The third planet of FY Galaxy

In the planet's near-Earth orbit, you can see many starship wreckages, and even the bodies of some dwarf soldiers in the starship wreckages.

Not far from these starship wreckages is a hovering interstellar battleship, which has two to three hundred ships.

In the center is the largest T3-class interstellar battleship. The T2 and T1 interstellar battleships next to it are like children in front of it, not one thousandth of its domineering.

There is a red lizard emblem on the paint of these starships.

These are all interstellar battleships of the Salamanders.

In the bridge of the Salamander T3 flagship

An interstellar creature with red scales on its skin, standing on two feet, a tail behind it, and a lizard head on its head is sitting on the captain's chair.

Most of the crew members on the entire bridge look like this.

This is the Salamander tribe.

The Salamander commander looked at the pictures in front of him, which were all pictures of the ground battlefield on the planet in front of him.

It can be seen that several T1 interstellar battleships have entered the planet and deployed a considerable number of combat mechas and ground combat troops.

Relying on the air superiority of the T1 interstellar battleships, they launched continuous attacks on the dwarves who were still resisting on the ground.

"These weak dwarves dare to resist our powerful lizard warriors!" The Salamander commander looked down on the dwarf warriors holding various weapons in the picture.

"Commander, look at the painful expressions of these dwarves when they died.

Let the entire FY galaxy see, this is the fate of those who disobey our Salamanders!" The Salamander adjutant next to him said excitedly.

The Salamander commander snorted coldly: "If I didn't want to destroy the mineral veins on this planet, there are also the industrial facilities of those dwarves.

Plus, they are natural craftsmen and miners.

I would have arranged my fleet to carry out orbital bombardment on this planet and turn these dwarves into ashes!"

"When we control this planet, the dwarves on this planet will become our slaves and use their lives to mine the wealth of this planet for us!" The Salamander adjutant said.

The Salamander commander squinted his eyes: "As long as we mine the mineral veins on this planet, we can rely on these resources to strengthen our Salamanders.

The chief said that by then we can seize several surrounding galaxies and truly become one of the overlords of this reef star field!"

These Salamanders have begun to fantasize about a better future.

They looked at the dwarves who were struggling to survive on the planet, as if they were looking at a group of ants.

On the planet, the command center of the dwarves

"Report, the third shelter has been captured, and 30,000 of our people are controlled by the Salamanders!"

"Report, the ninth ground combat team was wiped out."

"Report, the coordinates of the combat mecha team were exposed, and they were bombed by the high-altitude Salamander T2 interstellar battleship, and the whole army was annihilated!"

One bad news after another spread throughout the underground command post.

A middle-aged dwarf sat in his chair, with gauze wrapped around his shoulders after being wounded.

"Chief... do we still want to resist?" The dwarf next to him asked somewhat decadently.

"If we don't resist, are we going to become slaves under the hands of those damn lizards?" The dwarf chief said indignantly.

"But... how can we resist? Our interstellar fleet has been annihilated, leaving only these ridiculous ground combat forces.

It's only a matter of time before we are annihilated by those interstellar battleships overhead." The dwarf said weakly beside him.

"We have asked for help from other dwarf tribes in the Reef Star Region. As long as we hold on until the support arrives, we still have a glimmer of hope!" said a dwarf.

"Support? Hehe, the combat effectiveness of other dwarf tribes is not much better than ours. Did you see the T3 interstellar battleship of the Salamander Fleet? Which dwarf tribe has a T3 interstellar battleship?" The dwarf who lost the desire to fight said disdainfully.

Hearing this, although many dwarves were not convinced in their hearts, this is the reality and their current situation.

The dwarf chief picked up the laser gun next to him and said with gritted teeth: "That's right, this is indeed our current situation.

If you want to surrender, I won't stop you.

But I

As the chief, I can't surrender to these invaders, and I can't take my people to accept their slaves.

I would rather die in battle than live on my knees!"

"That's right! We dwarves are also brave warriors!"

"We are willing to live and die with the chief!"

"Kill those damn stinky lizards!"

Some young dwarves shouted.

But some dwarves remained silent.

"Spread my words to each shelter base.

If someone wants to surrender, I won't stop them.

But I, Ba Jin, as the chief of the dwarves! I will fight the fire lizards to the end with my glory, even if it is a battle that is doomed to fail! "Ba Jin said firmly.

After the final battle mobilization.

Ba Jin came to a small room in the shelter.

Here are his wife and five children, two boys and three girls.

The oldest has just reached adulthood this year, and the youngest is only ten years old.

They are all crowded on the only bed in the room, sleeping soundly with a frightened expression.

"Ba Jin..." The wife looked at her husband with a complicated expression.

"The ground forces in our shelter have basically lost their combat effectiveness, and the next battle may be the last one.

I will lead the last combat force to fight, and it is estimated that we can only hold on for one to three days before we lose.

I have hidden a shuttle at this location. If... If I die at that time, you will take our children and find a way to leave here, the farther the better!" Ba Jin handed a bronze key to his wife.

The wife held the bronze key, looked at her husband, and said in a pleading tone: "You come with us! "

"I'm sorry, I'm the chief of our tribe, I have to fight to the last moment." Chief Ba Jin stroked his wife's cheek and looked at the five children sleeping: "Unfortunately, in the end, I didn't find Annie.

Although I don't know where she went, it may be better than staying here.

I just hope she can live well outside."

The wife hugged her husband. She wanted to cry, but she was worried about disturbing the children. She could only grit her teeth and sob to prevent herself from crying out loud.

"Take good care of our children. If there is a chance... go find Annie..." Chief Ba Jin said, and resolutely walked out of the room.

Only five sleeping children and a wife with tears on her face were left.

PS: 3/5

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