The moment she walked into the hangar, Zhao Wan'er frowned.

She didn't feel it before, but now she smelled an indescribable smell in the hangar. She knew why her brother said she was smelly before.

Because... this smell is really stinky.

But seeing that Teacher Qin and Su Lan still had to stay in the hangar, she could only endure the smell and wait here.

At this moment, the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser welcomed the Imperial Fleet.

After the T3 Blizzard arrived at the safe area, Zhao Chen sent the news that he had rescued the teachers and students of the two colleges.

The Imperial Fleet urgently dispatched a fleet to meet them.

It must be said that they were asked to go to the interstellar Zerg-controlled area to rescue people, but they were very procrastinating and gave all kinds of excuses.

It would be very efficient to pick them up now.

After discussing with the other commander, Zhao Chen decided to go to a starport in the safe area of ​​the Shuilian Galaxy first, transfer the teachers and students of the two colleges on the ship, and then go to the starport of the neighboring Lantian Galaxy with another starship and T3 Blizzard.

Zhao Chen did not refuse this arrangement. He wished that these guys on his starship would get out as soon as possible.

And if they were taken through the interstellar marginal space, it would mean providing them with hibernation capsules.

There are a number of hibernation capsules.

In addition to individual hibernation capsules, there are also collective hibernation capsules to meet the situation when there are too many people.

But when Zhao Chen thought of letting these people go to the collective hibernation capsule... he was very disgusted. The smell on their bodies... his collective hibernation capsules...

The cabin was scrapped.

On the contrary, they could either wash up and change into new clothes like Zhao Waner and others.

That would be too troublesome, so this arrangement was the most appropriate.

On the way to the Shuilian Star Port, the news that the teachers and students of the two colleges were rescued spread quickly.

A commander of the North Star College rescued the teachers and students of the two colleges.

Just a blue and white T3 interstellar battlecruiser of unknown model?

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the student commander named Zhao Chen and the T3 interstellar battlecruiser.

Even more attention than the rescued teachers and students of the two colleges!

Azure Star Region Governor's Mansion

"Zhao Chen? T3 interstellar battle cruiser?" The Azure Star Region Governor heard this information and asked seriously: "Are you sure this person only had this starship when he went in before?"

"Indeed, there was only this starship, and we also have information from the North Star Academy. When he set out, this person did bring this starship!" The subordinate reported

The Azure Star Region Governor looked blankly: "With only a T3 starship, he rescued people from such a dangerous area..."

"Could it be just good luck?" The subordinate asked tentatively.

"Luck?" The Governor of the Azure Star Region snorted coldly: "Only a fool would think this is luck. I am sure that many forces in the Star Empire are now eyeing this kid named Zhao Chen.

And look at this information... A T2 Black Rhino-class interstellar heavy assault frigate that can single-handedly challenge a T2 Purple Rose-class medium-sized interstellar battlecruiser!

Assemble three old starships into an assembled starship with a speed of 100 knots!

This kid is definitely unusual!

It is even very likely that he or an organization or research laboratory behind him has developed this T3 interstellar battlecruiser!

Check it for me!

After the teachers and students of the two academies get off the ship, send someone to check it carefully for me. I want to know every detail of Zhao Chen's rescue of them!

Then, after he arrives at the Lantian Galaxy, find a way to control him! Got it!"

"Yes!" The subordinate nodded and went to execute the order.

Such things also happened to the leadership of many other forces.

Zhao Chen's appeal even surpassed the Zerg disaster that occurred in the Shuilian Galaxy this time!

On the way to the Shuilian Galaxy Starport, Zhao Chen used the warp engine failure as an excuse and could only use the conventional engine to sail.

After sailing for five days, they finally arrived at the Shuilian Galaxy Starport.

The hangar hatch opened, and the teachers and students of the two colleges looked at the reception staff waiting for them in the starport outside, as if they saw their relatives.

The reception staff saw that many teachers and students of the two colleges ran out crying, thinking that they were in the mood after surviving a disaster.

Little did they know that they were worried about their wallets!

During these five days, many of them couldn't help but order a few meals, how could they not feel sorry for it!


Zhao Chen looked at the teachers and students of the two colleges leaving his starship in the picture, and he had no expression on his face.

He knew that these teachers and students of the two colleges would be secretly contacted and negotiated by many people in the future, and the entire rescue process of T3 Blizzard would be heard by those big shots.

Including the glorious battle in which a T3 blizzard destroyed a T3 hive carrier, severely damaged a T3 hive carrier, and broke out of the swarm!

A storm with Zhao Chen as the core is being born.

"The chess pieces have been arranged, and the next step is to see the outcome." Zhao Chen thought to himself.

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