The new ship is a good choice.

Although this T3 Yanlong-class medium-sized star destroyer is not as eye-catching as the T3 Blizzard-class light star battle cruiser and T3 Phantom Thorn-class light star stealth bomber of the same level, it looks very "mediocre".

Indeed, moderation is the characteristic of this star destroyer. It is very comprehensive, whether in terms of speed, combat effectiveness, or hull armor.

At least in front of the star destroyers of the Galactic Alliance, if it dares to say it is second, no one dares to say it is first.

The most important point is that it only costs five million star coins!

This is definitely about 30% cheaper than those T3 star destroyers on the market!

With this star battleship, Zhao Chen is absolutely confident that he can convince Governor Chu!

Of course, when editing the starship technology, Zhao Chen placed a very secret backdoor in the starship system software.

As long as a fixed signal is received, any starship built with Zhao Chen's technology will be paralyzed on the spot, or even explode!

When cooperating with anyone, you must be careful.

There are no eternal enemies, nor eternal friends.

As a top starship engineer, Zhao Chen is fully confident that the secrecy of this backdoor is such that no one in the entire Galactic Alliance can find it out within fifty years!

As for fifty years later, Zhao Chen doesn't care about things that have been going on for so long.

"Old man Chu, if you are really willing to cooperate with me, then we will each take what we need. If I really get a T4 interstellar destroyer with a very high cost performance, I can help you win this thousand-year war against the mechanical race.

But... if you treat me as a soft persimmon... then no one will have a good time." Zhao Chen's expression was grim.


Chuhe Star Region, Governor's Mansion

Governor Chu walked out of his office slowly and came to the garden-like courtyard outside. Behind him followed a short old man who was a few years younger than him.

"Master, do you really believe that the boy has the ability to develop a T4 interstellar battleship?" asked the short old man.

In addition to Zhao Chen and Governor Chu, the short old man actually knew about the whole conversation just now.

Because this short old man is the person Chu Changhe trusts most besides his granddaughter, and both of them are old comrades who can entrust their lives.

"Old Ding, you know. I have only two wishes in my life. One is to watch Xuan'er grow up happily, get married and have children.

The other is to crush the mechanical race and end this war that our Chu family has fought for nearly a thousand years for my son, daughter-in-law and those Chu family members who died on the battlefield.

I want to smash their mechanical royal city and use my flagship to smash those damn steel lumps!

That kid is right. With only two T4 interstellar battleships in our hands, we have more than enough defense but not enough counterattack.

Because those two T4 interstellar battleships cannot be mass-produced!

Over the years, I have set up several starship research laboratories in the Chuhe Star Region and invested an unknown amount of research funds. .

What is it for?

Isn't it just to develop a T4 interstellar battleship that can be mass-produced, so that we can lead our fleet to counterattack the mechanical race! "

Governor Chu raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "Old Ding, I don't have much time to live.

I am willing to bet with this kid. If I win, it will be worth it even if I close my eyes!"

"Then we can tie him up and threaten him in various ways. If the hard way doesn't work, we can use the soft way, the beauty trap!

It is said that heroes are hard to resist the beauty!

I will find women from all interstellar civilizations for him, two feet, four feet, eight legs, and even two heads! I don't believe that I can't deal with him!" said old man Ding viciously.

"I had this thought earlier, but we can't do it now.

Because of the boy's performance in the rescue mission of teachers and students of the two colleges using the T3 Blizzard class light interstellar battlecruiser, the entire Xingyao Empire has set its sights on him.

If we kidnap him directly, even if our Chu family is rich and powerful, can we still go against the entire empire?

At the same time, he also threatened in his words just now that if we dare to put him under house arrest, he will dare to turn against us.

Dare to say this to me, this boy's temper is quite to my taste."

Governor Chu raised his hand and called up all the information about this incident, as well as the holographic image of the T3 Blizzard.

"Old Ding, you have also seen these materials about him. What do you think of this boy?"

Old Ding was silent for a moment and pointed to a paragraph in the information: "In this

During the rescue operation, he saved the teachers and students of the two colleges by himself, and they were all top students of the two colleges.

According to normal thinking, isn't this a good time to establish personal connections with these people?

After all, this is a life-saving grace!

But what about this kid? He actually sold meals on the starship, and divided the price into three times, ten times, thirty times, or even a hundred times.

Didn't he offend a lot of people invisibly, just for those tens of thousands of star coins?

This is a bit too stupid.

However, combined with his previous performance in North Star College, he is indeed such a direct and crazy personality.

It is quite in line with the weird personality of the starship engineers.

Based on these factors, he is not a big threat to us. At the same time, this series of events also led to his enemies with many forces including Tianyao College.

This kid has narrowed his own path. "

Governor Chu laughed and said, "I think this series might be a play performed by this kid!"

Old Ding was stunned, and then he carefully pondered what Governor Chu said. He frowned and shook his head repeatedly: "Impossible! Impossible! How could this kid have such a scheming and scheming?"

"Forget it, forget it. Chu Xuan has a good relationship with the kid. Since he has such ability, let's wait and see his so-called "ability" and then make a decision.

I hope this kid won't let me down. "Governor Chu and Old Ding started chatting in the yard and talking about things.

A few hours later, an encrypted data was sent to his mailbox.

Governor Chu and Old Ding looked at each other. Governor Chu did not avoid Old Ding and opened the technical drawing directly in front of him.

"It's actually a complete technical drawing, no secrets. "Governor Chu glanced at it and was a little surprised.

Then, after the two of them studied it carefully, their expressions began to become serious.

Governor Chu said seriously: "Old Ding, you immediately contact all the starship engineers and starship scientists from Chuhe's First Starship Research Institute, Second Starship Research Institute and Fourth Starship Research Institute to come here!

I want them to give me a research report on this starship technology in the shortest possible time!"

"Yes!" Old Ding knew the importance of this matter, and he couldn't help but mutter the name of the starship.

T3 Flame Dragon...

Does that kid really have the ability to develop a T4 interstellar battleship?

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